50 research outputs found

    Plasmonic angular momentum on metal-dielectric nano-wedges in a sectorial indefinite metamaterial

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    We present an analytical study to the structure-modulated plasmonic angular momentum trapped on periodic metal-dielectric nano-wedges in the core region of a sectorial indefinite metamaterial. Employing a transfer-matrix calculation and a conformal-mapping technique, our theory is capable of dealing with realistic configurations of arbitrary sector numbers and rounded wedge tips. We demonstrate that in the deep-subwavelength regime strong electric field carrying high azimuthal variation can exist within only ten-nanometer length scale close to the structural center, and is naturally bounded by a characteristic radius of the order of hundred-nanometer away from the center. These extreme confining properties suggest that the structure under investigation may be superior to the conventional metal-dielectric waveguides or cavities in terms of nanoscale photonic manipulation.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Optical Torque from Enhanced Scattering by Multipolar Plasmonic Resonance

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    We present a theoretical study of the optical angular momentum transfer from a circularly polarized plane wave to thin metal nanoparticles of different rotational symmetries. While absorption has been regarded as the predominant mechanism of torque generation on the nanoscale, we demonstrate numerically how the contribution from scattering can be enhanced by using multipolar plasmon resonance. The multipolar modes in non-circular particles can convert the angular momentum carried by the scattered field, thereby producing scattering-dominant optical torque, while a circularly symmetric particle cannot. Our results show that the optical torque induced by resonant scattering can contribute to 80% of the total optical torque in gold particles. This scattering-dominant torque generation is extremely mode-specific, and deserves to be distinguished from the absorption-dominant mechanism. Our findings might have applications in optical manipulation on the nanoscale as well as new designs in plasmonics and metamaterials.Comment: main article 20 pages, 4 figures; supplementary material 6 pages, 2 figure

    Vortex Nucleation Induced Phonon Radiation from a Moving Electron Bubble in Superfluid 4He

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    We construct an efficient zero-temperature semi-local density functional to dynamically simulate an electron bubble passing through superfluid 4He under various pressures and electric fields up to nanosecond timescale. Our simulated drift velocity can be quantitatively compared to experiments particularly when pressure approaches zero. We find that the high-speed bubble experiences remarkable expansion and deformation before vortex nucleation occurs. Accompanied by vortex-ring shedding, drastic surface vibration is generated leading to intense phonon radiation into the liquid. The amount of energy dissipated by these phonons is found to be greater than the amount carried away solely by the vortex rings. These results may enrich our understanding about the vortex nucleation induced energy dissipation in this fascinating system.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Excited electron-bubble states in superfluid helium-4: a time-dependent density functional approach

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    We present a systematic study on the excited electron-bubble states in superfluid helium-4 using a time-dependent density functional approach. For the evolution of the 1P bubble state, two different functionals accompanied with two different time-development schemes are used, namely an accurate finite-range functional for helium with an adiabatic approximation for electron versus an efficient zero-range functional for helium with a real-time evolution for electron. We make a detailed comparison between the quantitative results obtained from the two methods, which allows us to employ with confidence the optimal method for suitable problems. Based on this knowledge, we use the finite-range functional to calculate the time-resolved absorption spectrum of the 1P bubble, which in principle can be experimentally determined, and we use the zero-range functional to real-time evolve the 2P bubble for several hundreds of picoseconds, which is theoretically interesting due to the break down of adiabaticity for this state. Our results discard the physical realization of relaxed, metastable 2P electron-bubblesComment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Topological magnetoplasmon

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    Classical wave fields are real-valued, ensuring the wave states at opposite frequencies and momenta to be inherently identical. Such a particle-hole symmetry can open up new possibilities for topological phenomena in classical systems. Here we show that the historically studied two-dimensional (2D) magnetoplasmon, which bears gapped bulk states and gapless one-way edge states near zero frequency, is topologically analogous to the 2D topological p+\Ii p superconductor with chiral Majorana edge states and zero modes. We further predict a new type of one-way edge magnetoplasmon at the interface of opposite magnetic domains, and demonstrate the existence of zero-frequency modes bounded at the peripheries of a hollow disk. These findings can be readily verified in experiment, and can greatly enrich the topological phases in bosonic and classical systems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 supporting materia