65 research outputs found

    Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder in a consecutive series of 2631 patients. A single-center experience

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    INTRODUZIONE: La diagnosi ultrasonografica (US) delle lesioni polipoidi della colecisti (PLG) è difficile per la bassa sensibilità (SE) della metodica. Non sono stati ancora completamenti definiti i criteri di selezione dei pazienti con PLG da indirizzare al trattamento chirurgico o al follow-up. L’indagine istopatologica (EI) rappresenta il gold standard per la diagnosi di polipi non-neoplastici (colesterolotici, infiammatori, fibroepiteliali, adenomiomatosici), di polipi neoplastici (carcinomi, carcinoidi), di lesioni precancerose non polipoidi (displasia dibasso ed alto grado, metaplasia intestinale di tipo muciparo, metaplasia gastrica di tipo pilorico) e di irregolarità nodulari parietali della colecistite xanto-granulomatosa. Gli scopi dello studio sono stati quelli di valutare in un campione di pazienti sottoposti a colecistectomia, la prevalenza dei polipi non neoplastici e neoplastici e la sensibilità dell’US tradizionale trans-addominale rispetto all’EI nell’identificazione delle PLG. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio osservazionale retrospettivo, condotto su un campione di 2631 pazienti, sottoposti a colecistectomia laparoscopica e open, in elezione e in urgenza, identificati mediante il codice ICD-9-CM 51.2, nel periodo Aprile 2005 - Marzo 2018, presso l’ospedale universitario “A. Fiorini” di Terracina - Polo Pontino, “Sapienza” Università di Roma. Tutti i pazienti erano stati sottoposti a US. RISULTATI: Il campione esaminato era costituito da 1175(44.6%) M, età media 56 anni, range 25-95 anni, 1456(55.4%) F, età media 46anni, range 17-90 anni. La diagnosi US di PLG veniva posta in 38/2631(1.4%) pazienti. All’esame istologico i polipi erano identificati in 68/2631(2.6%) pazienti, associati a litiasi biliare in 28/2631 (1.1%) casi. Dal confronto US e EI la diagnosi ecografica risultava gravata da falsi positivi (FP) (8/38; 21%) e falsi negativi (FN) (38/2631; 1.45%), con SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). L’incidenza istologica di PLG neoplastiche è stata dello 0.38% (10/2631), 3M e 7F, età media 64 anni, (range 49-80 anni). In 3 casi le neoplasie erano state identificate all’US (3/10; 30 % VP); nei restanti 7 casi costituivano reperto istologico incidentale (7/10; 70 % FN), di cui 5 con diametro >1cm nel contesto di un quadro clinico di colecistite acuta litiasica e 2 con diametro <1cm in un quadro di litiasi non complicata. DISCUSSIONE: L’US tradizionale trans-addominale sottostimava l’incidenza delle PLG rispetto all’EI (p=0.021) e i FP per PLG isolate sono stati causa di errata indicazione al trattamento chirurgico. Il confronto fra diagnosi US ed EI conferma la bassa SE della metodica ecografica nell’identificazione delle PLG, sia in presenza che in assenza di litiasi biliare. Il sesso femminile si è dimostrato specifico fattore di rischio per PLG benigne e maligne e lesioni mucosali non polipoidi (p=0.041). Nel nostro studio, probabilmente, le cause della mancata identificazione US delle irregolarità parietali maligne erano l’oscuramento della lesione dall’esordio clinico della neoplasia in colecistite acuta litiasica (in 5 pazienti) e le dimensioni <1cm in presenza di litiasi non complicata (in 2 pazienti). La dimensione della lesione parietale <0.5cm non escludeva la loro natura neoplastica. Attualmente la prevenzione e la diagnosi di GBC è basata sul precoce riscontro e trattamento delle lesioni polipoidi potenzialmente evolutive nell’arco di circa 15 anni. CONCLUSIONI: Probabilmente la colecistectomia precoce in tutti i pz con PLG di diametro <1cm, isolate o associate a calcoli, sintomatici e asintomatici, può contribuire alla riduzione dell’incidenza del GBC.BACKGROUND: Challenges in the diagnosis of polypoid gallbladder lesion (PLG) is due to the low sensibility (SE) of ultrasound scan (US), and the selection criteria of patients with PLG to be addressed to surgical treatment or followup are not yet fully defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational study was conducted on 2631 patients, 1175(44.6%) M, mean age 56 years, 1456(55.4%) F, mean age 46 years, who underwent laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. RESULTS: The US diagnosis for PLG was placed in 38/2631(1.4%) patients. On histological examination (HE) the polyps were identified in 68/2631(2.6%) patients and it was associated with biliary lithiasis in 28/2631 (1.1%) cases. From the US and HE comparison, the ultrasound diagnosis was burdened by false positives (8/38; 21%) and false negatives (38/2631;1.45%), with SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). The histological incidence of gall bladder cancer (GBC) was 0.38%(10/2631). DISCUSSION: US survey underestimated the incidence of PLG compared to the histological finding (p=0.021). Female gender has been shown to be a specific risk factor for benign and malignant PLG and non-polypoid mucosal lesions (p=0.041). The parietal lesion size <0.5cm does not exclude the neoplastic nature. Currently the prevention and diagnosis of GBC is based on the early detection and treatment of potentially evolutionary polypoid lesions over a period of about 15 years. CONCLUSIONS: It is probably that early cholecystectomy in all the patients with PLG of diameter <1cm, isolated or associated with lithiasis, symptomatic and asymptomatic, can contribute to the reduction of the incidence of GBC

