10,156 research outputs found

    Analytical results for long time behavior in anomalous diffusion

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    We investigate through a Generalized Langevin formalism the phenomenon of anomalous diffusion for asymptotic times, and we generalized the concept of the diffusion exponent. A method is proposed to obtain the diffusion coefficient analytically through the introduction of a time scaling factor λ\lambda. We obtain as well an exact expression for λ\lambda for all kinds of diffusion. Moreover, we show that λ\lambda is a universal parameter determined by the diffusion exponent. The results are then compared with numerical calculations and very good agreement is observed. The method is general and may be applied to many types of stochastic problem

    Fertility preservation in ovarian tumours

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    A considerable number of patients with a cancer diagnosis are of childbearing age and have not satisfied their desire for a family. Despite ovarian cancer (OC) usually occurring in older patients, 3%–14% are diagnosed at a fertile age with the overall 5-year survival rate being 91.2% in women ≤44 years of age when it is found at 1A–B stage. In this scenario, testing the safety and the efficacy of fertility sparing strategies in OC patients is very important overall in terms of quality of life. Unfortunately, the lack of randomised trials to validate conservative approaches does not guarantee the safety of fertility preservation strategies. However, evidence-based data from descriptive series suggest that in selected cases, the preservation of the uterus and at least one part of the ovary does not lead to a high risk of relapse. This conservative surgery helps to maintain organ function, giving patients of childbearing age the possibility to preserve their fertility. We hereby analysed the main evidence from the international literature on this topic in order to highlight the selected criteria for conservative management of OC patients, including healthy BRCA mutations carriers

    Plastic Deformation of 2D Crumpled Wires

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    When a single long piece of elastic wire is injected trough channels into a confining two-dimensional cavity, a complex structure of hierarchical loops is formed. In the limit of maximum packing density, these structures are described by several scaling laws. In this paper it is investigated this packing process but using plastic wires which give origin to completely irreversible structures of different morphology. In particular, it is studied experimentally the plastic deformation from circular to oblate configurations of crumpled wires, obtained by the application of an axial strain. Among other things, it is shown that in spite of plasticity, irreversibility, and very large deformations, scaling is still observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Gurevich-Zybin system

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    We present three different linearizable extensions of the Gurevich-Zybin system. Their general solutions are found by reciprocal transformations. In this paper we rewrite the Gurevich-Zybin system as a Monge-Ampere equation. By application of reciprocal transformation this equation is linearized. Infinitely many local Hamiltonian structures, local Lagrangian representations, local conservation laws and local commuting flows are found. Moreover, all commuting flows can be written as Monge-Ampere equations similar to the Gurevich-Zybin system. The Gurevich-Zybin system describes the formation of a large scale structures in the Universe. The second harmonic wave generation is known in nonlinear optics. In this paper we prove that the Gurevich-Zybin system is equivalent to a degenerate case of the second harmonic generation. Thus, the Gurevich-Zybin system is recognized as a degenerate first negative flow of two-component Harry Dym hierarchy up to two Miura type transformations. A reciprocal transformation between the Gurevich-Zybin system and degenerate case of the second harmonic generation system is found. A new solution for the second harmonic generation is presented in implicit form.Comment: Corrected typos and misprint

    A separation of electrons and protons in the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope

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    The GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope is intended to measure the fluxes of gamma rays and cosmic-ray electrons and positrons in the energy range from 100 MeV to several TeV. Such measurements concern with the following scientific goals: search for signatures of dark matter, investigation of gamma-ray point and extended sources, studies of the energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic diffuse emission, studies of gamma-ray bursts and gamma-ray emission from the active Sun, as well as high-precision measurements of spectra of high-energy electrons and positrons, protons, and nuclei up to the knee. The main components of cosmic rays are protons and helium nuclei, whereas the part of lepton component in the total flux is ~10E-3 for high energies. In present paper, the capability of the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope to distinguish electrons and positrons from protons in cosmic rays is investigated. The individual contribution to the proton rejection is studied for each detector system of the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope. Using combined information from all detector systems allow us to provide the proton rejection from electrons with a factor of ~4x10E5 for vertical incident particles and ~3x10E5 for particles with initial inclination of 30 degrees. The calculations were performed for the electron energy range from 50 GeV to 1 TeV.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Advances and Space Researc

    The GAMMA-400 space observatory: status and perspectives

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    The present design of the new space observatory GAMMA-400 is presented in this paper. The instrument has been designed for the optimal detection of gamma rays in a broad energy range (from ~100 MeV up to 3 TeV), with excellent angular and energy resolution. The observatory will also allow precise and high statistic studies of the electron component in the cosmic rays up to the multi TeV region, as well as protons and nuclei spectra up to the knee region. The GAMMA-400 observatory will allow to address a broad range of science topics, like search for signatures of dark matter, studies of Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources, Galactic and extragalactic diffuse emission, gamma-ray bursts and charged cosmic rays acceleration and diffusion mechanism up to the knee

    Indirect signals from light neutralinos in supersymmetric models without gaugino mass unification

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    We examine indirect signals produced by neutralino self-annihilations, in the galactic halo or inside celestial bodies, in the frame of an effective MSSM model without gaugino-mass unification at a grand unification scale. We compare our theoretical predictions with current experimental data of gamma-rays and antiprotons in space and of upgoing muons at neutrino telescopes. Results are presented for a wide range of the neutralino mass, though our discussions are focused on light neutralinos. We find that only the antiproton signal is potentially able to set constraints on very low-mass neutralinos, below 20 GeV. The gamma-ray signal, both from the galactic center and from high galactic latitudes, requires significantly steep profiles or substantial clumpiness in order to reach detectable levels. The up-going muon signal is largely below experimental sensitivities for the neutrino flux coming from the Sun; for the flux from the Earth an improvement of about one order of magnitude in experimental sensitivities (with a low energy threshold) can make accessible neutralino masses close to O, Si and Mg nuclei masses, for which resonant capture is operative.Comment: 17 pages, 1 tables and 5 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4. The paper may also be found at http://www.to.infn.it/~fornengo/papers/indirect04.ps.gz or through http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/. Limit from BR(Bs--> mu+ mu-) adde

    The Speciality Index as invariant indicator in the BKL Mixmaster Dynamics

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    The speciality index, which has been mainly used in Numerical Relativity for studying gravitational waves phenomena as an indicator of the special or non-special Petrov type character of a spacetime, is applied here in the context of Mixmaster cosmology, using the Belinski-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz map. Possible applications for the associated chaotic dynamics are discussed