50 research outputs found

    The impact of rheumatoid foot on disability in Colombian patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alterations in the feet of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are a cause of disability in this population. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact that foot impairment has on the patients' global quality of life (QOL) based on validated scales and its relationship to disease activity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a cross-sectional study in which 95 patients with RA were enrolled. A complete physical examination, including a full foot assessment, was done. The Spanish versions of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) Disability Index and of the Disease Activity Score (DAS 28) were administered. A logistic regression model was used to analyze data and obtain adjusted odds ratios (AORs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Foot deformities were observed in 78 (82%) of the patients; hallux valgus (65%), medial longitudinal arch flattening (42%), claw toe (lesser toes) (39%), dorsiflexion restriction (tibiotalar) (34%), cock-up toe (lesser toes) (25%), and transverse arch flattening (25%) were the most frequent. In the logistic regression analysis (adjusted for age, gender and duration of disease), forefoot movement pain, subtalar movement pain, tibiotalar movement pain and plantarflexion restriction (tibiotalar) were strongly associated with disease activity and disability. The positive squeeze test was significantly associated with disability risk (AOR = 6,3; 95% CI, 1.28–30.96; P = 0,02); hallux valgus, and dorsiflexion restriction (tibiotalar) were associated with disease activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Foot abnormalities are associated with active joint disease and disability in RA. Foot examinations provide complementary information related to the disability as an indirect measurement of quality of life and activity of disease in daily practice.</p

    Reliability of clinical tests to evaluate nerve function and mechanosensitivity of the upper limb peripheral nervous system

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical tests to assess peripheral nerve disorders can be classified into two categories: tests for afferent/efferent nerve function such as nerve conduction (bedside neurological examination) and tests for increased mechanosensitivity (e.g. upper limb neurodynamic tests (ULNTs) and nerve palpation). Reliability reports of nerve palpation and the interpretation of neurodynamic tests are scarce. This study therefore investigated the intertester reliability of nerve palpation and ULNTs. ULNTs were interpreted based on symptom reproduction and structural differentiation. To put the reliability of these tests in perspective, a comparison with the reliability of clinical tests for nerve function was made. METHODS: Two experienced clinicians examined 31 patients with unilateral arm and/or neck pain. The examination included clinical tests for nerve function (sensory testing, reflexes and manual muscle testing (MMT)) and mechanosensitivity (ULNTs and palpation of the median, radial and ulnar nerve). Kappa statistics were calculated to evaluate intertester reliability. A meta-analysis determined an overall kappa for the domains with multiple kappa values (MMT, ULNT, palpation). We then compared the difference in reliability between the tests of mechanosensitivity and nerve function using a one-sample t-test. RESULTS: We observed moderate to substantial reliability for the tests for afferent/efferent nerve function (sensory testing: kappa = 0.53; MMT: kappa = 0.68; no kappa was calculated for reflexes due to a lack of variation). Tests to investigate mechanosensitivity demonstrated moderate reliability (ULNT: kappa = 0.45; palpation: kappa = 0.59). When compared statistically, there was no difference in reliability for tests for nerve function and mechanosensitivity (p = 0.06). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that clinical tests which evaluate increased nerve mechanosensitivity and afferent/efferent nerve function have comparable moderate to substantial reliability. To further investigate the clinometric properties of these tests, more studies are needed to evaluate their validity

    Genotipificación de polimorfismos moleculares en los genes CYP2E1, GSTM1 y GSTT1 para evaluar susceptibilidad a Cáncer gastrointestinal en una población paisa

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    Entre los años 2001 y 2002 se recogieron 40 muestras de pacientes diagnosticados con cáncergastrointestinal en los departamentos de Antioquia y Caldas, a los cuales se les determinó elgenotipo molecular para los genes CYP2E1, GSTM1 y GSTT1 en sangre y se les realizó una entre-vista para analizar su consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y alimentos quemados y/o embutidos, ya queestudios previos en otras poblaciones han sugerido la asociación de algunos polimorfismos de estos genes (en combinación o no con factores ambientales), con una predisposición a la enfermedad. Por tanto, se comparó estadísticamente las frecuencias genotípicas con las de unapoblación de controles sanos apareada con los casos por edad y sexo, y se observó la suscep-tibilidad a cáncer gastrointestinal, mediante el análisis de asociación a polimorfismos en los genesque codifican para las enzimas CYP2E1, GSTM1 Y GSTT1 del metabolismo de xenobióticos