2,109 research outputs found

    Possíveis impactos do projeto: "Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde".

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    Resumo - Este artigo procura discutir o contexto do projeto ?Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde?, suas implicações no sistema de criação de caprinos leiteiros, bem como seu impacto nos planos social, ambiental e econômico. Possible impacts of the project: "use of chilled semen and artificial insemination in dairy goats on Cape Verde Republic?. Abstract - This article intent to discuss the aspects involved in the project ?Use of chilled semen and artificial insemination in dairy goats on Cape Verde Republic? their implications on dairy goats rearing and also, the social, the economic, and the environmental impacts.Anais do 15o. Simpósio Paranaense de Ovinocultura, 3o. Simpósio Paranaense de Caprinocultura, 3o. Simpósio Sul Brasileiro de Ovinos e Caprinos, Pato Branco, PR, out., 2011

    Inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros com sêmen resfriado por 24 ou 48 horas.

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    Resumo - Objetivou-se, avaliar a viabilidade da utilização do sêmen caprino diluído em meio tris-gema 2,5% resfriado a 5°C e armazenado por diferentes períodos (24 ou 48 horas). Foram inseminadas por via transcervical 133 cabras sem raça definida e nativas da República de Cabo Verde, divididas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos T24 e T48. O estro foi sincronizado com a utilização de esponjas intra-vaginais contendo 60 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona por seis dias; 37,5 ?g de D-cloprostenol e 200 UI de eCG 24 horas antes da retirada da esponja. Foram utilizados três reprodutores da Raça Canárias. Para resfriar e manter o sêmen a 5o C foi utilizado o Botutainer® (Biotech Botucatu, Reprodução Animal, Botucatu - SP) adaptado. Não houve diferença (P > 0,05) entre os padrões seminais para os diferentes períodos de resfriamento (T24 - 58,8% ± 11,1 de motilidade e 2,9 ± 0,5 de vigor; T48 - 51,3% ± 2,5 de motilidade e 2,8 ± 0,3 de vigor), o que permitiu obter taxas de parição similares em ambos os tratamentos (T24 - 26,5% e T48 - 21,5%). A eficiência dos protocolos testados permitiu a disseminação de genética caprina na República de Cabo Verde. Conclui-se que o sêmen caprino, resfriado por 48 horas a 5ºC, tem o mesmo potencial de fertilização do sêmen resfriado por 24 horas a 5ºC. Artificial insemination in dairy goats with cooled semen stored for 24 or 48 hours. Abstract - The fertilizing capacity of goat semen diluted in tris-egg yolk 2.5% chilled at 5oC for 24 or 48 hours was evaluated. Transcervical artificial insemination was performed in 133 goats that were divided, randomly, into two treatments T24 and T48. The estrus was synchronized by the mean of intra-vaginal sponges containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate for six days; 37.5 mg of D-cloprostenol and 200 IU of eCG, 24 hours before removing the sponge. Three Canarian?s Buck were used. For cooling and keeping the semen at 5oC a Botutainer® (Biotech Botucatu, Animal Reproduction, Botucatu - SP) was adapted and used. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between the seminal patterns for the different periods of cooling (T24 - 58.8%±11.1 for motility and 2.9±0.5 for strength; T48 - 51.3%±2.5 for motility and 2.8±0.3 for strength), which allowed to obtain similar pregnancy rates in both treatments (T24 ? 26.5% and T48 - 21,5%). The efficiency of the tested protocols allowed the dissemination of goat?s genetic material in the Republic of Cape Verde. It was concluded that goat semen, cooled for 48 hours at 5ºC, has the same fertility that semen cooled for 24 hours at 5ºC.Anais do 15o. Simpósio Paranaense de Ovinocultura, 3o. Simpósio Paranaense de Caprinocultura, 3o. Simpósio Sul Brasileiro de Ovinos e Caprinos, Pato Branco, PR, out., 2011

    Avaliação do uso da prostaglandina na sincronização do estro associado ou não ao uso do hCG em cabras.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da sincronização do estro sobre os parâmetros ovarianos e comportamentais de cabras da raça Toggenburg. A administração da hCG no inicio do estro é capaz de antecipar a ovulação e promover um aumento no numero de ovulações. Estes resultados devem ser observados para estabelecimento momento ideal para a IA. [Evaluation of the use prostaglandin in synchronization the estrus associated or not the hCG in goats]

    Avaliação da influência do flunixin meglumine sobre os níveis séricos de progesterona em novilhas e vacas mestiças.

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    Edição dos resumos da 20. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de Embriões, Araxá, MG, agosto 2006

    Effects of hCG on progesterone concentrations and fertility in cyclic, lactating Alpine goats.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of hCG administration on plasma progesterone concentrations in lactating Alpine goats during the natural breeding season. After detection of estrus, 124 does were randomly assigned to one of two treatments (T1 and T2). In T1 (n = 60) and T2 (n = 64), the animals received 1 ml of saline solution or 250 IU of hCG i.m., respectively, 5 days after the first detection of estrus and breeding. Plasma progesterone concentration (ng/mL) was determined from blood sampled (T1 = 12 and T2 = 13) on Days 0 (day of estrus), 5, 7, 13, 17, 21, 28 and 45 after breeding. Two control goats with short cycles and two nymphomaniac goats (one per treatment) were detected. Plasma progesterone concentration (mean ± SEM) for T1 and T2 females differed on Days 13, 17 (P 0.05) between T1 (78.3%) and T2 (84.4%) does. The hCG administration 5 days after breeding increased plasma progesterone concentrations on Days 13 to 21 but did not increase pregnancy rate

    Intensidade da cor da fibra de algodões coloridos.,

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    Avaliação dos efeitos do flunixim meglumine sobre a concentração sérica de progesterona e ciclo estral em novilhas e vacas mestiças.

