39 research outputs found

    The Teleost Retina as a Model for Developmental and Regeneration Biology

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    Retinal development in teleosts can broadly be divided into three epochs. The first is the specification of cellular domains in the larval forebrain that give rise to the retinal primordia and undergo early morphogenetic movements. The second is the neurogenic events within the retina proper—proliferation, cell fate determination, and pattern formation—that establish neuronal identities and form retinal laminae and cellular mosaics. The third, which is unique to teleosts and occurs in the functioning eye, is stretching of the retina and persistent neurogenesis that allows the growth of the retina to keep pace with the growth of the eye and other tissues. The first two events are rapid, complete by about 3 days postfertilization in the zebrafish embryo. The third is life-long and accounts for the bulk of retinal growth and the vast majority of adult retinal neurons. In addition, but clearly related to the retina's developmental history, lesions that kill retinal neurons elicit robust neuronal regeneration that originates from cells intrinsic to the retina. This paper reviews recent studies of retinal development in teleosts, focusing on those that shed light on the genetic and molecular regulation of retinal specification and morphogenesis in the embryo, retinal neurogenesis in larvae and adults, and injury-induced neuronal regeneration.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63365/1/zeb.2004.1.257.pd

    One for All—A Highly Efficient and Versatile Method for Fluorescent Immunostaining in Fish Embryos

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    Background: For the detection and sub-cellular (co)-localization of proteins in the context of the tissue or organism immunostaining in whole mount preparations or on sections is still the best approach. So far, each antibody required its own fixation and antigen retrieval protocol so that optimizing immunostaining turned out to be tedious and time consuming. Methodology/Principal Finding: Here we present a novel method to efficiently retrieve the antigen in a widely applicable standard protocol, facilitating fluorescent immunostaining of both cryosections and whole mount preparations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and medaka (Oryzias latipes). Conclusions/Significance: Our method overcomes the loss of sections and damage of tissue and cell morphology, and allows parallel immunostaining in multiple colors, co-immunostaining with fluorescent proteins in transgenic fish lines and in combination with whole mount in situ hybridization

    Genetics of photoreceptor degeneration and regeneration in zebrafish

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    Zebrafish are unique in that they provide a useful model system for studying two critically important problems in retinal neurobiology, the mechanisms responsible for triggering photoreceptor cell death and the innate stem cell–mediated regenerative response elicited by this death. In this review we highlight recent seminal findings in these two fields. We first focus on zebrafish as a model for studying photoreceptor degeneration. We summarize the genes currently known to cause photoreceptor degeneration, and we describe the phenotype of a few zebrafish mutants in detail, highlighting the usefulness of this model for studying this process. In the second section, we discuss the several different experimental paradigms that are available to study regeneration in the teleost retina. A model outlining the sequence of gene expression starting from the dedifferentiation of Müller glia to the formation of rod and cone precursors is presented

    In the Absence of Sonic Hedgehog, p53 Induces Apoptosis and Inhibits Retinal Cell Proliferation, Cell-Cycle Exit and Differentiation in Zebrafish

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    Background: Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling regulates cell proliferation during vertebrate development via induction of cell-cycle regulator gene expression or activation of other signalling pathways, prevents cell death by an as yet unclear mechanism and is required for differentiation of retinal cell types. Thus, an unsolved question is how the same signalling molecule can regulate such distinct cell processes as proliferation, cell survival and differentiation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Analysis of the zebrafish shh 2/2 mutant revealed that in this context p53 mediates elevated apoptosis during nervous system and retina development and interferes with retinal proliferation and differentiation. While in shh 2/2 mutants there is activation of p53 target genes and p53-mediated apoptosis, an increase in Hedgehog (Hh) signalling by over-expression of dominant-negative Protein Kinase A strongly decreased p53 target gene expression and apoptosis levels in shh 2/2 mutants. Using a novel p53 reporter transgene, I confirm that p53 is active in tissues that require Shh for cell survival. Proliferation assays revealed that loss of p53 can rescue normal cell-cycle exit and the mitotic indices in the shh 2/2 mutant retina at 24, 36 and 48 hpf. Moreover, generation of amacrine cells and photoreceptors was strongly enhanced in the double p53 2/2 shh 2/2 mutant retina suggesting the effect of p53 on retinal differentiation. Conclusions: Loss of Shh signalling leads to the p53-dependent apoptosis in the developing nervous system and retina

