6 research outputs found

    In Search of HPA Axis Dysregulation in Child and Adolescent Depression

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    Dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in adults with major depressive disorder is among the most consistent and robust biological findings in psychiatry. Given the importance of the adolescent transition to the development and recurrence of depressive phenomena over the lifespan, it is important to have an integrative perspective on research investigating the various components of HPA axis functioning among depressed young people. The present narrative review synthesizes evidence from the following five categories of studies conducted with children and adolescents: (1) those examining the HPA system’s response to the dexamethasone suppression test (DST); (2) those assessing basal HPA axis functioning; (3) those administering corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) challenge; (4) those incorporating psychological probes of the HPA axis; and (5) those examining HPA axis functioning in children of depressed mothers. Evidence is generally consistent with models of developmental psychopathology that hypothesize that atypical HPA axis functioning precedes the emergence of clinical levels of depression and that the HPA axis becomes increasingly dysregulated from child to adult manifestations of depression. Multidisciplinary approaches and longitudinal research designs that extend across development are needed to more clearly and usefully elucidate the role of the HPA axis in depression

    Cardiac implications of increased arterial entry and reversible 24-h central and peripheral norepinephrine levels in melancholia

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    The mortality of chronic heart failure (CHF) doubles either when CHF patients are depressed or when their plasma norepinephrine (NE) level exceeds those of controls by 40%. We hypothesized that patients with major depression had centrally driven, sustained, stress-related, and treatment-reversible increases in plasma NE capable of increasing mortality in CHF patients with depression. We studied 23 controls and 22 medication-free patients with melancholic depression. In severely depressed patients before and after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), we measured cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) NE, plasma NE, plasma epinephrine (EPI), and plasma cortisol hourly for 30 h. In mildly-to-moderately depressed melancholic patients, we assessed basal and stress-mediated arterial NE appearance. Severely depressed patients had significant increases in mean around-the-clock levels of CSF NE (P < 0.02), plasma NE (P < 0.02), plasma EPI (P < 0.02), and plasma cortisol (P < 0.02). CSF NE, plasma NE, and cortisol all rose together throughout the night and peaked in the morning. Each fell to control values after ECT. Mildly-to-moderately melancholic patients also had increased basal (P<0.05) and stress-related (P<0.03) arterial NE-appearance rates. Severely melancholic depressed, medication-free patients had around-the-clock increases in plasma NE levels capable of increasing mortality in CHF. Twenty-four-hour indices of central noradrenergic, adrenomedullary, and adrenocortical secretion were also elevated. Concurrent diurnal rhythms of these secretions could potentiate their cardiotoxicity. Even mildly-to-moderately depressed melancholic patients had clinically relevant increases in the arterial NE-appearance rate. These findings will not apply to all clinical subtypes of major depression.cerebrospinal fluid epinephrine majo