18 research outputs found

    The effect of assessments on student motivation for learning and its outcomes in health professions education: A review

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    Purpose: In health professions education (HPE) the effect of assessments on student motivation for learning and its consequences have been largely neglected. This is problematic because assessments can hamper motivation and psychological well-being. The research questions guiding this review were: How do assessments affect student motivation for learning in HPE? What outcomes does this lead to in which contexts? Method: In October 2020, the authors searched PubMed, Embase, APA PsycInfo, ERIC, CINAHL, and Web of Science Core Collection for “assessments” AND “motivation” AND “health professions education/students.” Empirical papers or literature reviews investigating the effect of assessments on student motivation for learning in HPE using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods from January 1, 2010–October 29, 2020, were included. The authors chose the realist synthesis method for data analysis to study the intended and unintended consequences of this complex topic. Assessments were identified as stimulating autonomous or controlled motivation using sensitizing concepts from self-determination theory and data on context-mechanism-outcome were extracted. Results: Twenty-four of 15,291 articles were ultimately included. Assessments stimulating controlled motivation seemed to have negative outcomes. An example of an assessment that stimulates controlled motivation is one that focuses on factual knowledge (context), which encourages studying only for the assessment (mechanism) and results in surface learning (outcome). Assessments stimulating autonomous motivation seemed to have positive outcomes. An example of an assessment that stimulates autonomous motivation is one that is fun (context), which through active learning (mechanism) leads to higher effort and better connection with the material (outcome). Conclusions: These findings indicate that students strategically learned what was expected to appear in assessments at the expense of what was needed in practice. Therefore, health professions educators should rethink their assessment philosophy and practices and introduce assessments that are relevant to professional practice and stimulate genuine interest in the content

    Team up with the hidden curriculum in medical teaching

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    Symposia in undergraduate medical education: tailoring training in competencies to students' needs

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    Introduction: In mastering competencies, it is a challenge to create training sessions which acknowledge individual students’ needs and are logistically feasible in the medical master’s program. Methods: Symposia were implemented in the medical master’s program to provide knowledge and training of skills in a number of topics, providing a positive contribution to students’ competencies and personal development. Each symposium contained a morning and afternoon program, structured around medical and societal themes addressing various competencies and covering current national and international events. Alternating interactive teaching methods were used. Students were asked to rate each daypart program on a 5-point Likert scale in terms of both teaching methods and content, and to comment on the best aspects of the symposium as well as areas for improvement. Scores higher than 3.5 were interpreted as a predominantly favourable outcome. Results: In 2016, 10 symposia were organized with an average of 108 attendees and a response rate of 63% (1,366 completed questionnaires). Mean overall scores on ‘teaching methods’ and ‘usefulness for professional development’ were 3.8 and 3.7, respectively. The overall results corresponded with a high level of student appreciation. Conclusion: Symposia offer a podium for training students in subject matter and competencies that is greatly appreciated. Using alternating interactive teaching methods, symposia are structured around medical and societal themes and adjusted to the latest developments and current events in healthcare. By allowing students to select the symposia they would like to participate in, a tailor-made medical master’s program in competencies is created

    Optimizing Health Professions Education through a Better Understanding of “School-Supported Clinical Learning”: A Conceptual Model

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    Interventions connecting school and clinical practice can align requirements and enhance learning outcomes. Current models and theories of clinical learning leave gaps in our knowledge about how learning processes and outcomes can be optimized by schools. In this paper, we discuss findings about threats and opportunities in the use of school standards, tools, and support in clinical learning, including underlying mechanisms, in the context of nursing education. Opportunities include competency frameworks that can challenge students to push their limits despite a task-oriented ward culture. Assignments and tools can deepen students’ understanding of patient care, help them compare different experiences and stimulate self-regulated learning. Threats include rigid performance criteria that guide students’ selection of learning opportunities, extensive written formats, and individualization of self-regulated learning. These threats can lead to added workload and disengagement. Based on the critically constructed argument that the role of schools in clinical learning should be acknowledged in the literature, we present a conceptual model to do so. The use of this model provides design principles for learning environments at the interface of school and practice within health professions education. Eventually, learning outcomes can be achieved efficiently without unnecessary interference with students’ engagement in patient care and student-supervisor interactions

    What difficulties do faculty members face when conducting workplace-based assessments in undergraduate clerkships?

