962 research outputs found

    Mom And Baby Spa

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    Saat ini spa sudah menjadi gaya hidup masyarakat di kota, sebagai salah satu alternative untuk relaksasi agar pikiran kembali segar dan juga dapat menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Namun, tidak hanya orang biasa saja yang membutuhkan spa , ibu hamil, ibu pasca melahirkan, bayi, serta anak pun membutuhkan perawatan relaksasi ini. Fasilitas spa untuk ibu hamil dan bayi biasanya berada dalam tempat spa untuk umum atau rumah bersalin yang dapat membuat pengguna merasa tidak nyaman. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka munculah gagasan untuk merancang spa khusus untuk ibu hamil, ibu pasca melahirkan, bayi, dan anak agar kebutuhan akan fasilitas ini terakomodasi.// /

    Career Path System Structural Lecturerin Private Universities in Bandar Lampung

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    Lecturer is one of the essential components of a system in higher education. Lecturers have a role, duties and responsibilities in realizing the goal of national education. So that the lecturer is the most important component in the college. The main task is Tridarma college lecturers are arranged in standard faculty workload. career systems lecturer in private universities is not only contained in the Act's regulations No. 14 2015 on teachers and lecturers. professional development of lecturers through functional or academic position, while career development in a structural position of secretary courses starting up the post of rector. For private colleges in the determination of structural positions is done without seeing the competency of a person to be served, but it generally is someone who has an emotional connection, meaning not based on seniority, rank, and functional academics. Based on this, we need a system of career paths / career path for lecturers in a structural position to be more focused and measurable so that governance and academic atmosphere in the college better

    Multiple Liver Abscess

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    Liver abscess is a public health problem in few countries in Asia, Africa, and South America.1 As time goes, there were only few cases of amebic liver abscess found in developed countries, on the contrary more pyogenic liver abscess are found in those countries.2 Liver abscess could be caused by bacteria, parasite, or fungus 2. The common symptoms among the liver abscess are fever, chill, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, right upper abdominal pain,2,4 in a few cases have symptoms like coughing, hiccup, pain in low right chest, or pain on the shoulder. We reported a male patient 38 years batak ethnic was admitted with major symptoms such as high fever follow by chill, right upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, fatigue and sometimes coughing. Based on clinical, laboratory data, and abdominal USG found this patient suspected suffered from pyogenic liver abscess. Treatment of this patient consist of antibiotic (cefotaxime 2x1 IV, metronidazol 3x500mg orally and aspiration of the liver abscess). Aspiration was done 2 times with the interval 1 week, extracted 260cc totally yellow greenish watery fluid with no smell. On the follow up abdominal USG was repeated on Janurary 8, 2003 found enlarge of the liver, 3 small abscesses on the right lobe liver and so recovery process and then patient left the hospital in good condition after 3 weeks hospitalized

    Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai: Dysfunctional Behavior Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Empiris Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    This study examines the relationship of Information Financial Systems to Officer performance:Dysfunctional Behavior as Moderating Variable. This research represents the empirical test which used sensus sampling technics in data collection. Data were collected using a survey of 101 from officer in local govermment of Banyumas Center of Java, Indonesia. Data analysis uses SPSS ver.18. Result of hypothesis examination indicate that from two hypothesis raised are Accepted.. Accepted fist hypothesis: there are positive influence between implementation of Government Information Financial System (SIKD) to Officer performance. Second hypotesis there are positive influence between implementation of Government Information Financial System (SIKD) to Officer performance mediated by dysfunctional behavior

    Evaluasi Dampak Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Bos) Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMP N) Di Kecamatan Banyumanik, Kota Semarang

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    BOS program is education program from government for poor society to facing the mark-up price of gasoline on 2005. Basically, BOS is non-personal operating fund supplying program from government to access nine years elementary school of national educational system. This research, will observe how far BOS Program that almost ten years works, can give benefit and impact for the targets. Qualitative – descriptive method will used to explain the impact evaluation research by in-depth interview.The results of impact evaluation of School Operational Assistance Program (Program BOS) on junior high school grade in Banyumanik Sub district, Semarang City conclude that the targets give positive effects, despite there are some problems about fund managing. Positive effect not only for the pupils and schools, but also for the parents of pupil in there. Impacts for the pupils are motivation to study, because there isn't pay to fee and increasing the instruments for study and extracurricular activities. So that, they optimist to steps on next grade after junior high school. Impacts for parents are helping them about school fee, and then parents can fulfilled another requirement that can support their child education. Impacts for the schools are can completely the school requirements for educational activities. The schools applying and managing of the BOS funds following by the BOS rules that regulate about the fee components up to the prohibitions. Over all, BOS program earns good response for decrease the school fees and support school activities. Until now, BOS program can push down the drop out cases in nine years elementary school grade. But, the school has other problems, like the funds was delayed to transfer and limited to accomplish the school requirements

