6 research outputs found

    Human-computer interaction to human-computer-context interaction : towards a conceptual framework for conducting user studies for shifting interfaces

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    Computer interfaces have been diversifying: from mobile and wearable technologies to the human body as an interface. Moreover, new sensing possibilities have allowed input to interfaces to go beyond the traditional mouse- and keyboard. This has resulted in a shift from manifest to latent interactions, where interactions between the human and the computer are becoming less visible. Currently, there is no framework available that fully captures the complexity of the multidimensional, multimodal, often latent interactions with these constantly shifting interfaces. In this manuscript, the Hu-man-Computer-Context Interaction (HCCI) framework is proposed. This framework defines 5 relevant interaction levels to be considered during user research in all stages of the new product development process in order to optimize user experience. More specifically, the interaction context is defined in terms of user-object, user-user, user-content, user-platform and user-context interactions. The HCCI framework serves as a concrete tool to use in a new product development process by HCI researchers, design-ers, and developers and aims to be technology independent and future-proof. This framework is a preliminary suggestion to be matched against other innovation devel-opment projects and needs to be further validated

    Increased drinking after intra-striatal injection of the dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonist quinpirole in the rat

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    RATIONALE Dopamine D2 receptor hyperactivity has been implicated in the development of psychogenic polydipsia in schizophrenic patients. Repeated treatment with dopamine agonists, including the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole, has been shown to induce hyperdipsia in a number of animal models. Despite these observations, obtained with systemic administrations, little attempt has been made to investigate where in the brain dopamine agonists act to induce hyperdipsia. OBJECTIVE The present study investigates the effects of repeated intra-caudate infusions of quinpirole on the intake of water by rats tested under free-drinking conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Rats with bilateral cannulae placed into the anterior, central or posterior caudate received quinpirole microinfusions (1 μg/side) for five consecutive days in their home cage. Water intake was measured 15 and 60 min after the treatment. RESULTS When injected in the central caudate, quinpirole increased water intake, and this effect progressively increased over sessions, indicating the development of sensitization. When injected in the posterior caudate, the dipsogenic effect of quinpirole was less intense and did not undergo sensitization. The infusion of quinpirole in the anterior caudate did not affect drinking. CONCLUSION The present study shows that caudate D2/3 receptors play an important role in the development of quinpirole-induced hyperdipsia, an animal model of psychotic polydipsia

    Serotonin Drugs and the Treatment of Obesity

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    Angiotensin II Receptors

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    Nonpeptide Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists

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