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    Abstract Objectives: Workplace-based assessments are based on the principle of providing feedback to medical students on clinical performance in authentic settings. In practice, however, the assessment often overshadows the feedback. The aim of this study was to determine what problems faculty perceived when performing workplace-based assessments and what solutions they suggested to overcome these difficulties. Methods: Discussion meetings were conducted with education coordinators and faculty (n=55) from 11 peripheral hospitals concerning the difficulties encountered when conducting workplace-based assessments. We analysed the reports from these discussion meetings using an integrated approach guided by our research questions to code the data. Two researchers analysed the data independently and resolved differences of opinion through consensus. Results: The problems perceived by faculty in workplacebased assessments (difficulties) and suggestions for improvement formed the overarching themes. Problems included the short duration of clerkships, students choosing the assessment moments, the use of grades for the miniClinical Evaluation Exercise, the difficulty in combining teacher and assessor roles and the difficulty in giving fail judgements. Suggestions for improvement included longer clerkship duration, faculty choosing the assessment moments, using a pass/fail system for the mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise and forward feeding of performance from earlier clerkships following a fail judgement. Conclusions: Our study indicates that faculty perceive difficulties when conducting workplace-based assessments. These assessments need periodical review to understand the difficulties faculty experience using them; they also require periodical feedback to ensure their proper and effective use

    Exploring the timing of medical student research internships: before or after clerkships?

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    Abstract Background The objective of this study was to determine the optimal positioning of the research internship, either before clinical clerkships, at the beginning of the medical Master’s programme, or at the end. Methods A mixed methods study was carried out. We compared characteristics such as duration, location and grades for internships performed and students’ motives for choosing to perform their research internship before or after clinical clerkships. We analysed students’ answers to open-ended questions about the reasons for their choices, using the Self-Determination Theory of motivation. Results Students performing their research internship before clinical clerkships (n = 338) opted more often for an extended internship (OR = 3.16, 95% CI = 2.32–4.31) and an international location (OR = 2.22, 95% CI = 1.46–3.36) compared to those performing their research internships after clinical clerkships (n = 459). Neither the internship grades nor the number of international publications differed significantly between the two groups. Most of the students’ motives (102 participants) were classified as extrinsic motivation for research. Students performing research before clinical clerkships more often showed intrinsic motivation for research, students performing research after clinical clerkships were mainly motivated by their career choice. Conclusion To accommodate both groups of students, offering research internships before and after clinical clerkships, is recommended

    How does interprofessional education influence students’ perceptions of collaboration in the clinical setting? A qualitative study

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    Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) aims to improve students’ collaborative competencies and behaviour. The effect of classroom IPE on students’ perceptions of collaboration in clinical practice, and how knowledge is possibly transferred, has yet to be investigated. The research question of this study was: How does IPE in a classroom setting influence students’ perceptions of collaboration in clinical practice? Social capital theory is used as the theoretical lens. Social capital theory describes how social relationships generate benefits for the individuals involved. Social capital can be divided into three forms of social cohesion: bonding, bridging and linking social capital. Bonding refers to connections that are close and strong, such as family. Bridging social capital occurs in more distant relationships. Linking social capital refers to relationships between individuals with different power or social status. Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured face-to-face interviews was conducted to explore students’ perceptions and experiences. Nursing and medical students who had participated in four classroom IPE-sessions were asked about the perceived influence of the IPE-sessions they had attended on their interprofessional collaboration. Thematic analysis was conducted, with sensitising concepts of ‘bonding’, ‘bridging’ and ‘linking social capital’ from the social capital theory. Results: Twenty-two interviews were conducted. Students experienced: 1) exchange of discipline specific knowledge, 2) general knowledge about each other’s responsibilities, 3) reduction of hierarchy, and 4) improvement in patient care. The first two themes reflect bridging social capital, since students experience that the other student is from a different group. The third theme reflects linking social capital, since students experience a difference in (social) status. The fourth theme most explicitly reflects ‘getting ahead’ or doing better, what is referred to as an effect of increased social capital. Conclusion: This study reveals new insights regarding how increased social capital of undergraduate students after IPE-sessions in a classroom setting influences the way they conceptualise and experience interprofessional collaboration in clinical practice. These insights contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness of IPE in undergraduate curricula. Further research on long-term effects is underway

    Learning in and across communities of practice: health professions education students’ learning from boundary crossing

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    Learning to adapt to new contexts is crucial in health professions education (HPE). Boundaries between and within contexts challenge continuity in students’ learning processes. Little is known about how HPE students can make these “boundary experiences” productive for learning. We investigated how and what nursing students learn from boundary experiences while they are simultaneously growing into a community of practice (CoP). Using a boundary-crossing lens, experiences of discontinuity were identified in pre-placement and post-placement interviews and diary fragments with 14 nursing students during their placement in an academic hospital. We found that students experience discontinuity as a result of different approaches to nursing care and to learning, both between (academic and clinical) settings and within a setting. When students feel safe enough, they can convert boundary experiences into meaningful learning situations, such as critical discussions with staff. Successfully overcoming boundary experiences improves students’ understanding of healthcare and professional development and helps them to develop a personal approach to learning. Students critically address boundary experiences when they are motivated to learn and when they perceive a violation of ethical standards but not when they are concerned that it will affect their assessment. Objects designed to bridge theory and practice can generate additional barriers. This study adds to the HPE literature by demonstrating the learning potential of boundaries and to the broader literature by showing how responses to boundary experiences are intertwined with the process of growing into a CoP. The findings can be used to design future boundary objects