279 research outputs found

    Analytical method for calculating sustainable airport capacity

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    Capacity is the attitude of an airport to manage a number of operations in a given time interval within a fixed maximum delay (and under given safety conditions). Capacity studies are commonly carried out on five levels of analysis according to the required detail in order to identify the best option that balances economic, logistic and safety issues. This study focuses on level 3 (i.e., analytical methods) developing a calculation model to assess the runway capacity. The model was calibrated by comparing the outputs of different airport configurations with those provided by the circular of the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Capacity and Delay. The model was well calibrated with maximum differences in the analyzed configurations that stood at 1 or 2 movements/hour. The runway capacity of an international airport was calculated and compared to that of the entire airside, assessed through fast time simulation, in a previous study. The analytical model provides runway capacity slightly higher than that of the entire air system, as it cannot evaluate all the critical issues present in the airport that reduce its maximum theoretical capacity. Therefore, depending on the degree of detail required, you can use the developed model or the simulation software; the use of the latter is possible when the airside infrastructure does not adequately support the runway system or in cases of advanced design level

    Genetic variability of Nero Lucano pig breed at IGF2, LEP, MC4R, PIK3C3, RYR1 and VRTN loci

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    The Nero Lucano pig is a native breed of Southern Italy which thanks to the joint action of Basilicata Region Institutions, University of Basilicata and breeders returned to populate the area of origin. In order to characterise and to monitor the variability present in the population, we genotyped 229 animals at 12 polymorphic loci located in the following genes: IGF2, LEP, MC4R, PIK3C3, RYR1 and VRTN. According to the results three loci (IGF2 209G>C, PIK3C3 2058A>G and RYR1 1843C>T) did not show variability, while the others showed genotype distributions in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and a minor allele frequency ranging from 0.022 for MC4R 892A to 0.479 for PIK3C3 2604T alleles. The IGF2, MC4R and VRTN loci were characterised by very low frequencies (from 0.02 to 0.05) of the alleles that are associated with favourable productive characteristics in cosmopolitan breeds.Highlights Analyses of the genetic variability of Nero Lucano pig population useful for meat production selection plans. The IGF2, MC4R and VRTN loci of Nero Lucano pig show very low frequencies of alleles associated with positive effects on meat production. The Nero Lucano pig can be considered as free from Malignant Hyperthermia, a positive result for the quality of cured meat products

    The Secondary-Tertiary Transition in Mathematics. Successful Students in Crisis

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    The transition from secondary school into university mathematics – also referred to as secondary-tertiary transition (STT) – is a sensitive moment for many students, also for those who have achieved high marks at the end of their schooling and are considered excellent in mathematics in the school context. The cognitive aspect has interested researchers since the late seventies, but the interest in other two aspects (social and emotional aspects) is growing. Recently we have investigated the emotional aspect further and we will report here on some of our findings underlying the necessary developments

    L’acquisizione dell’inglese da parte di apprendenti italiani in contesti non guidati: l’errore linguistico in età prescolare

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    Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, la ricerca su ELT si è concentrata sul ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nell’apprendimento, considerando tutte le forme di social media, cartoni animati e video giochi, in quanto tali materiali possono mantenere alti i livelli di interesse, sostenendo così la motivazione. In particolare, i cartoni presentano una combinazione di linguaggio verbale e non verbale, offrendo la possibilità di sviluppare diversi livelli di analisi, favorendo sia un approccio linguistico sia uno culturale. Gli effetti positivi dei cartoni sull’apprendimento sono stati comprovati da diverse ricerche, ma questo contesto di riferimenti deve essere ridefinito se si prende in considerazione l’apprendimento in età prescolare. Al fine di analizzare un apprendimento che è sia formale sia informale, la presente ricerca considererà gli effetti che diverse tipologie di cartoni hanno sull’apprendimento della lingua inglese per la valutazione delle abilità di speaking, la conoscenza del lessico e la motivazione, prestando particolare attenzione al ruolo dell’errore linguistico. Over the past decades, ELT research has focused on the role of ICT in learning, considering all the forms of social media, cartoons, and videogames, since they can maintain high levels of interest, thus sustaining motivation. In particular, cartoons present a combination of verbal and nonverbal language, offering the opportunity to develop different levels of analysis, favouring a linguistic focus and a cultural one. The positive effects of cartoons on learning are proved by several researches, but this background of references must be re-structured if preschool children’s learning is considered. In order to analyse a learning that is both formal and informal, the present research will muse on the effects that different typology of cartoons have on English learning process in order to assess speaking skills, vocabulary knowledge, and motivation, paying specific attention to the role played by errors/mistakes

