12 research outputs found

    The cost‐effectiveness of prophylaxis strategies for individuals with advanced HIV starting treatment in Africa

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    Introduction Many HIV‐positive individuals in Africa have advanced disease when initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) so have high risks of opportunistic infections and death. The REALITY trial found that an enhanced‐prophylaxis package including fluconazole reduced mortality by 27% in individuals starting ART with CD4 <100 cells/mm3. We investigated the cost‐effectiveness of this enhanced‐prophylaxis package versus other strategies, including using cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) testing, in individuals with CD4 <200 cells/mm3 or <100 cells/mm3 at ART initiation and all individuals regardless of CD4 count. Methods The REALITY trial enrolled from June 2013 to April 2015. A decision‐analytic model was developed to estimate the cost‐effectiveness of six management strategies in individuals initiating ART in the REALITY trial countries. Strategies included standard‐prophylaxis, enhanced‐prophylaxis, standard‐prophylaxis with fluconazole; and three CrAg testing strategies, the first stratifying individuals to enhanced‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐positive) or standard‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐negative), the second to enhanced‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐positive) or enhanced‐prophylaxis without fluconazole (CrAg‐negative) and the third to standard‐prophylaxis with fluconazole (CrAg‐positive) or without fluconazole (CrAg‐negative). The model estimated costs, life‐years and quality‐adjusted life‐years (QALY) over 48 weeks using three competing mortality risks: cryptococcal meningitis; tuberculosis, serious bacterial infection or other known cause; and unknown cause. Results Enhanced‐prophylaxis was cost‐effective at cost‐effectiveness thresholds of US300andUS300 and US500 per QALY with an incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio (ICER) of US157perQALYintheCD4<200cells/mm3populationprovidingenhanced‐prophylaxiscomponentsaresourcedatlowestavailableprices.TheICERreducedinmoreseverelyimmunosuppressedindividuals(US157 per QALY in the CD4 <200 cells/mm3 population providing enhanced‐prophylaxis components are sourced at lowest available prices. The ICER reduced in more severely immunosuppressed individuals (US113 per QALY in the CD4 <100 cells/mm3 population) and increased in all individuals regardless of CD4 count (US722perQALY).Resultsweresensitivetopricesoftheenhanced‐prophylaxiscomponents.Enhanced‐prophylaxiswasmoreeffectiveandlesscostlythanallCrAgtestingstrategiesasenhanced‐prophylaxisstillconveyedhealthgainsinCrAg‐negativepatientsandsavingsfromtargetingprophylaxisbasedonCrAgstatusdidnotcompensateforcostsofCrAgtesting.CrAgtestingstrategiesdidnotbecomecost‐effectiveunlessthepriceofCrAgtestingfellbelowUS722 per QALY). Results were sensitive to prices of the enhanced‐prophylaxis components. Enhanced‐prophylaxis was more effective and less costly than all CrAg testing strategies as enhanced‐prophylaxis still conveyed health gains in CrAg‐negative patients and savings from targeting prophylaxis based on CrAg status did not compensate for costs of CrAg testing. CrAg testing strategies did not become cost‐effective unless the price of CrAg testing fell below US2.30. Conclusions The REALITY enhanced‐prophylaxis package in individuals with advanced HIV starting ART reduces morbidity and mortality, is practical to administer and is cost‐effective. Efforts should continue to ensure that components are accessed at lowest available prices

    Analysis of <i>Candida albicans</i> Mutants Defective in the Cdk8 Module of Mediator Reveal Links between Metabolism and Biofilm Formation

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    <div><p><i>Candida albicans</i> biofilm formation is a key virulence trait that involves hyphal growth and adhesin expression. Pyocyanin (PYO), a phenazine secreted by <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, inhibits both <i>C. albicans</i> biofilm formation and development of wrinkled colonies. Using a genetic screen, we identified two mutants, <i>ssn3</i>Δ/Δ and <i>ssn8</i>Δ/Δ, which continued to wrinkle in the presence of PYO. Ssn8 is a cyclin-like protein and Ssn3 is similar to cyclin-dependent kinases; both proteins are part of the heterotetrameric Cdk8 module that forms a complex with the transcriptional co-regulator, Mediator. Ssn3 kinase activity was also required for PYO sensitivity as a kinase dead mutant maintained a wrinkled colony morphology in the presence of PYO. Furthermore, similar phenotypes were observed in mutants lacking the other two components of the Cdk8 module—Srb8 and Srb9. Through metabolomics analyses and biochemical assays, we showed that a compromised Cdk8 module led to increases in glucose consumption, glycolysis-related transcripts, oxidative metabolism and ATP levels even in the presence of PYO. In the mutant, inhibition of respiration to levels comparable to the PYO-treated wild type inhibited wrinkled colony development. Several lines of evidence suggest that PYO does not act through Cdk8. Lastly, the <i>ssn3</i> mutant was a hyperbiofilm former, and maintained higher biofilm formation in the presence of PYO than the wild type. Together these data provide novel insights into the role of the Cdk8 module of Mediator in regulation of <i>C. albicans</i> physiology and the links between respiratory activity and both wrinkled colony and biofilm development.</p></div