    Produksi NH3, Protein By Pass dan Sintesis Protein Mikroba dari Pod Kakao yang di Suplementasi Chromolaena odorata

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    Penyediaan pakan alternatif merupakan tantangan utama bagi peternak ketika pakan hijauan semakin berkurang, diantaranya pod kakao. Supaya dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, maka pod kakao  perlu disuplementasi dengan Chromolaena odorata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan Chromolaena odorata pada pod kakao terhadap produksi NH3, protein by pass dan sintesis protein mikroba. Pada percobaan dibuat empat formulasi ransum sebagai perlakuan yaitu : A. Pod kakao 100% + Chromolaena odorata 0 %, B. Pod kakao 100% + Chromolaena odorata 10 %, C.  Pod kakao 100% + Chromolaena odorata 20 %, D. Pod kakao 100% + Chromolaena odorata 30 %. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan empat kali ulangan. Data dianalisa dengan analisis sidik ragam dan jika terdapat pengaruh yang nyata dilakukan uji lanjut DMRT. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi Chromolaena odorata sampai 20% pada pod kakao memberikan hasil yang baik terhadap produksi NH3, protein by pass dan sintesis protein mikroba

    Pengaruh Diabetes Melitus terhadap Gambaran Klinis dan Keberhasilan Pengobatan Tuberkulosis di Tujuh RSU Kelas A dan B di Jawa dan Bali

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) may complicate tuberculosis (TB) treatment and control. The National Institute of Health Research and Development in collaboration with seven referral public hospitals in Java and Bali established a disease registry system for tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM). Medical records containing data of ≥15 years old patients, diagnosed with TB (ICD-10 code A15-A19) in 2014, with or without DM (ICD-10 code E10-E14) were recorded into case report form (CRF). From January 1st 2014 to January 12th 2016, the registry recorded 1975 TB cases, 15% of cases were TB-DM. 73.6% TB-DM were ≥45 years old and 70,8% TB-non DM were <45 years old. Previously treated TB cases were higher than naïve in TB-DM (OR 2.588; 95%CI 2.0-3.4). In TB-DM, predominant symptoms were cough >2 weeks (76.4%), weight loss (72.6%), loss of appetite (65.9%), and night sweats (65.2%). In TB-non DM, predominant symptoms were weight loss (59.4%), loss of appetite (57.8%), cough >2 weeks (57.6%), and fever (56.9%). Higher chest X-rays abnormality in TB-DM (OR 7.249; 95%CI 3.2-16.5) and higher positive AFB smears (OR 2.568; 95%CI 1.8-3.8). TB treatment failure (death, defaulted, failure, or transferred out) were three times higher in TB-DM (aOR 3.042; 95%CI 1.7-5.4). TB-DM Registry showed negative effects of DM on clinical condition and the treatment success of TB. Abstrak Diabetes melitus (DM) menyulitkan pengobatan dan kontrol tuberkulosis (TB). Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan bersama tujuh rumah sakit (RS) umum kelas A dan B di Pulau Jawa dan Bali mengembangkan Sistem Registri Penyakit TB-DM. Data pasien berusia ≥15 tahun, didiagnosis TB (kode A15-A19 ICD-10) mulai tahun 2014, dengan atau tanpa DM (kode E10-E14 ICD-10) diabstraksi ke dalam case report form (CRF). Mulai 1 Januari 2014 – 2 Januari 2016, terdapat 1975 kasus TB, 15% adalah TB dengan DM. 73,6% pasien TB-DM berusia ≥45 tahun dan 70,8% TB-non DM berusia <45 tahun. Pada kasus TB-DM, kasus TB sebelumnya pernah diobati lebih tinggi dibanding TB naïve (OR 2,588; KI95% 2,0-3,4). Pada TB-DM, gejala terbanyak adalah batuk lebih dari dua minggu, penurunan berat badan, penurunan nafsu makan, dan berkeringat di malam hari, berturut-turut sebanyak 76,4%; 72,6%; 65,9%; dan 65,2%. Pada TB-non DM, gejala dominan adalah penurunan berat badan, penurunan nafsu makan, batuk lebih dari dua minggu, dan demam, berturut-turut sebanyak 59,4%; 57,8%; 57,6%; dan 56,9%. Foto toraks abnormal lebih banyak pada TB-DM (OR 7,249; KI95% 3,2-16,5), demikian juga dengan BTA positif (OR 2,568; KI95% 1,8-3,8). Kegagalan pengobatan TB (meninggal, putus berobat, gagal pengobatan, atau pindah) tiga kali lebih besar pada TD-DM dibanding TB-non DM (aOR 3.042; KI95%1.7-5.4). Registri TB-DM menunjukkan efek negatif DM terhadap gambaran klinis dan keberhasilan pengobatan TB
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