    Oxidative Status of Goats with Different CSN1S1 Genotypes Fed ad Libitum with Fresh and Dry Forages

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    Forty late-lactation Girgentana goats were used to study the effect of diets fed ad libitum and αS1-casein (CSN1S1) genotype on redox balance. The goats genotyped at CSN1S1 locus (A/A, A/F) were subjected to four feeding treatments different for percentage inclusion of dry and fresh forage: DAF100 (98% of Dry Alfalfa Forage), DAF65 (65% of Dry Alfalfa Forage), FSF100 (100% of Fresh Sulla Forage) and FSF65 (65% of Fresh Sulla Forage). Blood samples were analyzed for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), biological antioxidant potential (BAP) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), albumin, glucose and cholesterol contents. The oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated as percentage ratio of ROMs to BAP. Redox balance was improved by Sulla inclusion, as reflected in the lower OSI values found in FSF100 and FSF65 groups. DAF100 group displayed the highest GPX activity, while other groups exhibited the highest SOD activity. Fresh forage diets increased albumin concentration while no effect of tested factors was noted on glucose, NEFA, BHBA and cholesterol contents. The interaction diet × genotype was significant only for GPX activity. GPX and albumin were negatively correlated and were correlated positively and negatively with ROMs, respectively. Diet rather than genotype affects redox balance in dairy goats and a possible role of forage polyphenol compounds on oxidative status needs to be tested in future studies

    Th Inducing POZ-Kruppel Factor (ThPOK) Is a Key Regulator of the Immune Response since the Early Steps of Colorectal Carcinogenesis

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    We purposed to evaluate the role of Th inducing POZ-Kruppel Factor (ThPOK), a transcriptional regulator of T cell fate, in tumour-induced immune system plasticity in colorectal carcinogenesis. The amounts of CD4+, CD8+ and CD56+ and ThPOK+ cells infiltrate in normal colorectal mucosa (NM), in dysplastic aberrant crypt foci (microadenomas, MA), the earliest detectable lesions in colorectal carcinogenesis, and in colorectal carcinomas (CRC), were measured, and the colocalization of ThPOK with the above-mentioned markers of immune cells was evaluated using confocal microscopy. Interestingly, ThPOK showed a prominent increase since MA. A strong colocalization of ThPOK with CD4 both in NM and in MA was observed, weaker in carcinomas. Surprisingly, there was a peak in the colocalization levels of ThPOK with CD8 in MA, which was evident, although to a lesser extent, in carcinomas, too. In conclusion, according to the data of the present study, ThPOK may be considered a central regulator of the earliest events in the immune system during colorectal cancer development, decreasing the immune response against cancer cells

    Effect of the αs1-casein genotype and its interaction with diet degradability on milk production, milk quality, metabolic and endocrinal response of Girgentana goats

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    We studied interaction between diet degradability and genotype at CSN1S1 locus in lactating goats.•We evaluated productive, metabolic and hormonal response of goats at different αs1-casein genotype.•Little effect of diet degradability and interaction with genotype on production and quality.•Higher milk yield, casein percentage and lower urea in goats with strong alleles at CSN1S1 locus.•Higher tyroid hormones in goats with strong alleles
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