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    Resumo: Baseando-se nos mecanismos de interrupção da síntese de PGF2a em bovinos, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos do flunixin meglumine (FM) sobre o comprimento do ciclo estral e sobre os níveis de progesterona, em novilhas e vacas mestiças. Após sincronização dos estros, os animais foram divididos em grupos: controle (cinco vacas e quatro novilhas) e tratado (seis vacas e seis novilhas), sendo submetidos à colheita diária de sangue, até o estro subseqüente. Do 13o ao 18o dia, aplicou-se nos animais do grupo tratado 1,65 mg/kg intramuscular de FM, e nos do grupo controle, mesmo volume de solução fisiológica. A determinação da concentração sérica de progesterona foi realizada por RIA. Os resultados do comprimento do ciclo estral foram comparados entre os grupos e entre animais, pelo teste t de Student, enquanto a concentração de progesterona foi normalizada em relação à luteólise, e analisada entre os grupos pelo teste t de Tukey (SAS). Não se observou diferença (P>0,05) no comprimento do ciclo estral entre grupos e entre novilhas e vacas, tratadas e não tratadas. O dia do ciclo estral em relação à concentração de progesterona máxima e inferior a 1,0ng/mL, e a concentração sérica de progesterona entre os animais do grupo controle e tratado, também foram semelhantes entre os grupos (P>0,05). No entanto, observou-se diferença (P0.05). However, there was no difference concerning the concentration of progesterone decrease among theexperimental groups. It was concluded that, under the conditions this study was carried out, even though the effect of the treatment was observed, its action would be better characterized if the sample population were bigger.(AU

    L-carnitine supplementation during vitrification did not improve survival and quality rates, but altered CrAT and PRDX1 expression in in vivo-produced ovine embryos.

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    Embryo cryodamage is observed mainly at metabolic and molecular aspects and it impairs post warming quality and survival rates. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of L-carnitine (LC) supplementation during either vitrification or post warming solutions on the 6-7th day of in vivo-produced ovine embryos. LC (3.72 mM) was added to vitrification (Experiment 1; C1: control; LC1: supplemented embryos) or warming solutions (Experiment 2; C2; LC2). In vitro culture (IVC) of warmed embryos was performed for 72 h at 38,5 °C, 5% CO2 and 5% O2 to evaluate survival rates in both Experiments. In Experiment 1, reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured by CellROX Green staining, total cell number (TCN) by Hoechst 33342, number of apoptotic cells by caspase-3 immunofluorescence staining protocol, apoptotic index evaluation in both groups. Gene expression analysis of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 and 2 (CPT1 and CPT2), carnitine O-acyltransferase (CrAT) and peroxiredoxin 1 (PRDX1), were performed by RT-qPCR (ACTB as endogenous control) in Experiments 1 and 2 and results were compared to fresh embryos (FE). Averages of survival rates were compared by the Chi-Square test. Means of TCN, apoptotic cells, apoptotic index and fluorescence intensity were compared by Student's t-test, at 5% significance level. Survival rates were similar between groups (p> 0.05) in Experiments 1 (68.7%, C1 vs 81.8%, LC1) and 2 (48.5%, C2 vs 64.7%, LC2). In Experiment 1, ROS levels at 24 h of IVC (85.83 ± 68.37 x 1010, C1 vs 89.04 ± 84.48 x 1010, LC1), total cell number at 24 h (89 ± 22, C1 vs 82.2 ± 28, LC1) and 72 h (86 ± 19.9, C1 vs 68.5 ± 25.26, LC1), apoptotic cells (3.75 ± 1.48, C1 vs 4.50 ± 4.72, LC1) and apoptotic index (4.37 ± 1.45, C1 vs 5.23 ± 4.72, LC1) at 72 h of IVC did not differ (p> 0.05) between C1 and LC1. Gene expression analysis showed no differences in CPT1 and CPT2 mRNA relative abundance in embryos of both experiments compared to FE, however, CrAT was downregulated (p< 0.05) in C1 and PRDX1 was downregulated (p< 0.05) in both C1 and LC1, compared to FE. Moreover, CrAT and PRDX1 were upregulated (p< 0.05) in C2 and CrAT was downregulated (p< 0.05) in LC2, in relation to FE. In conclusion, although the short-term LC supplementation at 3.72 mM during cryopreservation did not improve post-warming survival and morphological parameters of the evaluated embryos, it was able to modulate expression of genes related to energy homeostasis (CrAT) and oxidative stress (PRDX1), proving to be beneficial, in both forms of supplementation, to in vivo-produced ovine embryos.".Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Cabo de Santo Agostinho, PE, Brazil, August 17th to 19th, 2017. Abstracts

    Single electron emission in two-phase xenon with application to the detection of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    We present an experimental study of single electron emission in ZEPLIN-III, a two-phase xenon experiment built to search for dark matter WIMPs, and discuss applications enabled by the excellent signal-to-noise ratio achieved in detecting this signature. Firstly, we demonstrate a practical method for precise measurement of the free electron lifetime in liquid xenon during normal operation of these detectors. Then, using a realistic detector response model and backgrounds, we assess the feasibility of deploying such an instrument for measuring coherent neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering using the ionisation channel in the few-electron regime. We conclude that it should be possible to measure this elusive neutrino signature above an ionisation threshold of \sim3 electrons both at a stopped pion source and at a nuclear reactor. Detectable signal rates are larger in the reactor case, but the triggered measurement and harder recoil energy spectrum afforded by the accelerator source enable lower overall background and fiducialisation of the active volume

    Variabilidade genética para caracteres vegetativos em germoplasma de açaí-do-Amazonas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e ganhos de seleção para características vegetativas na fase juvenil de progênies de açaí-solteiro