1 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penempatan, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Lingkungan BAPPEDA Kabupaten Flores Timur

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    Government Agencies are important organizations in relation to good governance and development of the country. Employee performance should be the main aspect that must be considered by government agencies. There were so many factors affecting the performance of employees. In order to achieve the desired performance, these factors must be considered. This study would discuss three factors which may have an effect on the performance of BAPPEDA employees in East Florest District. The three factors were staff placement, workplace environment, and motivation. Staff placements, as a mechanism of Human Resources Management, is one important process in optimizing the organization's human resources. Staff placement processes can affect the performance of employees, for good placement processes would optimize the utilization of human resources to achieve organizational goals. Suitable workplace environment was also needed so that employees could work comfortably. Moreover, the level of motivation was also an important aspect, because the presence of high motivation would make the employees work more diligently and enthusiastically to achieve high productivity. The purpose of this study was (1) to know whether staff placements, physical work environment, and work motivation simultanously had any effect on the performance of civil servants of BAPPEDA in East Flores , and (2) to know whether staff placement, physical work environment, and work motivation individually had any effect on the performance of civil servants of BAPPEDA in East Flores. The method used in this study was quantitative. The independent variables in this study was placement (X1), physical work environment (X2), and motivation (X3). The dependent variable was employee's performance (Y). The population in this study were civil servants in the East Flores BAPPEDA office . The whole population, numbering 28, was used as respondents. The data was collected through questionnaires and observation. Analysis of the data used cross table analysis (crosstab). The results showed that (1) placement, physical workplace environment, and motivation simultaneusly affected employee's performance at the East Flores BAPPEDA Office, and (2) staff placement, physical workplace environment, and motivation individually also affected employee's performance at the East Flores BAPPEDA Office