84 research outputs found

    Are “Actual-Self Versus Ideal-Self” Discrepancies Associated With Depression Emotions? A Study With Discrepancy Direction Manipulation

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    Self-discrepancies represent a gap between people’s different selves and evoke negative emotions (Higgins, 1987). In this research project, in agreement with Higgins’ theory, we hypothesized that participants’ actual-self vs. ideal-self discrepancies are primarily related to dejection emotions. We conducted an experimental study where we used explicit measures. After identifying an ideal-self discrepant quality by administering self-report questionnaires in which participants rated themselves on their actual personality attributes and on their ideal qualities, two weeks later we assigned each participant a schematic self-discrepant quality and ask to describe situations in which s/he wished s/he met his/her ideal standard but s/he didn’t (positive discrepancy condition or achieving direction), or to describe a situation in which s/he met right the contrary of his/her ideal standard (negative discrepancy condition or avoidance direction). Via a priming task, we aimed at activating such ideal self-schemata, before asking participants in experimental conditions to rate current emotional states along POMS items (Spielberger, 2012). We expected to observe higher mean scores on POMS Depression scale when participants were exposed to the actual/ideal priming conditions, in comparison to the control-group participants, who only rated their current emotional states on POMS. Preliminary findings cautiously suggest that discrepancies require to be assessed in a more clear and accurate way in order to relate to specific emotions, by taking into account the role of positive discrepancy condition (achieving direction) and negative discrepancy condition (avoidance direction) as well

    Self-Esteem and Locus of Causality as Vulnerability Factors for the Development of Actual/Ideal Self-Discrepancies in Late Childhood

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    Self-discrepancies influence psychological well-being and self-acceptance across several domains. Middle to late childhood is a critical age for the development of self-discrepancies (SD). The present study was aimed at investigating antecedents of actual/ideal self-discrepancies in 9- to 11-year-old children by adopting a repeated measure design, with two measurement occasions. At the baseline (T1), children (N=261) completed a self-esteem questionnaire, a measure of actual/ideal SDs we developed around the Five Factor Model domains, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; 4 months later (T2) a subsample (N=96) provided self-ratings again. Children's parents (N=195) referred on their own feelings towards their children along the Profile of Mood States as well as on their perceived locus of control of their children's undesirable behaviors; a subsample of parents (N=80) provided ratings again 4 months later. Principal component analyses from children's self-discrepancies at T1 yielded four domains: Intellect, Emotional Stability, Impulse Control, and Sociability. Self-rated discrepancies across time were moderately stable. Concurrently, higher SDs in Intellect were associated with lower children's self-esteem. Cross-lagged pattern analyses showed that lower self-esteem predicted increases in children's SDs, but not vice versa; in addition, change levels in SDs were correlated with change levels in self-esteem. Parents' perceived internal locus of causality of their children's undesirable behaviors also accounted for changes in children's SDs. Parents' feelings of depression accounted for increases in girls' SDs. The present findings further support the association between self-esteem and SDs, indicate the direction of association across time, and suggest possible mechanisms by which parents affect the development of the children's self-views

    Personality profiles of adolescents with risky attitudes towards food, dieting, and their body image

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    Disordered eating (ED) clinical and subclinical conditions have a considerable impact on the population. Anticipating vulnerable profiles is crucial thereby in order to prevent the development of such pathological conditions [1, 2, 3]. Previous research has consistently shown that individual differences in Self-esteem, Impulsiveness, Obsessiveness, Ineffectiveness, and Interoceptive Awareness represent significant correlates of eating disorders [4]. The present longitudinal study was aimed at exploring distinctive personality profiles of non-clinical adolescents with stable risky attitudes towards food, dieting, and their body image. EDI-2 and a selected subset of MMPI-A content scales were administered twice, with a 7-month interval, to a sample of 142 adolescents. For the present study, we focused on the subsample of participants with reliably stable scores on the critical EDI-2 scales of Drive for Thinness (DT), Bulimia (Bu), and Body Dissatisfaction (BD) across the two measurement occasions, t1 and t2. When average profiles of adolescents with higher (> 85° percentile) vs lower (≤ 85° percentile) scores on the three EDI-2 scales at t1 were compared along the EDI- 2 and MMPI-A scales via one-way ANOVA, results indicated that adolescents with higher stable levels of DT revealed higher dissatisfaction with their body, higher Obsessiveness and depression levels and lower self-esteem levels; adolescents very dissatisfied with their body referred high DT scores, but they did not report higher Obsessiveness levels; adolescents with higher scores on Bu revealed lower Interoceptive Awareness and higher impulsivity, but did not refer higher levels of BD or DT. These differences in profile shapes were observed at t1 as well as at t2. Consistent with literature [5-10] our findings suggest that distinctive profile shapes might help to early identify adolescents who are at risk of developing EDs

