3,825 research outputs found

    Magnetic ionization fronts II: Jump conditions for oblique magnetization

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    We present the jump conditions for ionization fronts with oblique magnetic fields. The standard nomenclature of R- and D-type fronts can still be applied, but in the case of oblique magnetization there are fronts of each type about each of the fast- and slow-mode speeds. As an ionization front slows, it will drive first a fast- and then a slow-mode shock into the surrounding medium. Even for rather weak upstream magnetic fields, the effect of magnetization on ionization front evolution can be important. [Includes numerical MHD models and an application to observations of S106.]Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, Latex, to be published in MNRA

    Mathematical modelling of curtain coating

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    We present a simple mathematical model for the fluid flow in the curtain coating process, exploiting the small aspect ratio, and examine the model in the large-Reynolds-number limit of industrial interest. We show that the fluid is in free fall except for a region close to the substrate, but find that the model can not describe the turning of the curtain onto the substrate. We find that the inclusion of a viscous bending moment close to the substrate allows the curtain to “turn the corner”

    Black Holes Surrounded by Uniformly Rotating Rings

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    Highly accurate numerical solutions to the problem of Black Holes surrounded by uniformly rotating rings in axially symmetric, stationary spacetimes are presented. The numerical methods developed to handle the problem are discussed in some detail. Related Newtonian problems are described and numerical results provided, which show that configurations can reach an inner mass-shedding limit as the mass of the central object increases. Exemplary results for the full relativistic problem for rings of constant density are given and the deformation of the event horizon due to the presence of the ring is demonstrated. Finally, we provide an example of a system for which the angular momentum of the central Black Hole divided by the square of its mass exceeds one.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, revtex, v4: minor changes, Eq. (17) corrected, corresponds to version in PR

    Relativistic Dyson Rings and Their Black Hole Limit

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    In this Letter we investigate uniformly rotating, homogeneous and axisymmetric relativistic fluid bodies with a toroidal shape. The corresponding field equations are solved by means of a multi-domain spectral method, which yields highly accurate numerical solutions. For a prescribed, sufficiently large ratio of inner to outer coordinate radius, the toroids exhibit a continuous transition to the extreme Kerr black hole. Otherwise, the most relativistic configuration rotates at the mass-shedding limit. For a given mass-density, there seems to be no bound to the gravitational mass as one approaches the black-hole limit and a radius ratio of unity.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, v2: some discussion and two references added, accepted for publication in Astrophys. J. Let

    Studies Of The Over-Rotating BMPV Solution

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    We study unphysical features of the BMPV black hole and how each can be resolved using the enhancon mechanism. We begin by reviewing how the enhancon mechanism resolves a class of repulson singularities which arise in the BMPV geometry when D--branes are wrapped on K3. In the process, we show that the interior of an enhancon shell can be a time machine due to non-vanishing rotation. We link the resolution of the time machine to the recently proposed resolution of the BMPV naked singularity / "over-rotating" geometry through the expansion of strings in the presence of RR flux. We extend the analysis to include a general class of BMPV black hole configurations, showing that any attempt to "over-rotate" a causally sound BMPV black hole will be thwarted by the resolution mechanism. We study how it may be possible to lower the entropy of a black hole due to the non-zero rotation. This process is prevented from occurring through the creation of a family of resolving shells. The second law of thermodynamics is thereby enforced in the rotating geometry - even when there is no risk of creating a naked singularity or closed time-like curves

    Similarity Renormalization, Hamiltonian Flow Equations, and Dyson's Intermediate Representation

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    A general framework is presented for the renormalization of Hamiltonians via a similarity transformation. Divergences in the similarity flow equations may be handled with dimensional regularization in this approach, and the resulting effective Hamiltonian is finite since states well-separated in energy are uncoupled. Specific schemes developed several years ago by Glazek and Wilson and contemporaneously by Wegner correspond to particular choices within this framework, and the relative merits of such choices are discussed from this vantage point. It is shown that a scheme for the transformation of Hamiltonians introduced by Dyson in the early 1950's also corresponds to a particular choice within the similarity renormalization framework, and it is argued that Dyson's scheme is preferable to the others for ease of computation. As an example, it is shown how a logarithmically confining potential arises simply at second order in light-front QCD within Dyson's scheme, a result found previously for other similarity renormalization schemes. Steps toward higher order and nonperturbative calculations are outlined. In particular, a set of equations analogous to Dyson-Schwinger equations is developed.Comment: REVTex, 32 pages, 7 figures (corrected references

    Determination of the Physical Conditions of the Knots in the Helix Nebula from Optical and Infrared Observations

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    [Abridged] We use new HST and archived images to clarify the nature of the knots in the Helix Nebula. We employ published far infrared spectrophotometry and existing 2.12 micron images to establish that the population distribution of the lowest ro-vibrational states of H2 is close to the distribution of a gas in LTE at 988 +- 119 K. We derive a total flux from the nebula in H2 lines and compare this with the power available from the central star for producing this radiation. We establish that neither soft X-rays nor FUV radiation has enough energy to power the H2 radiation, only the stellar EUV radiation shortward of 912 Angstrom does. Advection of material from the cold regions of the knots produces an extensive zone where both atomic and molecular hydrogen are found, allowing the H2 to directly be heated by Lyman continuum radiation, thus providing a mechanism that can explain the excitation temperature and surface brightness of the cusps and tails. New images of the knot 378-801 reveal that the 2.12 micron cusp and tail lie immediately inside the ionized atomic gas zone. This firmly establishes that the "tail" structure is an ionization bounded radiation shadow behind the optically thick core of the knot. A unique new image in the HeII 4686 Angstrom line fails to show any emission from knots that might have been found in the He++ core of the nebula. We also re-examined high signal-to-noise ratio ground-based telescope images of this same inner region and found no evidence of structures that could be related to knots.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. Some figures are shown at reduced resolution. A full resolution version is available at http://www.ifront.org/wiki/Helix_Nebula_2007_Pape

    The statistical properties of the city transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and Random matrix ensembles

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    We analyze statistical properties of the city bus transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and show that the bus arrivals display probability distributions conforming those given by the Unitary Ensemble of random matrices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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