7 research outputs found

    Quasicrystal formation in binary soft matter mixtures

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    Using a strategy that may be applied in theory or in experiments, we identify the regime in which a model binary soft matter mixture forms quasicrystals. The system is described using classical density functional theory combined with integral equation theory. Quasicrystal formation requires particle ordering with two characteristic lengthscales in certain particular ratios. How the lengthscales are related to the form of the pair interactions is reasonably well understood for one component systems, but less is known for mixtures. In our model mixture of big and small colloids confined to an interface, the two lengthscales stem from the range of the interactions between pairs of big particles and from the cross big-small interactions, respectively. The small-small lengthscale is not significant. Our strategy for finding quasicrystals involves tuning locations of maxima in the dispersion relation, or equivalently in the liquid state partial static structure factors

    Linear melt rheology of AB diblocks vs A2B2 four arm star block copolymers

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    ABSTRACT: The frequency dependent viscoelastic properties and lamellar spacing of three symmetric styrene-isoprene (PS-PI) diblock copolymers are compared to those of their hetero-four-arm star counterparts. The PS and PI arm molecular weights of the three linear and three star samples are 10, 20, and 60 kg/mol, respectively. All six samples were unoriented and had lamellar morphology for temperatures less than TODT, the order-disorder temperature for each molecular weight. The lamellar spacing D at the same temperature was found to scale with overall molecular weight N according to D Nä, with ä 0.7 for both linear and stars. However, the star chains were consistently 5-10 % more strongly stretched compared to their linear counterparts. For the 10K arm materials, the critical frequency for the onset of mesophase relaxations (öc) for the stars was found to be about 20 times smaller compared to the linears. This difference correlated very well with quantitative estimates of the inverse layer hopping time of the chains, suggesting that mesophase relaxations for the 10K arm materials may be controlled by layer hopping of chains. For the 10K and 20K arm materials, relaxation of the PS chain deformations are dominant for ö. öterm PS, whereas nonclassical terminal scaling of G′, G′ ′ ö1/2 was observed for ö, öter