5 research outputs found

    Dukungan Layanan Penyuluhan Untuk Meningkatan Produksi Benih Lele Dengan Hormon Oodev dan Ovaprim di Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Cisaat, Sukabumi Jawabarat

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    Sukabumi is one of the freshwater aquaculture production centers in West Java. Among the villages that have potential for fish culture and still need to be developed in are Sukasari Village, located in Cisaat District, Sukabumi, West Java. In this village Catfish (Clarias sp.) is one of freshwater fishes that has important economic value and very good marketing. Therefore its production needs to be improved. The main problem faced is that seed production is still low due to the low frequency of spawning and inadequate environmental stimulation in ovulating eggs. To overcome this, efforts were made to eliminate the constraints of the season in gonadal maturation (eggs) and ovulation through the of extension services support in the dissemination of innovative use of hormones. The material introduced were Oodev to improve quality and promote the development of gonads and Ovaprim to increase ovulation stimulation of fish eggs. Extension activities were conducted in Sukasari Village, Cisaat Subdistrict, Sukabumi, West Java, in the form of lectures and demonstrations on how to use Oodev and Ovaprim in fish breeding. Other material presented was related to increasing consumption of fish and fish processing. Active participants consisted of 13 members of the Kelompok Tani Sejahtera. To find out the response of the participants to the extension activities, questionnaires were distributed. The results showed that injection of ovaprim hormone with a dose of 0.2–0.3 mL / kg of fish weight followed by egg ovulation and fish spawning. While the participants' responses to extension showed agreement on the statement of the importance of extension on hormone use, satisfaction in attending counseling, feeling the benefits of using hormones, affordable hormone prices

    Analisis Struktur dan Strategi Nafkah Rumah Tangga Nelayan di Desa Sangrawayang, Sukabumi

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    This research was conducted in Sangrawayang Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. This study aims to analyze the livelihood structure and strategies of fishermen household in Sangrawayang Village, Simpenan District, Sukabumi Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews, literature studies and the results of writing field notes during field breaks. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach as a research procedure that produces descriptive data. The results showed that the fisherman households in Sangrawayang Village were classified into three classifications of structures or sources of income that were modified into the sectors of on fishing economy, off-fishing economy and non-fishing economy. The livelihood strategies of fishermen households in Sangrawayang Village are classified as double, namely the livelihood of fishermen and also as a processor for catching salted fish and farm laborers. Keywords: Livelihood strategies, Livelihoods structure


