783 research outputs found

    Girls Share Their Voice

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    Looks at the past and current leadership development needs of girls in Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia and offers recommendations for change

    Health, Exercise, and Their Motivations

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    This paper includes the different type of motivating factors that motivate individuals of different ages and genders to participate in exercise and in healthy lifestyle habits. Also discussed within the paper is social media and web-based programs which contribute to motivating individuals to exercise in both positive and negative ways. For the working population, web-based health promotion campaigns increase adherence within the workplace to partake in healthier habits and physical activity. Social media can be potentially detrimental to the mental health of the young adult population, based on studies done about fitspiration media posts on Instagram. It is evident that social media and web-based programs can have a positive effect on promoting active, healthy lifestyles, but can also lead to negative external motivations and body dissatisfaction


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    This paper discusses the conceptual underpinnings of the exhibition project Re:Cinema. Rather than settling around the relatively stable formal and ontological parameters of the historical forms of cinema, the moving image is addressed in terms of its fragmentation, ubiquity and volatility. Through a discussion of key examples, the very embeddedness of historical forms within the contemporary moving image-scape is examined. To this end the idea of the 'cinematic' is evoked not as a totalising system, but rather as a persistent conceptual and visual presence that informs contemporary moving image production and artistic inquiry

    Deconstructing Austen Cybertexts: How Pride and Prejudice became The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

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    The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (hereafter referred to as LBD) debuted on YouTube in April 2012 with a video featuring a twenty - four - year - old Elizabeth “Lizzie” Bennet speaking directly to the camera (‘My Name is Lizzie Bennet - Ep. 1’, 2012). That video marked the beginning of Lizzie’s year - long story, which re - imagined and re - worked Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice , by distributing the narrative across multiple media platforms. Originally released as a serial narrative from April 2012 to March 2013, Lizzie’s story started with that first YouTube video before expanding to include four additional video channels (belonging to some of the narrative’s secondary characters), thirteen interconnected Twitter feeds, several Tumblr blogs, Facebook profiles, and numerous interactions betwe en characters on various social media networks. Initially developed for its Internet audience by Hank Green and Bernie Su, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries narrative as a whole was a collaborative effort by a team of writers and editors. Margaret Dunlap, Rachel K iley, Kate Rorick, and Anne Toole joined Su in scripting the YouTube videos, while Jay Bushman and Alexandra Edwards managed and edited LBD’s various social media accounts (‘Team’, 2017). In 2013, the LBD production team won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outs tanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media - Original Interactive Programme (‘65th Emmy Awards Nominees and Winners’)

    Deconstructing Austen Cybertexts: How Pride and Prejudice became The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

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    The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (hereafter referred to as LBD) debuted on YouTube in April 2012 with a video featuring a twenty - four - year - old Elizabeth “Lizzie” Bennet speaking directly to the camera (‘My Name is Lizzie Bennet - Ep. 1’, 2012). That video marked the beginning of Lizzie’s year - long story, which re - imagined and re - worked Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice , by distributing the narrative across multiple media platforms. Originally released as a serial narrative from April 2012 to March 2013, Lizzie’s story started with that first YouTube video before expanding to include four additional video channels (belonging to some of the narrative’s secondary characters), thirteen interconnected Twitter feeds, several Tumblr blogs, Facebook profiles, and numerous interactions betwe en characters on various social media networks. Initially developed for its Internet audience by Hank Green and Bernie Su, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries narrative as a whole was a collaborative effort by a team of writers and editors. Margaret Dunlap, Rachel K iley, Kate Rorick, and Anne Toole joined Su in scripting the YouTube videos, while Jay Bushman and Alexandra Edwards managed and edited LBD’s various social media accounts (‘Team’, 2017). In 2013, the LBD production team won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outs tanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media - Original Interactive Programme (‘65th Emmy Awards Nominees and Winners’)

    The Administrative State in Poland Before and After the European Union Accession

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    The article identifies and describes the fundamental dimensions and elements of the Polish administrative state before and after the accession of Poland to the European Union, beginning with the critical question of how to preserve the status of a state in a supra-state organization. The authors explain the essence of the European Union, or Europeanization, in the field of Polish administration and administrative law. Analysis of the Europeanization of Polish administrative law is focused on its basic aspects grouped under six headings: sources, cooperation, paradigm (constitutionalization), administrative democracy, scope and depth, and outcomes. Separate attention is given to the notion of public administration, as the widely applied definition of the concept framed by Jan Boć became obsolete after accession to the European Union and required transformation and extension. With language being a key feature of public administration, the text points to the post-accession impact of the English language on Polish administration and administrative law. The article concludes with outcomes of Europeanization on the gestalt of the administrative state in Poland. The general outcome stresses that Polish administration and administrative law operate not only within the context of the Polish state and Polish law, but increasingly within a supra-state European administrative framework and European legal space and European public law

    Rosenau – Lotissement du Soleil, rue du Soleil

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    La sociĂ©tĂ© Terre et DĂ©veloppement souhaite amĂ©nager un lot de parcelles sur la commune de Rosenau. Ce projet est localisĂ© dans un secteur d’anciens mĂ©andres du Rhin jugĂ© favorable pour l’amĂ©nagement de berge, guĂ©, moulin, etc. 36 tranchĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. La profondeur varie entre 0,30 et 1,40 m. Deux sondages profonds ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s dans les tranchĂ©es 05 et 06. La superficie ouverte est de 1 516 m2, ce qui correspond Ă  7,5 % de la superficie totale et 8,6 % de la superficie accessible. ..

    Chñtenois – La Fourriùre, 2 rue de la Gare

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    L’entreprise WM88, fabricant de meubles situĂ© sur la commune de ChĂątenois, souhaite construire un entrepĂŽt en bordure de l’usine. Cette construction est prĂ©vue au lieu-dit la FourriĂšre. La superficie des deux parcelles est de 23 828 m2. Ce projet est situĂ© Ă  proximitĂ© du village mĂ©diĂ©val de ChĂątenois. La topographie du lieu prĂ©sente un dĂ©nivelĂ© de 7,50 m, pour une altitude de 324 m au nord et de 316,50 m au sud. Deux ruptures de pentes sont prĂ©sentes dans la partie sud de la parcelle. Au tota..

    Aspach-Michelbach – 29 route de Thann

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    Un projet d’amĂ©nagement, Ă  Aspach-Michelbach, concerne une superficie de 2 466 m2. Ce projet est localisĂ© Ă  proximitĂ© d’une dĂ©couverte fortuite de mobilier nĂ©olithique. La nature des travaux envisagĂ©s Ă©tant susceptible de dĂ©tĂ©riorer des vestiges d’occupation humaine ancienne, un arrĂȘtĂ© de prescription de diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©mis pour vĂ©rifier la prĂ©sence ou non d’un Ă©ventuel site. L’ouverture des tranchĂ©es correspond Ă  une superficie ouverte de 72 m2, soit un pourcentage d’ouvertur..

    Rosheim – Untere Leimen

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    La sociĂ©tĂ© Alfa SAS souhaite poursuivre l’amĂ©nagement d’un lotissement sur la commune de Rosheim. Cette troisiĂšme tranche concerne une superficie de 9 850 m2. En amont de la premiĂšre tranche, un site archĂ©ologique, nĂ©olithique et protohistorique, a Ă©tĂ© mis au jour lors d’un diagnostic puis a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©. Un arrĂȘtĂ© de diagnostic archĂ©ologique a donc Ă©tĂ© Ă©mis pour vĂ©rifier que les travaux de la troisiĂšme tranche ne menaçaient pas la suite du site. Les parcelles du diagnostic se situent au nord-..
