13 research outputs found

    Electron shuttle-mediated microbial Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions

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    Purpose: Extracellular Fe(III) reduction plays an important role in a variety of biogeochemical processes. Several mechanisms for microbial Fe(III) reduction in pH-neutral environments have been proposed, but pathways of microbial Fe(III) reduction within alkaline conditions have not been clearly identified. Alkaline soils are vastly distributed; thus, a better understanding of microbial Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions is of significance. The purpose of this study is to explore the dominant mechanism of bacterial iron reduction in alkaline environments. Materials and methods: We used antraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) as a representative of quinone moities of humic substances and elemental sulfur and sulfate as sulfur species to investigate the potential role of humic substances and sulfur species in mediating microbial Fe(III) reduction in alkaline environments. We carried out thermodynamic calculations to predict the ability of bacteria to reduce Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides under alkaline conditions and the ability of AQDS and sulfur species to serve as electron acceptors for microbial anaerobic respiration in an assumed alkaline soil environments. A series of incubation experiments with two model dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA as well as mixed bacteria enriched from a soil were performed to confirm the contribution of AQDS and sulfur species to Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions. Results and discussion: Based on thermodynamic calculations, we predicted that, under alkaline conditions, the enzymatic reduction of Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides would be thermodynamically feasible but very weak. In our incubation experiments, the reduction of ferrihydrite by anaerobic cultures of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA or microbes enriched from a soil was significantly increased in the presence of S0 or AQDS. Notably, AQDS contributed more to promoting Fe(III) reduction as a soluble electron shuttle than S0 did under the alkaline conditions probably because of different mechanisms of microbial utilization of AQDS and S0. Conclusions: These results suggest that microbial reduction of Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides under alkaline conditions may proceed via a pathway mediated by electron shuttles such as AQDS and S0. Considering the high ability of electron shuttling and vast distribution of humic substances, we suggest that humic substance-mediated Fe(III) reduction may potentially be the dominant mechanism for Fe(III) reduction in alkaline environments

    Polarizable Water Model for the Coarse-Grained MARTINI Force Field

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    Coarse-grained (CG) simulations have become an essential tool to study a large variety of biomolecular processes, exploring temporal and spatial scales inaccessible to traditional models of atomistic resolution. One of the major simplifications of CG models is the representation of the solvent, which is either implicit or modeled explicitly as a van der Waals particle. The effect of polarization, and thus a proper screening of interactions depending on the local environment, is absent. Given the important role of water as a ubiquitous solvent in biological systems, its treatment is crucial to the properties derived from simulation studies. Here, we parameterize a polarizable coarse-grained water model to be used in combination with the CG MARTINI force field. Using a three-bead model to represent four water molecules, we show that the orientational polarizability of real water can be effectively accounted for. This has the consequence that the dielectric screening of bulk water is reproduced. At the same time, we parameterized our new water model such that bulk water density and oil/water partitioning data remain at the same level of accuracy as for the standard MARTINI force field. We apply the new model to two cases for which current CG force fields are inadequate. First, we address the transport of ions across a lipid membrane. The computed potential of mean force shows that the ions now naturally feel the change in dielectric medium when moving from the high dielectric aqueous phase toward the low dielectric membrane interior. In the second application we consider the electroporation process of both an oil slab and a lipid bilayer. The electrostatic field drives the formation of water filled pores in both cases, following a similar mechanism as seen with atomistically detailed models