    Personality and Eating Disorders: A Longitudinal Study on a Non-Clinical Sample of Adolescents

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    The present longitudinal study is aimed at analyzing how adolescents change their dysfunctional attitudes towards their body and eating behaviors in relation to personality characteristics across a six-month time span. Via multiple regression analyses we investigated whether MMPI-A Obsessiveness, Low Self-Esteem, Depression, Family Problems and Concern for health are temporal antecedents of EDI-2 eating disorders, and vice versa. Our main findings revealed a bidirectional relationship between eating attitudes and personality. In fact, Obsessiveness, Low self-esteem, Depression, and Family problems significantly predicted changes in different dysfunctional eating attitudes, but also EDI-Interpersonal distrust and Ineffectiveness predicted changes in different MMPI-A scale scores. All together, findings suggest that personality development in adolescence is sensitive to attitudes towards eating and body appearance, and vice versa

    A prospective study on the reciprocal influence between personality and attitudes, behaviors, and psychological characteristics salient in eating disorders in a sample of non-clinical adolescents

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    Eating disorders are mostly likely to occur for the first time in adolescence. Delineating vulnerable personality profiles of unhealthy conditions helps prevent their onset and development. This study investigated a non-clinical sample of 142 adolescents and how some theoretically salient individual differences in personality contribute to predict changes in behaviors, attitudes and psychological characteristics that are clinically significant in eating disorders (ED). The results from cross-lagged pattern analyses supported the influence of depression, obsessiveness, and self-esteem in the trajectories favoring the development of psychological characteristics, such as ineffectiveness and interoceptive awareness, which are salient in the ED risk process. Results also confirmed that BMI (Body Mass Index), perfectionism, and body dissatisfaction predict increases in dysfunctional concerns with weight control and food consumption. Empirical support for an impact of ED-relevant variables on personality self-views emerged as well. Trajectories linking ED and personality in relation to sex differences and permeability to transitory psychological conditions in adolescence were also confirmed

    La coerenza della personalit\ue0 da una prospettiva socio-cognitiva: Uno studio sulla variabilit\ue0 intraindividuale dell\u2019autoefficacia percepita in situazioni sociali

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    The present study was aimed at investigating how self-efficacy appraisals in interpersonal situations vary depending on individual beliefs about the relevance of schematic personality attributes to the situations. In accordance with the Knowledge and Appraisal Personality Architecture (KAPA) model (Cervone, 2004, 2005), we used idiographic methods for identifying consistent intra-individual patterns of associations between self-efficacy and perceived situational relevance of attributes, i.e., how personality characteristics are relevant to situations favouring vs hindering a successful performance. Results showed that situation-related self-efficacy levels were higher when participants believed that their schematic personality attributes help rather than obstacle a successful performance in those situations. No covariation was found when self-efficacy appraisals were related to the situational relevance of aschematic personality attributes. Comparable association patterns between self-efficacy and situational relevance of personality schematic vs aschematic attributes were found both when we took under control the perceived value of performing successfully in a given situation and when we controlled for individual differences in the Big Five domains of Extraversion and Emotional Stability. Overall, our findings support the KAPA model for the study of intra-individual personality consistency. They however also suggest that inter-individual differences contribute to predicting further variability in self-efficacy appraisals. Intra-individual and inter-individual assessment procedure may be complementary

