100 research outputs found

    Should the Arteriovenous Fistula Be Created before Starting Dialysis?: A Decision Analytic Approach

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    Background: An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is considered the vascular access of choice, but uncertainty exists about the\ud optimal time for its creation in pre-dialysis patients. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal vascular access\ud referral strategy for stage 4 (glomerular filtration rate ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2) chronic kidney disease patients using a decision\ud analytic framework.\ud Methods: A Markov model was created to compare two strategies: refer all stage 4 chronic kidney disease patients for an\ud AVF versus wait until the patient starts dialysis. Data from published observational studies were used to estimate the\ud probabilities used in the model. A Markov cohort analysis was used to determine the optimal strategy with life expectancy\ud and quality adjusted life expectancy as the outcomes. Sensitivity analyses, including a probabilistic sensitivity analysis, were\ud performed using Monte Carlo simulation.\ud Results: The wait strategy results in a higher life expectancy (66.6 versus 65.9 months) and quality adjusted life expectancy\ud (38.9 versus 38.5 quality adjusted life months) than immediate AVF creation. It was robust across all the parameters except\ud at higher rates of progression and lower rates of ischemic steal syndrome.\ud Conclusions: Early creation of an AVF, as recommended by most guidelines, may not be the preferred strategy in all predialysis\ud patients. Further research on cost implications and patient preferences for treatment options needs to be done\ud before recommending early AVF creation

    Correlates of self-reported offending in children with a first police contact from distinct socio-demographic and ethnic groups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aims to identify risk factors for level of offending among childhood offenders from different socio-economic status (SES) neighborhoods and ethnic origins.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Three groups of childhood first time police arrestees were studied using standardized instruments for individual and parental characteristics: native Dutch offenders from moderate to high SES neighborhoods, native Dutch offenders from low SES neighborhoods, and offenders of non-Western origin from low SES neighborhoods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All subgroups showed high rates of externalizing disorders (27.2% to 41.8%) and familial difficulties (25.7% to 50.5%). Few differences between neighborhoods were found in the prevalence and impact of risk factors. However, the impact of some family risk factors on offending seemed stronger in the low SES groups. Regarding ethnical differences, family risk factors were more prevalent among non-Western childhood offenders. However, the association of these factors with level of offending seemed lower in the non-Western low SES group, while the association of some individual risk factors were stronger in the non-Western low SES group. Turning to the independent correlation of risk factors within each of the groups, in the Dutch moderate to high SES group, 23.1% of the variance in level of offending was explained by ADHD and behavioral problems; in the Dutch low SES group, 29.0% of the variance was explained by behavioral problems and proactive aggression; and in the non-Western low SES group, 41.2% of the variance was explained by substance use, sensation seeking, behavioral peer problems, and parental mental health problems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Thereby, the study indicates few neighborhood differences in the impact of individual and parental risk factors on offending, while individual and parental risk factors may differ between ethnic groups.</p

    Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging-indeterminate/negative cardiac sarcoidosis revealed by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography: two case reports and a review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disorder of immune dysregulation characterized by non-caseating granulomas that can affect any organ. Cardiac sarcoidosis is an under-recognized entity that has a heterogeneous presentation and may occur independently or with any severity of systemic disease. Diagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis remains problematic with endomyocardial biopsies associated with a high risk of complications. Several diagnostic algorithms are currently available that rely on histopathology or clinical and radiological measures. The dominant mode of diagnostic imaging to date for cardiac sarcoidosis has been cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement. Case presentations We report the cases of two adult patients: case 1, a 50-year-old white man who presented with severe congestive cardiac failure; and case 2, a 37-year-old white woman who presented with complete heart block. Both patients had a background of untreated pulmonary sarcoidosis. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging did not show evidence of sarcoidosis in either patient and both proceeded to 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography scans that were highly suggestive of cardiac sarcoidosis. Both patients were systemically immunosuppressed with orally administered prednisone and methotrexate and had subsequent improvement by clinical and nuclear medicine imaging measures. Conclusions Current consensus guidelines recommend all patients with sarcoidosis undergo screening for occult cardiac disease, with thorough history and examination, electrocardiogram, and transthoracic echocardiogram. If any abnormalities are detected, advanced cardiac imaging should follow. While cardiac magnetic resonance imaging identifies the majority of cardiac sarcoidosis, early disease may not be detected. These cases demonstrate 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography is warranted following an indeterminate or normal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging if clinical suspicion remains high. Unidentified and untreated cardiac sarcoidosis risks significant morbidity and mortality, but early detection can facilitate disease-modifying immunosuppression and cardiac-specific interventions

    Structure-Activity Determinants in Antifungal Plant Defensins MsDef1 and MtDef4 with Different Modes of Action against Fusarium graminearum

