57 research outputs found

    Measurement-Induced Entanglement for Excitation Stored in Remote Atomic Ensembles

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    A critical requirement for diverse applications in Quantum Information Science is the capability to disseminate quantum resources over complex quantum networks. For example, the coherent distribution of entangled quantum states together with quantum memory to store these states can enable scalable architectures for quantum computation, communication, and metrology. As a significant step toward such possibilities, here we report observations of entanglement between two atomic ensembles located in distinct apparatuses on different tables. Quantum interference in the detection of a photon emitted by one of the samples projects the otherwise independent ensembles into an entangled state with one joint excitation stored remotely in 10^5 atoms at each site. After a programmable delay, we confirm entanglement by mapping the state of the atoms to optical fields and by measuring mutual coherences and photon statistics for these fields. We thereby determine a quantitative lower bound for the entanglement of the joint state of the ensembles. Our observations provide a new capability for the distribution and storage of entangled quantum states, including for scalable quantum communication networks .Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures Submitted for publication on August 31 200

    Conditional control of the quantum states of remote atomic memories for quantum networking

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    Quantum networks hold the promise for revolutionary advances in information processing with quantum resources distributed over remote locations via quantum-repeater architectures. Quantum networks are composed of nodes for storing and processing quantum states, and of channels for transmitting states between them. The scalability of such networks relies critically on the ability to perform conditional operations on states stored in separated quantum memories. Here we report the first implementation of such conditional control of two atomic memories, located in distinct apparatuses, which results in a 28-fold increase of the probability of simultaneously obtaining a pair of single photons, relative to the case without conditional control. As a first application, we demonstrate a high degree of indistinguishability for remotely generated single photons by the observation of destructive interference of their wavepackets. Our results demonstrate experimentally a basic principle for enabling scalable quantum networks, with applications as well to linear optics quantum computation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; Minor corrections. References updated. Published at Nature Physics 2, Advanced Online Publication of 10/29 (2006

    Memory-built-in quantum teleportation with photonic and atomic qubits

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    The combination of quantum teleportation and quantum memory of photonic qubits is essential for future implementations of large-scale quantum communication and measurement-based quantum computation. Both steps have been achieved separately in many proof-of-principle experiments, but the demonstration of memory-built-in teleportation of photonic qubits remains an experimental challenge. Here, we demonstrate teleportation between photonic (flying) and atomic (stationary) qubits. In our experiment, an unknown polarization state of a single photon is teleported over 7 m onto a remote atomic qubit that also serves as a quantum memory. The teleported state can be stored and successfully read out for up to 8 micro-second. Besides being of fundamental interest, teleportation between photonic and atomic qubits with the direct inclusion of a readable quantum memory represents a step towards an efficient and scalable quantum network.Comment: 19 pages 3 figures 1 tabl

    Random Numbers Certified by Bell's Theorem

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    Randomness is a fundamental feature in nature and a valuable resource for applications ranging from cryptography and gambling to numerical simulation of physical and biological systems. Random numbers, however, are difficult to characterize mathematically, and their generation must rely on an unpredictable physical process. Inaccuracies in the theoretical modelling of such processes or failures of the devices, possibly due to adversarial attacks, limit the reliability of random number generators in ways that are difficult to control and detect. Here, inspired by earlier work on nonlocality based and device independent quantum information processing, we show that the nonlocal correlations of entangled quantum particles can be used to certify the presence of genuine randomness. It is thereby possible to design of a new type of cryptographically secure random number generator which does not require any assumption on the internal working of the devices. This strong form of randomness generation is impossible classically and possible in quantum systems only if certified by a Bell inequality violation. We carry out a proof-of-concept demonstration of this proposal in a system of two entangled atoms separated by approximately 1 meter. The observed Bell inequality violation, featuring near-perfect detection efficiency, guarantees that 42 new random numbers are generated with 99% confidence. Our results lay the groundwork for future device-independent quantum information experiments and for addressing fundamental issues raised by the intrinsic randomness of quantum theory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 16 page appendix. Version as close as possible to the published version following the terms of the journa

    Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement

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    The establishment of nonlocal correlations, obtained through the violation of a Bell inequality, is not only important from a fundamental point of view, but constitutes the basis for device-independent quantum information technologies. Although several nonlocality tests have been performed so far, all of them suffered from either the locality or the detection loopholes. Recent studies have suggested that the use of atom-photon entanglement can lead to Bell inequality violations with moderate transmission and detection efficiencies. In this paper we propose an experimental setup realizing a simple atom-photon entangled state that, under realistic experimental parameters available to date, achieves a significant violation of the Clauser-Horn-Shimony-Holt inequality. Most importantly, the violation remains when considering typical detection efficiencies and losses due to required propagation distances.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 3 table, to appear in Nature Com

    Quantum Storage of Photonic Entanglement in a Crystal

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    Entanglement is the fundamental characteristic of quantum physics. Large experimental efforts are devoted to harness entanglement between various physical systems. In particular, entanglement between light and material systems is interesting due to their prospective roles as "flying" and stationary qubits in future quantum information technologies, such as quantum repeaters and quantum networks. Here we report the first demonstration of entanglement between a photon at telecommunication wavelength and a single collective atomic excitation stored in a crystal. One photon from an energy-time entangled pair is mapped onto a crystal and then released into a well-defined spatial mode after a predetermined storage time. The other photon is at telecommunication wavelength and is sent directly through a 50 m fiber link to an analyzer. Successful transfer of entanglement to the crystal and back is proven by a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality by almost three standard deviations (S=2.64+/-0.23). These results represent an important step towards quantum communication technologies based on solid-state devices. In particular, our resources pave the way for building efficient multiplexed quantum repeaters for long-distance quantum networks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + supplementary information; fixed typo in ref. [36