    Body Uneasiness, Body Figure Perception, and Body Weight: Factor Structure and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of a Set of Attitudinal and Perceptual Body Image Assessment Tools in Adolescents

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    : Body image is a multifaceted construct that includes attitudinal and perceptual components, but its attention has mainly been focused on the facet of body dissatisfaction. The present longitudinal study extended the validation of a multifacet attitudinal questionnaire, the Body Uneasiness Test (BUT), against perceptions of body shape and weight. A convenient sample of adolescents took part in a 2-year unbalanced panel study (5 waves). The participants completed the BUT questionnaire and selected their perceived actual, ideal, and reflected body figures along the Contour Drawing Rating Scale; ideal/actual and ideal/normative body mass index discrepancies were also included. After replicating the expected five-factor structure of the BUT items, results from confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the five BUT scales loaded on an attitudinal dimension, whereas the perceived body figures and the discrepancy indices were on a perceptive domain. Such a two-domain structure of body image measures showed gender and seasonal (1-year) measurement invariance, whereas longitudinal 6-month and 18-month invariance partially failed. Overall, the present findings support the validity of the Body Uneasiness Test in adolescence, further demonstrating a preliminary multidimensional structure of body image onto which attitudinal and perceptual body image-related measures were projected

    Autoestima y locus de causalidad como factores de vulnerabilidad para el desarrollo de autodiscrepancias actuales/ideales en la infancia tardía

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    Self-discrepancies influence psychological well-being and self-acceptance across several domains. Middle to late childhood is a critical age for the development of self-discrepancies (SD). The present study was aimed at investigating antecedents of actual/ideal self-discrepancies in 9- to 11-year-old children by adopting a repeated measure design, with two measurement occasions. At the baseline (T1), children (N=261) completed a self-esteem questionnaire, a measure of actual/ideal SDs we developed around the Five Factor Model domains, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; 4 months later (T2) a subsample (N=96) provided self-ratings again. Children\u27s parents (N=195) referred on their own feelings towards their children along the Profile of Mood States as well as on their perceived locus of control of their children\u27s undesirable behaviors; a subsample of parents (N=80) provided ratings again 4 months later. Principal component analyses from children\u27s self-discrepancies at T1 yielded four domains: Intellect, Emotional Stability, Impulse Control, and Sociability. Self-rated discrepancies across time were moderately stable. Concurrently, higher SDs in Intellect were associated with lower children\u27s self-esteem. Cross-lagged pattern analyses showed that lower self-esteem predicted increases in children\u27s SDs, but not vice versa; in addition, change levels in SDs were correlated with change levels in self-esteem. Parents\u27 perceived internal locus of causality of their children\u27s undesirable behaviors also accounted for changes in children\u27s SDs. Parents\u27 feelings of depression accounted for increases in girls\u27 SDs. The present findings further support the association between self-esteem and SDs, indicate the direction of association across time, and suggest possible mechanisms by which parents affect the development of the children\u27s self-views.Autodiscrepancias influyen en el bienestar psicológico y autoaceptación a través de varios dominios. Infancias intermedia y tardía representan la edad crítica para el desarrollo de autodiscrepancias (AA.DD.) Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar antecedentes de autodiscrepancias actuales/ideales en los niños entre 9 y 11 años usando el diseño de medidas repetidas, con medidas en dos ocasiones diferentes. En la primera (T1), los niños (N=261) completaron un cuestionario sobre la autoestima; desarrollamos la medida de AA.DD. actual/ideal alrededor de dominios del Modelo de los cinco grandes y del Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades (SDQ); 4 meses después (T2) una submuestra (N=96) hizo otra autocalificación. Los padres de estos niños (N=195) determinaron sus propios sentimientos hacia sus hijos a través del Perfil de los Estados de Ánimo, tanto como por su locus de control percibido en cuanto a las conductas no deseadas de sus hijos; una submuestra de padres (N=80) volvió a dar resultados 4 meses después. Análisis principal de componentes de autodiscrepancias de los niños en T1 produjo cuatro dominios: Intelecto, Estabilidad emocional, Control de impulsos y Sociabilidad. Con el paso de tiempo las discrepancias autoevaluadas se quedaron moderadamente estables. Al mismo tiempo, AA.DD. más altas en Intelecto especialmente se relacionaron con autoestima infantil más baja. Cross-lagged pattern analyses demostró que autoestima más baja predecía el incremento en AA.DD. infantiles, pero no al revés; además, cambio de niveles en AA.DD. se correlacionaron con el cambio de niveles en autoestima. Locus interno de causalidad percibido por los padres hacia sus hijos también explicó los cambios en AA.DD. infantiles. Sentimientos parentales de depresión explicaron incrementos en AA.DD. de las niñas. Hallazgos actuales apoyan aún más la relación entre la autoestima y las AA.DD., indican direcciones de relacionamiento a través del tiempo y sugieren posibles mecanismos a través de los cuales padres influyen en el desarrollo de la imagen que los niños tienen sobre sí mismos