    Closure of cutaneous incision after thyroid surgery: A comparison between metal clips and cutaneous octyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive. A prospective randomized clinical trial

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    Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Dermabond, Ethicon Inc.) has been introduced in clinical practice as an ideal system of closure of wounds, but no studies have confirmed the advantages of wound closure performed with Dermabond compared to skin staples (Proximate, Ethicon Inc.) in thyroid surgery. The objective of this study is to evaluate the short- and long-term results of wound closure in thyroid surgery performed with Dermabond (DERM) versus Proximate (PROX). Seventy patients after thyroidectomy were randomly assigned into the two groups (DERM vs PROX). The postoperative and the long-term outcomes were clinically evaluated by physicians, and the Stony Brook scar evaluation scale has also been used. The patients' satisfaction with the early postoperative management and with the cosmetic outcomes has been assessed by a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 10. Results were compared using appropriate statistical tests. Thirty-two patients used DERM, while 38 patients used PROX. Immediate results showed difficult application in two cases DERM (6.2%) and hyperemia in one case DERM (3.1%). Early results showed edema in eight cases DERM (25%) vs two cases PROX (5.2%; p<0.05); patients' satisfaction: optimum judgement in 100% DERM vs 15.7% PROX (p< 0.001); patients' self aesthetic evaluation: PROX higher percentage of excellent results vs DERM (p<0.005). After one month, results showed edema in nine cases DERM (28.8%) vs two cases PROX (5.2%; p<0.01), while after 6 months, DERM had lesser symptoms than PROX (p< 0.01). Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate has proven to be effective and reliable in the skin closure of cervical incision similar to suture with staples and yields similar final cosmetic outcomes. Because Dermabond offers the advantage of better management in the early postoperative phase, the patients' satisfaction is clearly better. © Springer-Verlag 2010

    [Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis].

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to demonstrate the importance of early laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. METHODS: From 1998 to 2000, 66 patients were submitted to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. All patients were submitted to US scans preoperatively and operated on by surgeon skilled in emergency laparoscopic operative technique. RESULTS: Only one patient (1.5%) had conversion to open cholecystectomy. There was no mortality and no bile duct or major vascular injuries. The overall operative morbidity rate was 3%. The mean postoperative hospital stay was 3.1 days. CONCLUSIONS: Author's experience and results support the validity of early laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis, since it reduces the postoperative length of hospital stay and hospital costs. Early treatment is always helpful for inflamed and oedematous tissue which favours dissection