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    ABSTRACT Kepulauan Seribu known as Thousand Islands is one of the sea cucumbers producing centers in Indonesia. Sea cucumber has been considered as one of the fishery export commodities with high selling prices.  In the last two decades, the catch has been indicating a serious declining.  The high intensity of catching and habitat degradation are two main factors that threaten the sustainability of sea cucumber fisheries.  In order to recovery the stock, a restocking program in frame of ecosystem approach to fishery has been piloted in Thousand Islands, Jakarta. This research covers the bio-technical aspects of sea cucumber fisheries in an integrated manner with the ecosystem approach. There were several steps in conducting the restocking study, namely the study of habitat status and feasibility, preparation of maintenance sites for biota, seed spreading, monitoring and evaluation. A well coordination and collaboration with  local institutions (Kepulauan Seribu National Park) was needed to build previously. The results of the study indicated that efforts to restore sea cucumber fisheries should be integrated with conservation of seagrass ecosystems which as sea cucumbers habitat and a proper maintenance system.  Eight species of sea cucumbers, consist of 4 species of Holothuridae (Bohadschia bivittata, Actinopyga lecanora, Holothuria leucospilota, H. scabra), and 4 species Stichopodidae (Stichopus herrmanni, S. ocellatus, S. horren, S. monotuberculatus) have been identified and restocking in this area. The released biota can live and grow well and breed at the research site. The construction of seagrass-based sea cucumber ecosystem restocking system has become one of the new tourist attractions integrated with the Thousand Islands National Park tourist facilities, which are very attractive to visitors. Keywords: ecosystem approach fishery managemen (EAFM), restocking, sea cucumbers fishery, seagrass ecosystem ABSTRAK Kepulauan Seribu merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil teripang di Indonesia. Teripang merupakan salah satu komoditi ekspor perikanan dengan harga jual yang tinggi. Dalam dua dekade terakhir, tangkapan teripang telah menunjukkan penurunan tajam.  Tingginya intensitas penangkapan dan degradasi habitat merupakan dua faktor utama yang mengancam keberlanjutan perikanan teripang. Salah satu upaya untuk pemulihan stok teripang melalui pendekatan ekosistem telah diujicobakan di wilayah Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Tulisan ini mencakup aspek bio-teknis upaya pemulihan perikanan teripang secara terintegrasi dengan pendekatan ekosistem.  Upaya pemulihan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu studi status dan kelayakan habitat, penyiapan wadah pemeliharaan biota, penebaran benih, monitoring dan evaluasi. Sebelum kegiatan dilakukan, terlebih dahulu melakukan koordinasi dengan institusi lokal (Balai Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa upaya pemulihan  perikanan teripang harus diselaraskan dengan upaya konservasi ekosistem lamun sebagai habitat teripang dan sistem pemeliharaan yang layak secara teknis. Delapan spesies teripang, terdiri dari 4 spesies Holothuridae (Bohadschia bivittata, Actinopyga lecanora, Holothuria leucospilota, H. scabra), dan 4 species Stichopodidae (Stichopus herrmanni, S. ocellatus, S. horren, S. monotuberculatus) telah terindentifikasi dan di-restocking di lokasi ini. Biota yang dilepas dapat hidup dan tumbuh dengan baik dan berkembangbiak di lokasi penelitian. Konstruksi sistem restocking teripang berbasis ekosistem lamun telah menjadi salah satu obyek wisata baru terintegrasi dengan fasilitas wisata Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu, yang sangat menarik bagi pengunjung. Kata kunci: pendekatan ekosistem (EAFM), restocking, perikanan teripang, ekosistem lamu

    Utility of Batang Toru River (North Sumatra, Indonesia) for fishery activities of the local communities: a study on fisheries socioeconomic condition

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    Batang Toru River is a river that crosses several sub-districts in North Tapanuli and South Tapanuli Regency and has social and economic benefits for the community. This study aimed to determine the fisheries' socio-economic condition of the community around the river. Study was carried out in August 2019, on the communities around the river in five districts, namely Sipirok district (Luat Lobang and Aek Batang Paya Village), Marancar District (Marancar Julu, Pasar Sempurna, Simaninggir, and Huraba Village), Batang Toru District (Sipenggeng and Hapesong Baru Village), Muara Batang Toru District (Bandar Hapinis Village), and Simangumban District (Simangumban Jae Village). The data collected were analyzed descriptively. Based on the study, the local communities usually used the river for fishing, although fishing was not their main occupation. The fish caught were generally for their consumption or sold in the surrounding village

    Development potential of native fish in Batang Toru Watershed, North Sumatra, Indonesia: discussion on the impact of dam development and aquaculture efforts

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    As one of the sizable rivers in the Sumatra region, the Batang Toru River is a habitat for various fish species, some of which are potential to be developed as cultured fish. This study was carried out in April, July, and October 2019 in the Batang Toru River watershed of South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, to evaluate a potential development of the riverine fish for aquaculture development. The methods used were fisheries surveys and discussions with various communities and related agencies in the South Tapanuli Regency. The data obtained were presented descriptively. Based on the result of data analysis collected in the field, there were several potential fish species to be cultured in this study, including mahseer (Tor tambroides, T. tambra, Neolissochilus soro), catfish (Hemibagrus spp.), and eel (Anguilla bicolor). Some people in the area have also developed the culture of several fish species, such as mahseer and catfish. However, there has been no eel rearing until now, although some locations around the Batang Toru River are suitable for freshwater fish aquaculture activities