4 research outputs found

    Edge Structure of Montmorillonite from Atomistic Simulations

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    Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to investigate the effects of substitutions in the octahedral sheet (Mg for Al) and layer charge on an atomistic model of the montmorillonite edge. The edge models considered substitutions in both the solvent accessible and inaccessible octahedral positions of the edge bond chain for a representative edge surface. The MD simulations based on CLAYFF, a fully-flexible forcefield widely used in the MD simulations of bulk clay minerals, predicted Mg–O bond distances at the edge and in bulk that agreed with those of the density functional theory (DFT) geometry optimizations and available experimental data. The DFT results for the edge surfaces indicated that substitutions in the solvent inaccessible positions of the edge bond chain are energetically favorable and an increase in layer charge and local substitution density coincided with the occurrence of five-coordinate, square pyramidal Mg and Al edge structures. Both computational methods predicted these square pyramidal structures, which are stabilized by water bridging H-bonds between the unsaturated bridging oxygen [(Al or Mg)–O–Si] and other surface O atoms. The MD simulations predict that the presence of Mg substitutions in the edge bond chain results in increased disorder of the edge Al polyhedra relative to the unsubstituted edge. In addition to the square pyramidal Al, these disordered structures include trigonal bipyramidal and tetrahedral Al at the edge and inverted Si tetrahedra. These simulation results represent the first test of the fully-flexible CLAYFF forcefield for classical MD simulations of the Na-monmorillonite edge and demonstrate the potential of combined classical MD simulations and DFT geometry-optimizations to elucidate the edge structure of 2:1 phyllosilicate minerals

    Estimating the Pre-Historical Volcanic Eruption in the Hantangang River Volcanic Field: Experimental and Simulation Study

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    The volcanic landforms associated with fluvial topography in the Hantangang River Volcanic Field (HRVF) have geoheritage value. The Hantangang basalt geological landform stretches along 110 km of the paleoriver channel of the Hantangang River. Since the eruption that formed this basalt occurred from 0.15 to 0.51 Ma, estimating the eruption in the HRVF that originated from two source vents in North Korea (Orisan Mountain and the 680 m peak) is challenging due to the limited recorded data for this eruption. In this study, we estimated this prehistorical eruption using 3D printing of a terrain model and Q-LavHA simulation. The results from the experiment were further analyzed using findings from an artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) to classify the experimental lava area. The SVM classification results showed higher accuracy and efficiency in the computational process than the ANN algorithm. Results from the single eruptive vent scenario showed that the experiment had a higher accuracy than the Q-LavHA simulation. Further analysis of multiple vent scenarios in the Q-LavHA simulation has improved the accuracy compared with the single eruptive vent scenarios