7 research outputs found

    Peran Bahasa Inggris dalam Upaya Membangun Nalar Sadar Wisata

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    Language development is critical in communication amongst groups since humans, as individuals with economic demands rely on one another. Language is also an important tool for character development. Individual qualities can be established through logical reasoning. Reason and language have a very intimate relationship. English is an international language used in practically every corner of the world to communicate between people from different origins. Furthermore, English has a significant association with the tourism industry. Not only must tourism actors or administrators be able to communicate in English, but they will also deal with tourism visitors, particularly foreign tourists, whether they like it or not. There is no doubt that tourism development must coincide with the development of suitable or qualified human resources for tourism management. Effective communication between visitors and tourism actors or managers, including local citizens, is critical to achieving sustainable tourism. As a result, those working in the tourism business must have excellent communication abilities

    Struktur Bahasa dan Sikap Bahasa Etnik Ternate terhadap Etnik Lain

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    The acceptance of Malay is the beginning of the attitude of acceptance of the language by Ternate society. Language attitudes can be classified into two, namely positive attitudes and negative attitudes. A positive attitude in the form of loyalty to language and will determine language defense should be a negative attitude that will lead to language shift. This study aims to describe the attitude of acceptance of Ternate's ethnic language which has historically been described as an ethnic group that easily accepts and even absorbs new cultures that have come. With the attitude of acceptance, how is the pattern or structure of the language used when communicating with other ethnic speakers. This is what encourages researchers to conduct research related to the structure of language and cycles of language reception by Ternate ethnicity. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, in which the object of research is human beings and circumstances that are influenced by humans whose study is carried out as skillfully as possible. This study also uses a holistic approach including structural, sociology and anthropology. Research results show that the dominant language structure used by ethnicities includes 1). The level of morphology namely words and phrases, 2) syntax includes the negative words. Whereas the language attitude has shown is a negative language attitude towards one's own language and vice versa shows a positive language attitude towards other languages. From the perspective of communication, the attitude of the language shown by ethnic Ternate shows a very high level of language accommodation. Keywords: structure, language, attitude

    Ungkapan Tabu dalam Masyarakat Ternate

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang tabu berupa ungkapan verbal dalam masyarakat Ternate yang hingga saat ini masih dijumpai dalam keseharian. Tabu dalam hal ini dilihat dari perspektif  budaya menyangkut dengan sistem kepercayaan  dan dari perspektif  sosial yang berkaitan dengan etika atau sopan santun dalam berinteraksi antar sesama manusia. Tulisan ini juga membahas strategi yang dilakukan  dalam menyikapi tabu tersebut.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara untuk memperoleh data jenis tabu  yang dalam masyarakat disebut foso atau boboso serta bagaimana menyikapi tabu tersebut pada saat kondisi di mana mereka dengan terpaksa harus menggunakan kata-kata tabu tersebut. pendekatan semantic digunakan untuk memperoleh makna kontekstual dalam proses analisis data. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah bahwa dari sisi budaya  terdapat beberapa kata yang tergolong dalam satu komponen makna yang tidak boleh diucapkan pada situasi malam hari. Sedangkan dari sisi sosial juga terdapat sejumlah kata yang dianggap tidak patut diucapkan seseorang ketika berinteraksi dengan orang  lain dalam suatu situasi.Kata kunci: tabu, sistem kepercayaan, kultur, sosialAbstractThis article describes about taboo,  a verbal expression in Ternate society which is existed till this day. In this case, taboo is viewed from cultural perspective related to belief system and social perspective related to ethics and politeness in interaction between men. This article describe about a strategy to respond taboo as well.The technique of collecting data is in depth interview to get some data of taboo as the society called foso or boboso and how to respond taboo in the condition when they must use the taboo words. Semantic approach is used to get contextual meaning in process of analyzing the data.The result of this research was found that there are a few words in one component meaning that cannot be said in the evening situation viewed from the cultural perspective. While for the social perspective was found that there are a few words cannot be said to a man when interact to other people in each situation.Keyword; taboo, religion system, cultural, socia

    Fasilitas Sanitasi pada Objek Wisata Jikomalamo

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    Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan informasi tentang sistem sanitasi yang diterapkan pada objek wisata Jikomalamo di Ternate. Sanitasi terbagi atas sanitasi dasar  dan sanitasi bangunan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan   teknik survey, wawancara serta dokumentasi.  Data  yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian bahwa sistem sanitasi pada objek wisata jikomalamo masih jauh dari standar sanitasi yang ditentukan oleh WHO maupun Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Terdapat empat tempat yang masih memperhatikan kebersihan dan hamper memenuhi standar sanitasi. Sistem sanitasi yang diterapkan antara lain meliputi  sanitasi dasar; penyediaan air bersih, Pembuangan air limbah, ketersediaan tempat sampah, jarak toilet serta penerangan. Sedangkan sanitasi bangunan meliputi konstruksi bangunan, bahan bangunan serta kelembaban, belum ada yang memenuhi kriteria UU Sanitasi Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Kata kunci:  sanitasi, fasilitas, objek wisata                                                      Abstractthis article aims to provide information about the sanitation system applied to the Jikomalamo tourist attraction in Ternate. Sanitation is divided into basic sanitation and building sanitation. The method used is descriptive qualitative with survey techniques, interviews and documentation. The data obtained from the research shows that the sanitation system at the Jikomalamo tourist attraction is still far from the sanitation standards set by WHO and the Indonesian Ministry of Health. There are four places that still pay attention to cleanliness and almost meet sanitation standards. The sanitation system implemented includes basic sanitation; provision of clean water, disposal of waste water, availability of trash bins, distance of toilets and lighting. Meanwhile, building sanitation includes building construction, building materials and humidity, none of which have met the criteria for the Sanitation Law of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.Keyword : sanitasion, facility, tourism destinatio

    Pelesapan Fonem Vokal Bahasa Melayu Ternate di Pulau Tiidore

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    Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk  (1) menggambarkan pelesapan fonem bahasa Melayu Ternate di Tidore dan (2) menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelesapan  fonem vokal bahasa Melayu Ternate di Tidore. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data; observasi dan wawancara. Adapun objek yang diteliti ialah pelesapan fonem vokal dalam bahasa melayu Ternate di Tidore, pada saat tuturan atau komunikasi. sumber data  diperoleh dari infoman atau penutur secara langsung. Sedangkan objek kajian ialah pelesapan fonem dalam Bahasa Melayu Ternate di Tidore.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat beberapa tipe pelesapan fonem  bahasa Melayu Ternate di Tidore    yakni: Aferesis, sinkop dan apokop. Adapun penggunaan pelesapan ini  dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial. Kata kunci: pelesapan, fonem, kosa kata, sosial AbstractThis paper aims to (1) describe deletion of Ternate Malay phoneme in Tidore and (2) describe factors influencing the deletion of vowel phoneme of  Ternate Malay in Tidore. Method of research used is qualitative descriptive  and technique of collecting data are through observation and interview . The object  being researched is deletion of vowel phoneme of Ternate Malay in Tidore when communicate one another. Data source taken from informant or speaker directly, while object of analysis is deletion of Ternate Malay phoneme in Tidore.Based on the result, it is concluded that there are several types of Ternate Malay phoneme, namely aferesis, syncope, and apocope. The use of the deletion was influenced bysocial and geographic factors.Keywords: phoneme deletion,vocabulary, socia