4,120 research outputs found


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    Research on mathematics-related affect is varied in theories and concepts. In this survey we record the state of the art in this research through short sections from leading experts in different areas. We describe the historical development of the concept of attitude and different ways it is defined. Research on student self-efficacy beliefs in mathematics is summarized. There is reflection on the dialectic relation- ship between teacher beliefs and practice as well as on how their beliefs change. One section records the emerging research on student and teacher mathematical identities over the last two decades. Finally, mathematical motivation is explored from the perspectives of engagement structures, social behaviors, and the relation- ship between individual factors and social norms

    Attitudes in Mathematics Education

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    Attitudes towards mathematics has a long history in mathematics education research. Over the time, research on attitudes and, more in general, on affective aspects developed a wide range of methodologies and perspectives in mathematics education, playing a growing role in the field. In this chapter, I will describe the development of the research about attitude in mathematics education, discussing the main issues emerged in this field. In particular, I will discuss the definition problem, that is the emergence of the need for a clear definition of the construct, and the ground for the development of our (TMA) three-dimensional model of attitude (Di Martino and Zan, 2010). In the last part of the chapter, some fields of application of the TMA model will also be discussed

    Teachers and standardized assessments in mathematics: an affective perspective

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    Standardized assessments in mathematics have an increasing relevance in the educational debate and, often, they heavily affect educational policies. Specifically, the framework and the items of standardized assessments suggest what is considered relevant as an outcome of mathematics education at a certain school level. The strength and the quality of the educational impact of standardized assessments seem to depend heavily on teachers’ affective reactions to standardized assessment; however, studies focused on this issue are very rare: what are teachers’ attitudes towards the standardized assessments and their effects? In this frame, we carried out a large qualitative research to investigate teachers’ attitudes in the Italian context

    Where does fear of maths come from? Beyond the purely emotional

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    Fear of mathematics is a widespread emotion that has many negative consequences in students: it is a possible factor of local failure (since it prevents the best use of one’s competence and knowledge) but also a possible factor of global failure (since it might lead to students giving up any engagement with mathematics). Investigating the cognitive origin of this emotion is fundamental to prevent it and to overcome its negative consequences. In this study we try to understand this origin giving voice to the students, analysing students’ narratives about their relationship with mathematics

    “Think about your math teachers”: a narrative bridge between future primary teachers’ identity and their school experience

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    Pre-service teachers approach their professional learning in mathematics with a complex set of needs and wants. These needs and wants are strongly affected by the tension deriving from the realisation of the gap between what an individual wants to become as a mathematics teacher (his/her ideal of mathematics teacher) and what he/she believes to be at present. Professional identity as a mathematics teacher can be seen as a continuous development arising from this gap. For these reason, both as researchers and as teacher educators, it appears significant to study what ideals of positive and negative mathematics teachers the future teachers have

    The role of affect in failure in mathematics at the university level: the tertiary crisis

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    The tertiary transition between secondary school and university appears to be an insurmountable struggle for many students. This is also the case, surprisingly, in a certain sense, of students enrolled in Mathematics degree courses, and therefore students considered “gifted” with respect to mathematics. This case seems particularly interesting from an affective point of view: these students often live failure in mathematics as a tragedy, and – above all – initially they are not able to interpret their failure. For these reasons, it appears crucial to investigate which role is played by emotions in the emergence and management of this crisis, and how the students’ view of mathematics and their self-perception develop in the tertiary crisis period

    The first-time phenomenon: successful students' mathematical crisis in secondary-tertiary transition

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    The huge difficulties related to the transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics are documented by several official data. The analysis of these difficulties is a main issue in educational research at undergraduate level. It is of particular interest the case of the students who choose mathematics as a major. In fact, for the most part, they are students considered excellent in mathematics during secondary school, they seem to have the cognitive resources to succeed, but, in many cases, they encounter several difficulties during their university experience. Therefore, it appears particularly interesting to study also the affective sources and consequences of these difficulties. With this aim, we developed a qualitative and narrative study focused on students’ reflec- tions about their mathematical difficulties in the university experience

    La scuola fa i conti con i saperi: il dialogo fra didattica generale e didattiche disciplinari - La didattica delle scienze e della matematica nel corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria

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    Il contributo contiene importanti riflessioni sulla didattica delle scienze e della matematica e sulla didattica delle discipline umanistiche nel corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria

    Matematica strumentale vs matematica relazionale: il caso del principio d’induzione

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    Le ultime Indicazioni Nazionali per i Licei richiedono come obiettivo di apprendimento in matematica il “dominio attivo” del principio d’induzione. Tale obiettivo sembra in linea con un approccio alla matematica che richieda di più della mera applicazione di tecniche. Proprio il principio d’induzione ed il suo apprendimento sembra essere un esempio paradigmatico della differenza tra un approccio strumentale e uno relazionale alla matematica. Le difficoltà legate a una comprensione profonda del principio saranno discusse anche in relazione a specifiche esperienze universitarie

    Problem solving e argomentazione matematica

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    Problem solving and argumentation are key-competencies in education. The mathematical education at school should give a strong contribution to the development of these competences. The promotion of problem solving and argumentation in mathematics is shared by several international standards. In this contribution, we will describe a project on problem solving and argumentation in primary and middle school, and we will underline that students’ argumentation in mathematical context is an important interpretative tool for teacher
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