46 research outputs found

    Relationships Between Supermicrometer Sea Salt Aerosol and Marine Boundary Layer Conditions: Insights From Repeated Identical Flight Patterns

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2019jd032346.The MONterey Aerosol Research Campaign (MONARC) in May–June 2019 featured 14 repeated identical flights off the California coast over the open ocean at the same time each flight day. The objective of this study is to use MONARC data along with machine learning analysis to evaluate relationships between both supermicrometer sea salt aerosol number (N>1) and volume (V>1) concentrations and wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature (SST), ambient temperature (Tamb), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), relative humidity (RH), marine boundary layer (MBL) depth, and drizzle rate. Selected findings from this study include the following: (i) Near surface (1 and V>1 concentration ranges were 0.1–4.6 cm?3 and 0.3–28.2 ?m3 cm ?3, respectively; (ii) four meteorological regimes were identified during MONARC with each resulting in different N>1 and V>1 concentrations and also varying horizontal and vertical profiles; (iii) the relative predictive strength of the MBL properties varies depending on predicting N>1 or V>1, with MBL depth being more highly ranked for predicting N>1 and with TKE being higher for predicting V>1; (iv) MBL depths >400 m (1 and V>1 concentrations; (v) enhanced drizzle rates coincide with reduced N>1 and V>1 concentrations; (vi) N>1 and V>1 concentrations exhibit an overall negative relationship with SST and RH and an overall positive relationship with Tamb; and (vii) wind speed and direction were relatively weak predictors of N>1 and V>1.This work was funded by Office of Naval Research grant N00014-16-1-2567 and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) grant 80NSSC19K0442, the latter of which is in support of the ACTIVATE Earth Venture Suborbital-3 (EVS-3) investigation, which is funded by NASA’s Earth Science Division and managed through the Earth System Science Pathfinder Program Office.This work was funded by Office of Naval Research grant N00014-16-1-2567 and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) grant 80NSSC19K0442, the latter of which is in support of the ACTIVATE Earth Venture Suborbital-3 (EVS-3) investigation, which is funded by NASA’s Earth Science Division and managed through the Earth System Science Pathfinder Program Office

    Cloud Adiabaticity and Its Relationship to Marine Stratocumulus Characteristics Over the Northeast Pacific Ocean

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    Cloud adiabaticity (α) is defined as the ratio of the actual liquid water path (LWP_(measured)) in a cloud to its corresponding adiabatic value (LWP_(ad)). Processes such as drizzle and entrainment can lead to subadiabatic LWP_(measured). This study examines α and its relationship to microphysical properties for 86 cloud events over the Northeast Pacific Ocean based on data collected during four separate summertime airborne campaigns. For the study region, α was found to be 0.766 ± 0.134. For most cases, clouds with a low value of α were found to have lower droplet number concentration (N_d), higher droplet effective radius (r_e), higher relative dispersion (d), and higher rain rate (R). The subcloud aerosol concentration (N_a) was often less for the low‐α cases. The relationship between α and the vertical profiles and cloud‐top characteristics for both the cloud droplet‐only spectrum and full spectrum (cloud and rain droplets) is also examined. Inclusion of rain droplets produced a larger change in d for the low‐α clouds as compared to the high‐α clouds. On average, R increased at cloud top for high‐α clouds but decreased at cloud top for low‐α clouds. Accounting for α when estimating N_d from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer retrievals results in better agreement with in situ N_d values. Results of this work motivate the need for additional focus on the factors governing α, such as cloud type, and implications of its value, especially for remote‐sensing retrievals

    On the relationship between cloud water composition and cloud droplet number concentration

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    Aerosol–cloud interactions are the largest source of uncertainty in quantifying anthropogenic radiative forcing. The large uncertainty is, in part, due to the difficulty of predicting cloud microphysical parameters, such as the cloud droplet number concentration (N_d). Even though rigorous first-principle approaches exist to calculate Nd, the cloud and aerosol research community also relies on empirical approaches such as relating N_d to aerosol mass concentration. Here we analyze relationships between Nd and cloud water chemical composition, in addition to the effect of environmental factors on the degree of the relationships. Warm, marine, stratocumulus clouds off the California coast were sampled throughout four summer campaigns between 2011 and 2016. A total of 385 cloud water samples were collected and analyzed for 80 chemical species. Single- and multispecies log–log linear regressions were performed to predict N_d using chemical composition. Single-species regressions reveal that the species that best predicts N_d is total sulfate (RÂČ_(adj) = 0.40). Multispecies regressions reveal that adding more species does not necessarily produce a better model, as six or more species yield regressions that are statistically insignificant. A commonality among the multispecies regressions that produce the highest correlation with N_d was that most included sulfate (either total or non-sea-salt), an ocean emissions tracer (such as sodium), and an organic tracer (such as oxalate). Binning the data according to turbulence, smoke influence, and in-cloud height allowed for examination of the effect of these environmental factors on the composition–Nd correlation. Accounting for turbulence, quantified as the standard deviation of vertical wind speed, showed that the correlation between N_d with both total sulfate and sodium increased at higher turbulence conditions, consistent with turbulence promoting the mixing between ocean surface and cloud base. Considering the influence of smoke significantly improved the correlation with N_d for two biomass burning tracer species in the study region, specifically oxalate and iron. When binning by in-cloud height, non-sea-salt sulfate and sodium correlated best with Nd at cloud top, whereas iron and oxalate correlated best with N_d at cloud base

    Relationships Between Giant Sea Salt Particles and Clouds Inferred from Aircraft Physicochemical Data

