75 research outputs found

    Ponašanje i stavovi hrvatskih zaposlenika prema etičkim normama poslovanja

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    Ethical norms for business practices differ by intensity and variety across countries so managers from multinational corporations (MNCs) entering transitional economies must be able to staff subsidiaries understanding this dilemma. The aim of this article is to get a better understanding of workers’ behavior and attitudes with respect to business ethics in Croatia. We explored four ethics issues: (1) attitude to ethical issues in general, (2) information manipulation, (3) environmental issues and (4) law issues. The question we pose is: can workers be placed into meaningful groups by consideration of the variation in a number of economic, demographic and behavioral/attitudinal traits? Improved knowledge of ethical behavior of different groups of workers should be useful to managers and policy makers who want to encourage ethical behavior among those segments of population where it is currently rare. Results could be useful both to policy makers at the government level, and to the managers who might be worried that a low sensitivity to ethical issues could influence their firms’ performance.Etičke norme poslovanja razlikuju se među zemljama svojim intenzitetom i raznovrsnošću, a razumijevanje etičkih dvojbi posebice je važno za menadžere međunarodnih poduzeća koji trebaju voditi podružnice u tranzicijskim zemljama. Cilj je rada osigurati što bolje razumijevanje ponašanja i stavova hrvatskih zaposlenika u vezi s poslovnom etikom. Istražena su četiri područja vezana uz etiku: (1) generalni stavovi o etičkim pitanjima, (2) manipulacija informacijama, (3) ekološka pitanja i (4) pravna pitanja. Ključno pitanje jest mogu li se zaposlenici grupirati ovisno o ekonomskim i demografskim obilježjima te načinu ponašanja i sustavu vrijednosti. Bolje poznavanje etičnosti ponašanja različitih skupina zaposlenika može biti korisno menadžerima i kreatorima politika kako bi se osnažila etičnost ponašanja među manje osjetljivim skupinama. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti korisni pri oblikovanju politike na državnoj razini, ali i menadžerima koji smatraju kako neosjetljivost prema etičkim pitanjima može djelovati na poslovne rezultate

    Business Ethics in Transition Countries – Cluster Analysis of Behavior and Attitudes

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    The aim of this article is to obtain a better understanding of people’s attitudes toward ethical issues. We explored four ethics issues: (1) attitude on ethical issues in general, (2) information manipulation, (3) environmental issues, and (4) law issues. This study examines variation in attitudes toward ethical issues based on data collected from questionnaire survey. The data set is composed of people who participated in the survey. Although firms were randomly selected to participate in the survey, it is not clear to what extent they apply to the population as a whole; this would be a useful further study. In order to study variation we used cluster analysis that revealed that people could be divided into three clusters, with distinctive demographic, economic and attitudinal traits for each cluster. Results could be useful both to policy makers at the government level, and to managers that are worried that low sensitivity toward ethical issues could influence firm’s performance.ethics, information manipulation, cluster analysis

    Uloga multinacionalnih kompanija u promicanju tehnološkog razvoja zemalja u tranziciji

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    U današnjem izrazito konkurentnom okruženju tehnologija se promatra kao ključni strateški čimbenik razvoja kapaciteta poduzeća i pozicioniranja u globalnom okruženju. Globalizacija poslovanja dovela je i do promjena u odnosima između multinacionalnih korporacija i domaćih podružnica. Sa stajališta dinamičkih mogućnosti analiziraju se čimbenici koji utječu na prijenos i primjenu tehnologija između stranih multinacionalnih korporacija (MNK) i podružnica u zemljama u tranziciji. Posebice je promatrana mogućnost prihvata novih alata upravljanja uz podizanje nivoa vještina zaposlenika. Analiziraju se čimbenici okoliša, mogućnosti uspješnog usvajanja i prilagodba utjecajnih parametara. Prijenos tehnologije promatra se kroz tri elementa: 1) želje i mogućnosti MNC za prijenos tehnologije, 2) čimbenike koji pospješuju ili ograničavaju prijenos tehnologije u zemlje u tranziciji te interakcija uvjeta okoline multinacionalne kompanije i zemlje domaćina, 3) spremnosti i sposobnosti za primanje i korištenje tehnologije u lokalnim podružnicama


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    Human civilisation has entered a new stage labelled as Information Society (IS) which implies intensive use of information in all activities, exerting a major impact on economic and social aspects of human existence. IS permits access to vast amounts of information for its members, enabling a new working and knowledge paradigm! It also creates a positive environment for economic globalisation and the increase of social cohesion. From the perspective of financial services, IS has helped electronic banking, which underlies the determinants of the banking business model, with the special aspect of mobile commerce. Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking. The aim of this research is to evaluate the state at which mobile banking is being utilised in the Republic of Kosovo, and to what extend banks are taking advantage of this aspect of banking business. A survey was conducted and results discussed as part of this research

    Corporate entrepreneurship in public sector: a systematic literature review and research agenda

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    After the financial crises of 2008, the contemporary public sector urged public managers, public administrators, and policymakers to consider alternatives to privatization in order to decrease government participation. This new approach to public management sought to enhance the government's performance and fulfil public needs resourcefully. The concept of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) in the public sector, i.e., public entrepreneurship (PE), was therefore introduced. This study aims to synthetize the literature on this topic and establish a research agenda on the PE field. By adapting hybrid approach based on a systematic and bibliometric literature review, the paper presents the results of four main bibliometric techniques: citation and co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and co-word analysis, all of which were used by means of VosViewer software and the Bibliometrix (including Biblioshiny application) package for statistical program language R. This theme-centric review of 84 publications published in flagship journals reveals the intellectual domain of CE in the public sector, highlighting key theoretical concepts, principal research topics, the methodologies employed, the geographical span of the domain, and proposed future research avenues. This paper offers a comprehensive review of CE in the intellectual domain of the public sector. It presents fruitful research avenues with regards to the ways in which public entrepreneurial success is related to adjustability to broader political and institutional perspectives; how territorial innovation theories deal with increased resource mobility; and how a lean government could enhance civil engagement and public involvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of Croatian business sector investment in R&D

