28 research outputs found

    Participant characteristics.

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    <p>TRV = tricuspid regurgitation peak velocity; RAP = right atrial pressure; ePASP = pulmonary artery systolic pressure; RVEDD = right ventricular end-diastolic diameter; FS = left ventricular fractional shortening; LV = left ventricle; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.</p><p>Participant characteristics.</p

    Prevalence of echocardiographic-defined pulmonary hypertension, alternative diagnostic criteria.

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    <p>Data are shown as prevalences (95% confidence interval)</p><p>RAP = right atrial pressure; TRV = tricuspid regurgitation velocity; ePASP = pulmonary artery systolic pressure, calculated as 4*TRV<sup>2</sup> + RAP. If RAP could not be estimated, the case definition was based on TRV > 3.0 m/s and 3.4 m/s to correspond to ePASP > 40 mmHg and 50 mmHg, respectively</p><p>Participants with absent or too-small-to-measure TRV were included as non-cases.</p><p>Prevalence of echocardiographic-defined pulmonary hypertension, alternative diagnostic criteria.</p

    Associations with pulmonary artery systolic pressure in linear regression models in 1945 participants in whom ePASP could be estimated.

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    <p>Dependent variable is ePASP (mmHg).</p><p>LV = left ventricular; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; 95%CI = 95% confidence interval.</p><p>In model A, each variable is adjusted for age and sex.</p><p>In model B, adjustments were made for all the variables which had p < 0.05 in model A.</p><p>Associations with pulmonary artery systolic pressure in linear regression models in 1945 participants in whom ePASP could be estimated.</p

    Replication findings for the best SNP of the top 25 genes.

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    <p>Chr: chromosome; EA: effect allele; EAF: effect allele frequency; β (standard error, SE): per-allele effect on FVC (ml); Repl P: one-side replication p-value, calculated and reported only for estimates in the same direction as the original ones; I<sup>2</sup>: between-study heterogeneity; Imp R<sup>2</sup> = imputation quality R<sup>2</sup> (for CHARGE and SpiroMeta: average imputation R<sup>2</sup> across studies)</p

    Overview of populations.

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    <p>Populations and corresponding period of data collection, type of population, genotyping platform and soft-ware used for imputation.</p><p>NA = not applicable.</p

    Meta-analysis of top SNPs associated with CMH across replication cohorts and across identification and replication cohorts, corrected for smoking and sex.

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    <p>P-value is fixed p-value if p-value for heterogeneity (Q) >0.005, and random p-value if p-value for heterogeneity (Q) <0.005; OR is Odds Ratio; OR is fixed OR if p-value for heterogeneity (Q) >0.005, and random OR if p-value for heterogeneity (Q) <0.005; Q is p-value for heterogeneity;</p><p>N = number of cohorts;</p><p>*means that the corresponding SNP is an intron in this gene.</p