    Looking to the future of zebrafish as a model to understand the genetic basis of eye disease

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    In this brief commentary, we provide some of our thoughts and opinions on the current and future use of zebrafish to model human eye disease, dissect pathological progression and advance in our understanding of the genetic bases of microphthalmia, andophthalmia and coloboma (MAC) in humans. We provide some background on eye formation in fish and conservation and divergence across vertebrates in this process, discuss different approaches for manipulating gene function and speculate on future research areas where we think research using fish may prove to be particularly effective

    Phenylthiourea Specifically Reduces Zebrafish Eye Size

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    Phenylthiourea (PTU) is commonly used for inhibiting melanization of zebrafish embryos. In this study, the standard treatment with 0.2 mM PTU was demonstrated to specifically reduce eye size in larval fish starting at three days post-fertilization. This effect is likely the result of a reduction in retinal and lens size of PTU-treated eyes and is not related to melanization inhibition. This is because the eye size of tyr, a genetic mutant of tyrosinase whose activity is inhibited in PTU treatment, was not reduced. As PTU contains a thiocarbamide group which is presented in many goitrogens, suppressing thyroid hormone production is a possible mechanism by which PTU treatment may reduce eye size. Despite the fact that thyroxine level was found to be reduced in PTU-treated larvae, thyroid hormone supplements did not rescue the eye size reduction. Instead, treating embryos with six goitrogens, including inhibitors of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and sodium-iodide symporter (NIS), suggested an alternative possibility. Specifically, three TPO inhibitors, including those that do not possess thiocarbamide, specifically reduced eye size; whereas none of the NIS inhibitors could elicit this effect. These observations indicate that TPO inhibition rather than a general suppression of thyroid hormone synthesis is likely the underlying cause of PTU-induced eye size reduction. Furthermore, the tissue-specific effect of PTU treatment might be mediated by an eye-specific TPO expression. Compared with treatment with other tyrosinase inhibitors or bleaching to remove melanization, PTU treatment remains the most effective approach. Thus, one should use caution when interpreting results that are obtained from PTU-treated embryos

    Immunological properties of Oxygen-Transport Proteins: Hemoglobin, Hemocyanin and Hemerythrin

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    An EvoDevo Study of Salmonid Visual Opsin Dynamics and Photopigment Spectral Sensitivity

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    Salmonids are ideal models as many species follow a distinct developmental program from demersal eggs and a large yolk sac to hatching at an advanced developmental stage. Further, these economically important teleosts inhabit both marine- and freshwaters and experience diverse light environments during their life histories. At a genome level, salmonids have undergone a salmonid-specific fourth whole genome duplication event (Ss4R) compared to other teleosts that are already more genetically diverse compared to many non-teleost vertebrates. Thus, salmonids display phenotypically plastic visual systems that appear to be closely related to their anadromous migration patterns. This is most likely due to a complex interplay between their larger, more gene-rich genomes and broad spectrally enriched habitats; however, the molecular basis and functional consequences for such diversity is not fully understood. This study used advances in genome sequencing to identify the repertoire and genome organization of visual opsin genes (those primarily expressed in retinal photoreceptors) from six different salmonids [Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)] compared to the northern pike (Esox lucius), a closely related non-salmonid species. Results identified multiple orthologues for all five visual opsin classes, except for presence of a single short-wavelength-sensitive-2 opsin gene. Several visual opsin genes were not retained after the Ss4R duplication event, which is consistent with the concept of salmonid rediploidization. Developmentally, transcriptomic analyzes of Atlantic salmon revealed differential expression within each opsin class, with two of the long-wavelength-sensitive opsins not being expressed before first feeding. Also, early opsin expression in the retina was located centrally, expanding dorsally and ventrally as eye development progressed, with rod opsin being the dominant visual opsin post-hatching. Modeling by spectral tuning analysis and atomistic molecular simulation, predicted the greatest variation in the spectral peak of absorbance to be within the Rh2 class, with a ∼40 nm difference in λmax values between the four medium-wavelength-sensitive photopigments. Overall, it appears that opsin duplication and expression, and their respective spectral tuning profiles, evolved to maximize specialist color vision throughout an anadromous lifecycle, with some visual opsin genes being lost to tailor marine-based vision