8,120 research outputs found

    Coldplate of pin fin design makes efficient heat exchanger

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    Flat, hollow coldplate that permits the flow of coolant liquid removes heat from heat-generating electronic equipment. This coldplate solves usual problems of bulk, weight, and excessive pumping requirements

    Pioneer 11's encounter with Jupiter and mission to Saturn

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    Plans for Pioneer 11's approach to Saturn are described. A flyby somewhat parallel to the ring plane is being proposed as an interim target, with a future option held for a possible high risk (or suicide) plunge through the nearly transparent space between Saturn and its rings

    Toward a Strategic Perspective of Human Resource Management

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    [Excerpt] The current decade has brought yet another transformation in the practice and study of human resource management (HRM). The field, for better or for worse, has discovered, and indeed begun to embrace, a strategic perspective. The intellectual energy currently being invested in discussions of the nature, extent, and desirability of this development is a clear indication that something of significance is afoot. Understand it or not, believe in it or not, like it or not, strategy is well on its way to becoming an important paradigm behind much of what HR professionals do and think

    Application of continuous form of dynamic programming and inaccessible state variable theory to the K-8 accelerometer

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    Dynamic programming and inaccessible state variable theory applied to accelerometer desig

    Do Family Caps Reduce Out-of-Wedlock Births? Evidence from Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey and Virginia

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    Using Current Population Survey (CPS) data from 1989 to 1999, we examine the impact of family cap policies, which deny incremental welfare benefits, on out-of-wedlock birth rates. We use the first five states that were granted waivers from the Department of Health and Human Services to implement family caps as "natural experiments." Specifically, we compare trends in out-of-wedlock birth rates in Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey and Virginia to trends in states that did not implement family caps or any other waivers prior to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA). We employ several techniques to increase the credibility of results from our "natural experiment," such as the inclusion of multiple comparison groups, controls for differential time trends, and "difference-in-difference-indifferences" estimators. Our regression estimates generally do not provide evidence that family cap policies reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock births among single, less-educated women with children.Welfare, Family Caps, Fertility

    The role of follow-on contracts in government-sponsored research and development

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    Role of follow-on contracts in government sponsored research and developmen

    Weight Control System

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    Weight Control System, a set of linked computer programs which provides weight and balance reports from magnetic tape files, provides weight control and reporting on launch vehicle programs. With minor format modifications the program is applicable to aerospace, marine, automotive and other land transportation industries

    Monetary Damages under the Lanham Act: Eighth Circuit Holds Actual Confusion is Not a Prerequisite

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    This Note will examine the Lanham Act and the ways in which courts have interpreted it, particularly its provisions dealing with trademark infringement. This Note will then explain the concept of actual confusion and what has prompted courts to read the requirement into the Lanham Act with respect to establishing monetary awards. This Note also will provide an overview of the current split between circuits requiring proof of actual confusion and those allowing proof of likelihood of confusion to support an award of damages. Particular emphasis is placed on Eighth Circuit precedent. Finally, this Note will argue that the Eighth Circuit\u27s rejection of the actual confusion requirement will lead to fairer results by removing near insurmountable obstacles for trademark plaintiffs seeking to be compensated for wrongs perpetrated by trademark infringers

    Qualifying for the Title VII Religious Organization Exemption: Federal Circuits Split over Proper Test

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    While the United States Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of a law permitting religious organizations to exercise a religious preference when making employment decisions, courts remain at odds over the proper test for determining whether an organization is religious. This conflict highlights the tension between Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the First Amendment\u27s religion clauses. When Congress passed Title VII, it took the first step toward its goal of eliminat[ing] all forms of unjustified discrimination in employment. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Title VII generally applies to religious organizations; however, in order to avoid offending the religion clauses, Congress added an exemption, codified in section 702 of the Act, for religious corporation[s], association[s], educational institution[s], or societ[ies] with respect to Title VII\u27s prohibition against religion-based discriminatio
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