    Observation of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations

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    A two-level quantum system coherently driven by a resonant electromagnetic field oscillates sinusoidally between the two levels at frequency Ω\Omega which is proportional to the field amplitude [1]. This phenomenon, known as the Rabi oscillation, has been at the heart of atomic, molecular and optical physics since the seminal work of its namesake and coauthors [2]. Notably, Rabi oscillations in isolated single atoms or dilute gases form the basis for metrological applications such as atomic clocks and precision measurements of physical constants [3]. Both inhomogeneous distribution of coupling strength to the field and interactions between individual atoms reduce the visibility of the oscillation and may even suppress it completely. A remarkable transformation takes place in the limit where only a single excitation can be present in the sample due to either initial conditions or atomic interactions: there arises a collective, many-body Rabi oscillation at a frequency N0.5ΩN^0.5\Omega involving all N >> 1 atoms in the sample [4]. This is true even for inhomogeneous atom-field coupling distributions, where single-atom Rabi oscillations may be invisible. When one of the two levels is a strongly interacting Rydberg level, many-body Rabi oscillations emerge as a consequence of the Rydberg excitation blockade. Lukin and coauthors outlined an approach to quantum information processing based on this effect [5]. Here we report initial observations of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations between the ground level and a Rydberg level using several hundred cold rubidium atoms. The strongly pronounced oscillations indicate a nearly complete excitation blockade of the entire mesoscopic ensemble by a single excited atom. The results pave the way towards quantum computation and simulation using ensembles of atoms

    Entangled Mechanical Oscillators

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    Hallmarks of quantum mechanics include superposition and entanglement. In the context of large complex systems, these features should lead to situations like Schrodinger's cat, which exists in a superposition of alive and dead states entangled with a radioactive nucleus. Such situations are not observed in nature. This may simply be due to our inability to sufficiently isolate the system of interest from the surrounding environment -- a technical limitation. Another possibility is some as-of-yet undiscovered mechanism that prevents the formation of macroscopic entangled states. Such a limitation might depend on the number of elementary constituents in the system or on the types of degrees of freedom that are entangled. One system ubiquitous to nature where entanglement has not been previously demonstrated is distinct mechanical oscillators. Here we demonstrate deterministic entanglement of separated mechanical oscillators, consisting of the vibrational states of two pairs of atomic ions held in different locations. We also demonstrate entanglement of the internal states of an atomic ion with a distant mechanical oscillator.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node

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    Quantum communication is a method that offers efficient and secure ways for the exchange of information in a network. Large-scale quantum communication (of the order of 100 km) has been achieved; however, serious problems occur beyond this distance scale, mainly due to inevitable photon loss in the transmission channel. Quantum communication eventually fails when the probability of a dark count in the photon detectors becomes comparable to the probability that a photon is correctly detected. To overcome this problem, Briegel, D\"{u}r, Cirac and Zoller (BDCZ) introduced the concept of quantum repeaters, combining entanglement swapping and quantum memory to efficiently extend the achievable distances. Although entanglement swapping has been experimentally demonstrated, the implementation of BDCZ quantum repeaters has proved challenging owing to the difficulty of integrating a quantum memory. Here we realize entanglement swapping with storage and retrieval of light, a building block of the BDCZ quantum repeater. We follow a scheme that incorporates the strategy of BDCZ with atomic quantum memories. Two atomic ensembles, each originally entangled with a single emitted photon, are projected into an entangled state by performing a joint Bell state measurement on the two single photons after they have passed through a 300-m fibre-based communication channel. The entanglement is stored in the atomic ensembles and later verified by converting the atomic excitations into photons. Our method is intrinsically phase insensitive and establishes the essential element needed to realize quantum repeaters with stationary atomic qubits as quantum memories and flying photonic qubits as quantum messengers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping photonic entanglement into and out of a quantum memory

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    Recent developments of quantum information science critically rely on entanglement, an intriguing aspect of quantum mechanics where parts of a composite system can exhibit correlations stronger than any classical counterpart. In particular, scalable quantum networks require capabilities to create, store, and distribute entanglement among distant matter nodes via photonic channels. Atomic ensembles can play the role of such nodes. So far, in the photon counting regime, heralded entanglement between atomic ensembles has been successfully demonstrated via probabilistic protocols. However, an inherent drawback of this approach is the compromise between the amount of entanglement and its preparation probability, leading intrinsically to low count rate for high entanglement. Here we report a protocol where entanglement between two atomic ensembles is created by coherent mapping of an entangled state of light. By splitting a single-photon and subsequent state transfer, we separate the generation of entanglement and its storage. After a programmable delay, the stored entanglement is mapped back into photonic modes with overall efficiency of 17 %. Improvements of single-photon sources together with our protocol will enable "on demand" entanglement of atomic ensembles, a powerful resource for quantum networking.Comment: 7 pages, and 3 figure