7 research outputs found

    Multivesicular bodies in the enigmatic amoeboflagellate Breviata anathema and the evolution of ESCRT

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    Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRTs) are heteromeric protein complexes required for multivesicular body (MVB) morphogenesis. ESCRTs I, II, III and III-associated are ubiquitous in eukaryotes and presumably ancient in origin. ESCRT 0 recruits cargo to the MVB and appears to be opisthokont-specific, bringing into question aspects of the current model of ESCRT mechanism. One caveat to the restricted distribution of ESCRT 0 was the previous limited availability of amoebozoan genomes, the supergroup closest to opisthokonts. Here, we significantly expand the sampling of ESCRTs in Amoebozoa. Our electron micrographic and bioinformatics evidence confirm the presence of MVBs in the amoeboflagellate Breviata anathema. Searches of genomic databases of amoebozoans confirm the ubiquitous nature of ESCRTs I-III-associated and the restriction of ESCRT 0 to opisthokonts. Recently, an alternate ESCRT 0 complex, centering on Tom1 proteins, has been proposed. We determine the distribution of Tom1 family proteins across eukaryotes and show that the Tom1, Tom1L1 and Tom1L2 proteins are a vertebrate-specific expansion of the single Tom1 family ancestor, which has indeed been identified in at least one member of each of the major eukaryotic supergroups. This implies a more widely conserved and ancient role for the Tom1 family in endocytosis than previously suspected

    The Secretory Apparatus of an Ancient Eukaryote: Protein Sorting to Separate Export Pathways Occurs Before Formation of Transient Golgi-like Compartments

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    Transmission of the protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis to vertebrate hosts presupposes the encapsulation of trophozoites into an environmentally resistant and infectious cyst form. We have previously shown that cyst wall proteins were faithfully sorted to large encystation-specific vesicles (ESVs), despite the absence of a recognizable Golgi apparatus. Here, we demonstrate that sorting to a second constitutively active pathway transporting variant-specific surface proteins (VSPs) to the surface depended on the cytoplasmic VSP tail. Moreover, pulsed endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export of chimeric reporters containing functional signals for both pathways showed that protein sorting was done at or very soon after export from the ER. Correspondingly, we found that a limited number of novel transitional ER-like structures together with small transport intermediates were generated during encystation. Colocalization of transitional ER regions and early ESVs with coat protein (COP) II and of maturing ESVs with COPI and clathrin strongly suggested that ESVs form by fusion of ER-derived vesicles and subsequently undergo maturation by retrograde transport. Together, the data supported the hypothesis that in Giardia, a primordial secretory apparatus is in operation by which proteins are sorted in the early secretory pathway, and the developmentally induced ESVs carry out at least some Golgi functions