    A rare case of primary gastric Burkitt's lymphoma associated with malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Il linfoma di Burkitt (BL) e il mesotelioma pleurico maligno (MPM) sono tumori rari con prognosi infausta e nella maggior parte dei pazienti è indicato solo il trattamento palliativo. Il ruolo dell'infezione da HIV e da EBV nell'eziologia del BL sono stati confermati, mentre resta controversa l’associazione del BL a localizzazione gastrica con l’Helicobacter pylori. Il BL è endemico in Africa e sporadico nel resto del mondo, la localizzazione primitiva nello stomaco (PG BL) è estremamente rara, fino al 2017 erano stati descritti solo 53 casi, ed è altamente aggressiva con una frazione di crescita tra le più alte tra i tumori maligni. La sintomatologia di esordio è costituita da vomito, dolore post-prandiale, sanguinamento acuto o cronico. L'MPM è solitamente associato all'esposizione all'amianto e la dispnea dovuta a versamento pleurico è la manifestazione clinica tipica. Finora in Letteratura non sono stati descritti casi caratterizzati dall’associazione del mesotelioma pleurico maligno con il linfoma gastrico primitivo di Burkitt. Qui riportiamo il caso di un maschio caucasico di 80 anni, negativo per i comprovati fattori di rischio per LB e MPM, che si presentava alla nostra attenzione per un quadro di insufficienza respiratoria acuta da versamento pleurico massivo nell’emitorace sinistro, con sbandieramento mediastinico controlaterale. La tomografia computerizzata con mdc (CE-CT) mostrava una grossa massa causa di ispessimento circonferenziale del fondo gastrico, infiltrante la cupola diaframmatica sinistra e il pilatro omolaterale. All'esame endoscopico, il fondo gastrico appariva completamente occupato da una grossa massa ulcerata sporgente nel lume gastrico. L'esame istopatologico ed immunoistochimico dei campioni bioptici prelevati durante l'EGDS e la toracoscopia ha permesso di formulare la diagnosi di PG BL e MPM. Il paziente è stato sottoposto prima a posizionamento di drenaggio toracico per il versamento pleurico e poi a talcaggio pleurico toracoscopico nell'emitorace sinistro. Per la rapida crescita e l'elevato rischio di sanguinamento veniva programmato il trattamento chirurgico della lesione gastrica, ma il paziente è deceduto a causa di un'aritmia cardiaca fatale, prima di sottoporsi all’intervento chirurgico addominale. Questo case report mette in evidenza la vera sfida per i medici che è quella di identificare il MPM e il PG BL nella loro fase iniziale, specialmente nei pazienti senza i fattori di rischio comprovati. I sintomi di esordio ne fanno un caso molto singolare, caratterizzato da grave dispnea fino all'insufficienza respiratoria, per versamento pleurico massivo sinistro e sbanderiamento mediastinico controlaterale, senza sanguinamento attivo dalla massa gastrica, mentre i reperti CE-TC erano invece negativi per ispessimento pleurico e positivo per ispessimento circonferenziale del fondo gastrico.Background: Primary gastric Burkitt lymphoma (PG BL) and malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) are rare and aggressive tumors with poor prognosis. HIV and EBV infection have a link in the aetiology of PG BL, while MPM is usually associated with asbestos exposure. Endoluminal bleeding from massive solid tumor, and dyspnea usually due to pleural effusion, are the typical clinical manifestations respectively of PG BL and MPM. In most patients just palliative treatment is indicated. Case report: A caucasian elderly male, negative for the proven risk factors, presenting respiratory failure due to massive left pleural effusion with severe mediastinal shift. Contrast enhanced - Computed Tomography (CE-CT) showed a large mass causing circumferential thickening of the gastric fundus, infiltrating the left diaphragmatic dome and the ipsilateral crus. Macroscopically, on endoscopy the gastric fundus appeared completely occupied by an ulcerated large mass protunding in the gastric lumen. Histopathological examination from biopsy specimens taken during esophagogastroduodenoscopy and thoracoscopy allowed to make diagnosis of PG BL and MPM. The patient first underwent a placement of a chest tube drainage for the pleural effusion and then a thoracoscopic talc insufflation (TTI) in the left hemithorax. A surgical treatment of the gastric lesion was planned, due to the rapid growth and the high risk of bleeding. The patient died because of fatal cardiac arrhythmia, before undergoig abdominal surgery. Conclusions: This report presents an unique case of PG BL associated with MPM and highlights the real challenge for the physicians to identify them in early stage, especially in patients without the proved risk factors. The onset symptoms make it a very singular case, characterized by severe dyspnea up to respiratory failure, due to massive left pleural effusion and contralateral mediastinal fluttering, without an active bleeding from the gastric mass, while CE-CT findings were instead negative for pleural thickening and positive for circumferential thickening of the gastric fundus. Key words: Burkitt Lymphoma, Case Report, Gastric, Pleural Mesothelioma, Pleural Effusion, Respiratory Failure

    Spontaneous umbilical endometriosis: a case report with one-year follow-up

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    Umbilical endometriosis is a very rare disease. We report a case of spontaneous umbilical endometriosis in a 36-year old female. Endometriosis was suspected because of the presence of the typical cyclic bleeding and swelling. Abdominal CT excluded the presence of other endometriotic localizations. The umbilical mass was widely excised together with the umbilicus, fascia and peritoneum. The ensuing defect was primarily closed without using prosthetic mesh. Postoperative recovery was uneventful. Histological examination of the specimen showed the presence of endometrial glands with a stromal component, compatible with the diagnosis of endometriosis. At one-year follow-up the results Of Surgery were satisfactory with no sign of endometriosis recurrence and or parietal defect occurrence. We suggest that surgical excision should be wide in order to prevent local recurrence, and prosthetic materials should not be used to repair the ensuing umbilical defect

    Drainage versus no drainage in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a meta-analysis.

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    Background and objectives: Routine drainage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy is still controversial. The present meta-analysis was performed to assess the role of drains to reduce complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: An electronic search of the Medline, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus and Cochrane library database from January 1990 to June 2013 was performed to identify randomized clinical trials that compare prophylactic drainage with no drainage in LC. Odds ratio for qualitative variables and standardized mean difference for continuous variables were calculated. Results: Twelve randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis, involving 1939 patients randomized to drain (960) versus no drain (979). Morbidity was lower in the no drain group (odds ratio 1.97, 95% confidence interval 1.26-3.10; p=0.003). Wound infection rate was lower in the no drain group (odds ratio 2.35, 95% confidence interval 1.22-4.51; p=0.01). Abdominal pain 24 hours after surgery was less severe in the no drain group (standardized mean difference 2.30, 95% confidence interval 1.27 to 3.34, p<0.0001). No significant difference was present with respect to presence and quantity of subhepatic fluid collection, shoulder tip pain, parenteral ketorolac consumption, nausea, vomiting, and hospital stay. Conclusion: The present meta-analysis showed a consistent trend in favor of the no drain approach in terms of overall morbidity. In particular, wound infection rate was lower in the no drain group. No evidence is still present in the setting of emergent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, it is reasonable to avoid drain insertion when a dry operatory field is obtained at the end of the procedure
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