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    Plant defensins are small cysteine-rich antimicrobial proteins. Their three-dimensional structures are similar in that they consist of an α-helix and three anti-parallel β-strands stabilized by four disulfide bonds. Plant defensins MsDef1 and MtDef4 are potent inhibitors of the growth of several filamentous fungi including Fusarium graminearum. However, they differ markedly in their antifungal properties as well as modes of antifungal action. MsDef1 induces prolific hyperbranching of fungal hyphae, whereas MtDef4 does not. Both defensins contain a highly conserved γ-core motif (GXCX3–9C), a hallmark signature present in the disulfide-stabilized antimicrobial peptides, composed of β2 and β3 strands and the interposed loop. The γ-core motifs of these two defensins differ significantly in their primary amino acid sequences and in their net charge. In this study, we have found that the major determinants of the antifungal activity and morphogenicity of these defensins reside in their γ-core motifs. The MsDef1-γ4 variant in which the γ-core motif of MsDef1 was replaced by that of MtDef4 was almost as potent as MtDef4 and also failed to induce hyperbranching of fungal hyphae. Importantly, the γ-core motif of MtDef4 alone was capable of inhibiting fungal growth, but that of MsDef1 was not. The analysis of synthetic γ-core variants of MtDef4 indicated that the cationic and hydrophobic amino acids were important for antifungal activity. Both MsDef1 and MtDef4 induced plasma membrane permeabilization; however, kinetic studies revealed that MtDef4 was more efficient in permeabilizing fungal plasma membrane than MsDef1. Furthermore, the in vitro antifungal activity of MsDef1, MsDef1-γ4, MtDef4 and peptides derived from the γ-core motif of each defensin was not solely dependent on their ability to permeabilize the fungal plasma membrane. The data reported here indicate that the γ-core motif defines the unique antifungal properties of each defensin and may facilitate de novo design of more potent antifungal peptides

    Genetic and environmental influences on the stability of withdrawn behavior in children: A longitudinal, multi-informant twin study.

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    We examined the contribution of genetic and environmental influences on the stability of withdrawn behavior (WB) in childhood using a longitudinal multiple rater twin design. Maternal and paternal ratings on the withdrawn subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) were obtained from 14,889 families when the twins were 3, 7, 10 and 12 years old. A longitudinal psychometric model was fitted to the data and the fit of transmission and common factor models were evaluated for each variance component. WB showed considerable stability throughout childhood, with correlation coefficients ranging from about .30 for the 9-year time interval to .65 for shorter time intervals. Individual differences in WB as observed by the mother and the father were found to be largely influenced by genetic effects at all four time points, in both boys (50–66%) and girls (38–64%). Shared environmental influences explained a small to modest proportion (0–24%) of the variance at all ages and were slightly more pronounced in girls. Non-shared environmental influences were of moderate importance to the variance and slightly increased with age, from 22–28% at age 3 to 35–41% at age 12 years. The stability of WB was largely explained by genetic effects, accounting for 74% of stability in boys and 65% in girls. Shared environmental effects explained 7% (boys) and 17% (girls) of the behavioral stability. Most shared environmental effects were common to both raters, suggesting little influence of rater bias in the assessment of WB. The shared environmental effects common to both raters were best described by a common factor model, indicating that these effects are stable and persistent throughout childhood. Non-shared environmental effects accounted for the remaining covariance over time

    Genetic diversity and host alternation of the egg parasitoid Oencyrtus pityocampae between the pine processionary moth and caper bug

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    Research ArticleThe increased use of molecular tools for species identification in recent decades revealed that each of many apparently generalist parasitoids are actually a complex of morphologically similar congeners, most of which have a rather narrow host range. Ooencyrtus pityocampae (OP), an important egg parasitoid of the pine processionary moth (PPM), is considered a generalist parasitoid. OP emerges from PPM eggs after winter hibernation, mainly in spring and early summer, long before the eggs of the next PPM generation occurs. The occurrence of OP in eggs of the variegated caper bug (CB) Stenozygum coloratum in spring and summer suggests that OP populations alternate seasonally between PPM and CB. However, the identity of OP population on CB eggs seemed uncertain; unlike OP-PPM populations, the former displayed apparently high male/female ratios and lack of attraction to the PPM sex pheromone. We studied the molecular identities of the two populations since the morphological identification of the genus Ooencyrtus, and OP in particular, is difficult. Sequencing of COI and ITS2 DNA fragments and AFLP analysis of individuals from both hosts revealed no apparent differences between the OP-PPM and the OP-CB populations for both the Israeli and the Turkish OPs, which therefore supported the possibility of host alternation. Sequencing data extended our knowledge of the genetic structure of OP populations in the Mediterranean area, and revealed clear separation between East and West Mediterranean populations. The overall level of genetic diversity was rather small, with the Israeli population much less diverse than all others; possible explanations for this finding are discussed. The findings support the possibility of utilizing the CB and other hosts for enhancing biological control of the PPMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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