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    This study uses airborne data from multiple field campaigns off the California coast to determine the extent to which a size distribution parameter and a cloud water chemical measurement can capture the effect of giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN), specifically sea salt, on marine stratocumulus cloud properties. The two GCCN proxy variables, near-surface particle number concentration for diameters > 5 ”m and cloud water chloride concentration, are significantly correlated (95% confidence) with each other, and both exhibit expected relationships with other parameters (e.g., surface wind) that typically coincide with sea salt emissions. Factors influencing the relationship between these two GCCN proxy measurements include precipitation rate (R) and the standard deviation of the sub-cloud vertical velocity owing likely to scavenging effects and improved mixing/transport of sea salt to cloud base, respectively. When comparing twelve pairs of high and low chloride cloud cases (at fixed liquid water path and cloud drop number concentration), the average drop spectra for high chloride cases exhibit enhanced drop number at diameters exceeding 20 ”m, especially above 30 ”m. In addition, high chloride cases coincide with enhanced mean columnar R and negative values of precipitation susceptibility. The difference in drop effective radius between high and low chloride conditions decreases with height in cloud, suggesting that some GCCN-produced rain drops precipitate before reaching cloud tops. The sign of cloud responses (i.e., R) to perturbations in giant sea salt particle concentration, as evaluated from MERRA-2 reanalysis data, is consistent with the aircraft data

    Effects of Biomass Burning on Stratocumulus Droplet Characteristics, Drizzle Rate, and Composition

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    This study reports on airborne measurements of stratocumulus cloud properties under varying degrees of influence from biomass burning (BB) plumes off the California coast. Data are reported from five total airborne campaigns based in Marina, California, with two of them including influence from wildfires in different areas along the coast of the western United States. The results indicate that subcloud cloud condensation nuclei number concentration and mass concentrations of important aerosol species (organics, sulfate, nitrate) were better correlated with cloud droplet number concentration (N_d) as compared to respective above‐cloud aerosol data. Given that the majority of BB particles resided above cloud tops, this is an important consideration for future work in the region as the data indicate that the subcloud BB particles likely were entrained from the free troposphere. Lower cloud condensation nuclei activation fractions were observed for BB‐impacted clouds as compared to non‐BB clouds due, at least partly, to less hygroscopic aerosols. Relationships between N_d and either droplet effective radius or drizzle rate are preserved regardless of BB influence, indicative of how parameterizations can exhibit consistent skill for varying degrees of BB influence as long as N_d is known. Lastly, the composition of both droplet residual particles and cloud water changed significantly when clouds were impacted by BB plumes, with differences observed for different fire sources stemming largely from effects of plume aging time and dust influence

    Aerosol characteristics in the entrainment interface layer in relation to the marine boundary layer and free troposphere

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    This study uses airborne data from two field campaigns off the California coast to characterize aerosol size distribution characteristics in the entrainment interface layer (EIL), a thin and turbulent layer above marine stratocumulus cloud tops, which separates the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer (STBL) from the free troposphere (FT). The vertical bounds of the EIL are defined in this work based on considerations of buoyancy and turbulence using thermodynamic and dynamic data. Aerosol number concentrations are examined from three different probes with varying particle diameter (Dp) ranges: > 3 nm, > 10 nm, and 0.11–3.4 ”m. Relative to the EIL and FT layers, the sub-cloud (SUB) layer exhibited lower aerosol number concentrations and higher surface area concentrations. High particle number concentrations between 3 and 10 nm in the EIL are indicative of enhanced nucleation, assisted by high actinic fluxes, cool and moist air, and much lower surface area concentrations than the STBL. Slopes of number concentration versus altitude in the EIL were correlated with the particle number concentration difference between the SUB and lower FT layers. The EIL aerosol size distribution was influenced by varying degrees from STBL aerosol versus subsiding FT aerosol depending on the case examined. These results emphasize the important role of the EIL in influencing nucleation and aerosol–cloud–climate interactions

    Contrasting cloud composition between coupled and decoupled marine boundary layer clouds

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    Marine stratocumulus clouds often become decoupled from the vertical layer immediately above the ocean surface. This study contrasts cloud chemical composition between coupled and decoupled marine stratocumulus clouds for dissolved nonwater substances. Cloud water and droplet residual particle composition were measured in clouds off the California coast during three airborne experiments in July–August of separate years (Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment 2011, Nucleation in California Experiment 2013, and Biological and Oceanic Atmospheric Study 2015). Decoupled clouds exhibited significantly lower air-equivalent mass concentrations in both cloud water and droplet residual particles, consistent with reduced cloud droplet number concentration and subcloud aerosol (D_p > 100 nm) number concentration, owing to detachment from surface sources. Nonrefractory submicrometer aerosol measurements show that coupled clouds exhibit higher sulfate mass fractions in droplet residual particles, owing to more abundant precursor emissions from the ocean and ships. Consequently, decoupled clouds exhibited higher mass fractions of organics, nitrate, and ammonium in droplet residual particles, owing to effects of long-range transport from more distant sources. Sodium and chloride dominated in terms of air-equivalent concentration in cloud water for coupled clouds, and their mass fractions and concentrations exceeded those in decoupled clouds. Conversely, with the exception of sea-salt constituents (e.g., Cl, Na, Mg, and K), cloud water mass fractions of all species examined were higher in decoupled clouds relative to coupled clouds. Satellite and Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System-based reanalysis data are compared with each other, and the airborne data to conclude that limitations in resolving boundary layer processes in a global model prevent it from accurately quantifying observed differences between coupled and decoupled cloud composition