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    Povećanje ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj (I&R)za Hrvatsku, kao dijela europskog i globalnoga istraživačkog prostora, usmjereno je na stvaranje nacionalnoga istraživačkog tržišta koje će obilježavati visoka razina mobilnosti, konkurencije i istraživačke izvrsnosti. Ovim člankom željelo se analizirati trendove i utvrditi promjene u sektoru istraživanja i razvoja u Hrvatskoj u 2005. godini i definirati sadašnju poziciju Hrvatske u okvirima ulaganja u I&R i prihvaćene ciljeve Europske Unije (EU) iz Barcelonske i Lisabonske agende. U članku se istražuju promjene u I&R poslovnog sektora u usporedbi s trendovima kretanja u zemljama EU 25. Promjene i napredak u ulaganju privatnog sektora u I&R u Hrvatskoj u 2005.godini analizirane su s ciljem projekcije stanja i trendova u poslovnom sektoru Hrvatske. Analizirana su poduzeća koja ulažu u vlastito istraživanje i razvoj i bave se istraživanjem i razvojem. Prema statističkim pokazateljima izdvajanja za istraživanje i razvoj poslovnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj u proteklih nekoliko godina bilježe trend značajnog zaostajanja u usporedbi s EU27, EU25, EU15, te primjerice Slovenijom, a u odnosu na prosjek novih deset zemalja članica EU-a (proširenja 2004.) hrvatski poslovni sektor izdvaja više. Slijedom socijalne teorije inovacija o društvenoj ukorijenjenosti tehnološkog razvoja, te rijetkosti ovog tipa istraživanja o ulaganjima I&R sektora na razini kompanija, ovo istraživanje može poslužiti i kao temeljni korak za sociološko istraživanje zaostajanja poslovnog sektora I&R u gospodarskom razvoju.The increase in R&D investment in Croatia, as part of European and global research area is steered towards creating national research market which will be marked by high level of mobility, competition and research excellence. This paper aims to analyzes current trends and establish changes in the R&D sector in Croatia in 2005 as well as define Croatia\u27s position in the framework of R&D investment and the EU\u27s goals adopted in Barcelona and Lisbon. The paper analyses the changes of R&D in the business sector in comparison to the trends in the EU 25 countries. Progress and changes in the R&D investments in the business sector in 2005 are analyzed to show the trends in business sector in Croatia. The analysis comprised the companies that invest in R&D and deal with R&D. Based on statistical data, the investment in R&D in Croatian business sector compared with EU27, EU25, EU15, and example of Slovenian\u27s investment is significantly lower but compared with the average of new 10 EU states ( 2004 enlargement) Croatian’s business sector has invested more. As a result of the social innovation theory of social entrenchment of technological development and the rarity of this type of research of investments in R&D sector at the company level, it is emphasised that this research can serve as a fundamental step towards a social research on the falling behind of the R&D sector in economic development

    Internacionalizacija znanstvenog publiciranja u Hrvatskoj kroz prizmu bibliografske analize časopisa Društvena istraživanja

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    The goal of this research is to shed additional light on the internationalisation of scholarly publishing in Croatia through research based on the bibliometric analysis of the journal Društvena Istraživanja (DI). The first part of this research is dedicated to bibliometric analysis of DI since its conception in 1992, while the second part discusses the internationalisation of scientific journals in Croatia, relying on the critical analysis of relevant literature and the bibliometric characteristics of DI. The results of this research call into question the relevance of the existing scientific publishing policy to contribute to quality research papers and their internationalisation. The research provides implications for both editorial and publishing policies, as well as science policies in general.Cilj je ovog istraživanja dodatno rasvijetliti internacionalizaciju znanstvenoga publiciranja u Hrvatskoj kroz istraživanje temeljeno na bibliometrijskoj analizi časopisa Društvena istraživanja (DI). Prvi dio ovog istraživanja posvećen je bibliometrijskoj analizi DI od njegovih početaka 1992. godine, dok se drugi dio bavi internacionalizacijom znanstvenih časopisa u Hrvatskoj, oslanjajući se na kritičku analizu relevantne literature i bibliometrijskih karakteristika DI. Rezultati ovog istraživanja dovode u pitanje relevantnost postojeće znanstveno-izdavačke politike za doprinos kvaliteti istraživačkih radova i njihovoj internacionalizaciji. Istraživanje ima implikacije na uređivačku i izdavačku politiku, kao i na znanstvenu politiku općenito

    Corporate entrepreneurship and ICT: trends and future research agenda

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    Despite the breadth in the scope of scholarly literature concerning both Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) respectively, intersectional research of these two domains is scarce. This paper explores whether and to what extent ICT and digital transformation (DT) are recognized within the CE research domain. Based on the analysis of articles indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection database - considered one of the most influential sources, with various records offering citation for numerous different academic areas - this study reveals six predominant research trends: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Digital transformation (DT), Innovation, Performance, Entrepreneurship, and Technological Change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio