46 research outputs found

    Spatial competition shapes the dynamic mutational landscape of normal esophageal epithelium.

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    During aging, progenitor cells acquire mutations, which may generate clones that colonize the surrounding tissue. By middle age, normal human tissues, including the esophageal epithelium (EE), become a patchwork of mutant clones. Despite their relevance for understanding aging and cancer, the processes that underpin mutational selection in normal tissues remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated this issue in the esophageal epithelium of mutagen-treated mice. Deep sequencing identified numerous mutant clones with multiple genes under positive selection, including Notch1, Notch2 and Trp53, which are also selected in human esophageal epithelium. Transgenic lineage tracing revealed strong clonal competition that evolved over time. Clone dynamics were consistent with a simple model in which the proliferative advantage conferred by positively selected mutations depends on the nature of the neighboring cells. When clones with similar competitive fitness collide, mutant cell fate reverts towards homeostasis, a constraint that explains how selection operates in normal-appearing epithelium.This work was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust to the Wellcome SangerInstitute (098051 and 296194) and Cancer Research UK Programme Grants to P.H.J.(C609/A17257 and C609/A27326). G.P. is supported by a Talento program fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid. B.A.H. and M.W.J.H. are supported by the MedicalResearch Council (Grant-in-Aid to the MRC Cancer unit grant no. MC_UU_12022/9 and NIRG to B.A.H. grant no. MR/S000216/1). M.W.J.H. acknowledges support fromthe Harrison Watson Fund at Clare College, Cambridge. B.A.H. acknowledges support from the Royal Society (grant no. UF130039). I.M. is funded by Cancer Research UK (C57387/A21777). S.D. benefited from the award of an ESPOD fellowship, 2018-21, from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and the European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL-EBI

    A single dividing cell population with imbalanced fate drives oesophageal tumour growth.

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    Understanding the cellular mechanisms of tumour growth is key for designing rational anticancer treatment. Here we used genetic lineage tracing to quantify cell behaviour during neoplastic transformation in a model of oesophageal carcinogenesis. We found that cell behaviour was convergent across premalignant tumours, which contained a single proliferating cell population. The rate of cell division was not significantly different in the lesions and the surrounding epithelium. However, dividing tumour cells had a uniform, small bias in cell fate so that, on average, slightly more dividing than non-dividing daughter cells were generated at each round of cell division. In invasive cancers induced by Kras(G12D) expression, dividing cell fate became more strongly biased towards producing dividing over non-dividing cells in a subset of clones. These observations argue that agents that restore the balance of cell fate may prove effective in checking tumour growth, whereas those targeting cycling cells may show little selectivity.Cancer Research UK (Grant ID: C609/A17257), Medical Research Council (Grant-in-Aid), DFG (Research Fellowship), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Critical Mass Grant), Wellcome Trust (Grant ID: 098357/Z/12/Z)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncb340

    Stem cells in ectodermal development

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    Tissue-specific stem cells sustain organs for a lifetime through self-renewal and generating differentiated progeny. Although tissue stem cells are established during organogenesis, the precise origin of most adult stem cells in the developing embryo is unclear. Mammalian skin is one of the best-studied epithelial systems containing stem cells to date, however the origin of most of the stem cell populations found in the adult epidermis is unknown. Here, we try to recapitulate the emergence and genesis of an ectodermal stem cell during development until the formation of an adult skin. We ask whether skin stem cells share key transcriptional regulators with their embryonic counterparts and discuss whether embryonic-like stem cells may persist through to adulthood in vivo

    Isolation and enrichment of newborn and adult skin stem cells of the interfollicular epidermis

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    The interfollicular epidermis regenerates from a heterogeneous population of basal cells undergoing either self-renewal or terminal differentiation, thereby balancing cell loss in tissue turnover or in wound repair. In this chapter, we describe a reliable and simple method for isolating interfollicular epithelial stem cells from the skin of newborn mice or from tail and ear skin of adult mice using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We also provide a detailed protocol for culturing interfollicular epidermal stem cells and to assess their proliferative potential and self-renewing ability. These techniques are useful for directly evaluating epidermal stem cell function in normal mice under different conditions or in genetically modified mouse models

    Differentiation imbalance in single oesophageal progenitor cells causes clonal immortalization and field change

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    Multiple cancers may arise from within a clonal region of preneoplastic epithelium, a phenomenon termed β€˜field change’. However, it is not known how field change develops. Here we investigate this question using lineage tracing to track the behaviour of scattered single oesophageal epithelial progenitor cells expressing a mutation that inhibits the Notch signalling pathway. Notch is frequently subject to inactivating mutation in squamous cancers3–6. Quantitative analysis reveals that cell divisions that produce two differentiated daughters are absent from mutant progenitors. As a result, mutant clones are no longer lost by differentiation and become functionally immortal. Furthermore, mutant cells promote the differentiation of neighbouring wild-type cells, which are then lost from the tissue. These effects lead to clonal expansion, with mutant cells eventually replacing the entire epithelium. Notch inhibition in progenitors carrying p53 stabilizing mutations creates large confluent regions of doubly mutant epithelium. Field change is thus a consequence of imbalanced differentiation in individual progenitor cells

    Lineage analysis of basal epithelial cells reveals their unexpected plasticity and supports a cell-of-origin model for prostate cancer heterogeneity

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    A key issue in cancer biology is whether oncogenic transformation of different cell types of origin within an adult tissue gives rise to distinct tumor subtypes that differ in their prognosis and/or treatment response. We now show that initiation of prostate tumors in basal or luminal epithelial cells in mouse models results in tumors with distinct molecular signatures that are predictive of human patient outcomes. Furthermore, our analysis of untransformed basal cells reveals an unexpected assay-dependence of their stem cell properties in sphere formation and transplantation assays versus genetic lineage-tracing during prostate regeneration and adult tissue homeostasis. Although oncogenic transformation of basal cells gives rise to tumors with luminal phenotypes, cross-species bioinformatic analyses indicate that luminal origin tumors are more aggressive than basal origin tumors, and identify a molecular signature associated with patient outcome. Our results reveal the inherent plasticity of basal cells, and support a model in which different cells of origin generate distinct molecular subtypes of prostate cancer