3 research outputs found

    Potensi Besar Budidaya Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.) di Kecamatan Simpenan, Sukabumi

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    Eel (Anguilla sp.) is a one of fishery commodity that has a high economic value. Eel has a very promising potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially in the village of Cidadap which is a center for glass eel collectors. This is supported by the source of glass eel which is widely spread in the estuary of Pelabuhan Ratu, one of which is the Cimandiri river. This study aims to examine the ecological value and economic status from the point of view of glass eel collectors, as well as people’s interest in eel farming. The study was conducted in Cidadap village, Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi in August 2019. The method used was a descriptive analysis obtained from literature, interviews, and a survey form contains of 15 set of questions. Respondents used for interviews and filling out survey forms was 10 people with the main status as glass eel collectors in Cidadap and Loji village.The Cimandiri river environment, which was used as a glass eel catchment area, has a pretty good condition, but the sanitary condition was not in proper condition proven by rubbish that has been carried by downstream water flow. Some locals make glass eel fishing their main occupation, but glass eel fisherman’s income is not fixed and seasonally dependent. Eel farming activites have great potential to be carried out in Simpenan District. Keywords: ecology, glass eel, glass eel farming

    Budidaya Cacing Sutra (Tubifex sp.) dan Budidaya Ikan Lele Menggunakan Sistem Bioflok di Kecamatan Simpenan, Sukabumi

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    Silk worms (Tubifex sp.) Is a natural food that is widely used as fish food. The nutritional content of silk worms consisting of protein reaches 57%, fat 13.3%, crude fiber 2.04%, ash content 3.6% and water 87.7%. Silk worms contain 13 kinds of amino acids, namely 7 essential amino acids and 6 non-essential amino acids. The study was conducted in Cidadap Village, Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi in August 2019. This research was conducted to find out and obtain the best composition of maintenance media to increase the growth of Silkworm (Tubifex sp) population through efforts to utilize organic wastes of catfish farming so that their utilization more optimal. The method used in this activity is cultivation using fiber pool. Cidadap and Loji villages have enormous potential to cultivate silk worms (Tubifex sp.). Cidadap Village is one area that needs Silk Worms (Tubifex sp) to support glass eel cultivation activities, so that the results of this cultivation are very utilized. Silkworm cultivation carried out together with the cultivation of catfish with a biofloc system gives good results for the growth of silkworm biomass (Tubifex sp.). Keywords: Silk worms (Tubifex sp), biofloc, fish fee

    Nursery of red tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in a small-scale aquaponics system with different stocking densities

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    Aquaponics is a fish and hydroponic plant-rearing system that utilises fish waste as a plant nutrient. Because water quality can be maintained at an optimal level for fish in the system to enhance farming productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of fish density on the nursery stage of red tilapia in a small-scale aquaponic system. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design at three levels of stocking density, namely 250 fish/m2, 375 fish/m2, and 500 fish/m2 of red tilapia at an initial size of 6.8 ± 0.35 cm, with 30 net pots of bok choy plant as co-culture. The results that the increase in fish population escalated the productivity of both fish and vegetable in 30 days farming period. The stocking density did not affect fish survival 99 ± 0.82%, 97 ± 1.27%, and 97 ± 0.68%, respectively (p>0.05), but supported a better specific growth rate, namely 3.09 ± 0.30%/day; 3.57 ± 0.23%/day; 4.03 ± 0.04%/day (p<0.05). Interestingly, the smallest coefficient of diversity and lowest feed conversion ratio were obtained at 500 fish/m3, whereas absolute length growth did not differ. Bok choy production increased with fish density, namely 2.82 ± 0.06 kg; 2.88 ± 0.08 kg; 3.17 ± 0.10 kg, respectively (p<0.05). The water quality parameter values were almost identical in all treatments, except for the lowest bacterial abundance gained at stocking density of 500 fish/m3. In conclusion, the aquaponic system can be used to nurseries tilapia seeds at high stocking densities for production efficiency.   Keywords: aquaculture, bok choy, hydroponics, intensification   ABSTRAK   Akuaponik adalah sistem pemeliharaan ikan dan tanaman hidroponik yang memanfaatkan kotoran ikan sebagai nutrisi tanaman. Karena kualitas air dapat dipertahankan pada tingkat optimal untuk ikan dalam sistem akuaponik untuk meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengevaluasi pengaruh peningkatan kepadatan ikan pada tahap pendederan ikan nila merah dalam sistem akuaponik skala kecil. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pada tiga tingkat kepadatan tebar yaitu 250 ekor/m2, 375 ikan/m2, dan ikan nila merah sebanyak 500 ekor/m2 dengan ukuran awal 6,8 ± 0,35 cm, pada masing-masing sistem aquaponik dengan 30 net pot tanaman bok choy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan populasi ikan telah meningkatkan produktivitas ikan dan sayuran dalam masa budidaya 30 hari. Peningkatan padat penebaran tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 99 ± 0,82%, 97 ± 1,27%, dan 97 ± 0,68% (p>0,05), namun mampu mendukung laju pertumbuhan spesifik yang lebih baik yaitu 3,09 ± 0,30%/hari; 3,57 ± 0,23%/hari; dan 4,03 ± 0,04%/hari (p<0,05). Menariknya, koefisien keanekaragaman terkecil dan rasio konversi pakan terendah diperoleh pada kepadatan 500 ekor/m3, sedangkan pertumbuhan panjang absolut tidak berbeda. Produksi bok choy meningkat seiring dengan kepadatan ikan yaitu berturut-turut 2,82 ± 0,06 kg; 2,88 ± 0,08 kg; 3,17 ± 0,10 kg, (p<0,05). Nilai parameter kualitas air hampir sama pada semua perlakuan, kecuali kelimpahan bakteri terendah diperoleh pada padat tebar 500 ekor/m3. Secara keseluruhan, produksi ikan dan tanaman tertinggi terdapat pada kepadatan penebaran 500 ekor/m3. Kesimpulannya, sistem akuaponik dapat digunakan untuk pembibitan benih ikan nila dengan padat tebar tinggi untuk efisiensi produksi.   Kata kunci: akuakultur, hidroponik, intensifikasi, pak co