    Noćni život i cijepljenje protiv bolesti COVID-19: Terenska studija na uzorku mladih Talijana u noćnome izlasku tijekom ljeta 2021. godine

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    In this study, we described rates of COVID vaccination, attitudes towards COVID prevention behaviours, and perceived risk in relation to different areas of personal well-being and substance use during the pandemic, in a sample of 16- to 25-year-olds (N = 411). The participants completed a short self-report questionnaire, while they were spending their 2021 summer nightlife in a crowded city venue. Results showed that 64% of respondents reported being vaccinated. Among the unvaccinated participants, those who were unwilling to be vaccinated agreed less with prevention rules and felt more at risk for drug use and for chances of getting or maintaining a job, when compared to both vaccinated peers and to peers who were unvaccinated but positively intentioned to vaccinate. Overall, the present findings confirm that youth felt at risk for their well-being during the pandemic and further reveal that young people who are reluctant to vaccinate deserve more attention. Vaccination campaigns need to be strengthened in social contexts, where chances of getting a job or keeping it are lower, while the risk of drug use is higher.U ovome smo istraživanju opisali stope cijepljenja protiv bolesti COVID-19, stavove prema ponašanjima važnima za prevenciju te bolesti i percipirani rizik u odnosu na različita područja osobne dobrobiti i zlouporabe droga tijekom pandemije na uzorku sudionika u dobi od 16 do 25 godina (N = 411). Sudionici su ispunili kratki upitnik samoprocjene za vrijeme noćnoga izlaska tijekom ljeta 2021. godine na gradskoj lokaciji gdje je vladala velika gužva. Rezultati su pokazali da je 64 % sudionika izjavilo da je cijepljeno. Među necijepljenim sudionicima oni koji se nisu željeli cijepiti manje su bili suglasni s pravilima prevencije, osjećali su se više izloženima riziku zlouporabe droga i smatrali su da je manja vjerojatnost da dobiju ili zadrže posao u usporedbi s cijepljenim vršnjacima i vršnjacima koji su bili necijepljeni, ali s pozitivnim namjerama za cijepljenje. Zaključno, sadašnji nalazi potvrđuju da su mladi tijekom pandemije osjećali da im je ugrožena dobrobit te da mladi koji se nerado cijepe zaslužuju više pažnje. Potrebno je pojačati kampanje za promociju cijepljenja u društvenim kontekstima gdje je vjerojatnost za dobivanje ili zadržavanje posla manja, a rizik od zlouporabe droga veći

    Personality and eating disordered behaviors in adolescent boys

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    There is increasing evidence showing that gender specific attitudes and behaviors predict the onset of eating behaviors. Excessive exercise to gain weight and muscularity typically reveal body dissatisfaction and predict eating disorders in males. The present study explored how personality characteristics predict body dissatisfaction and muscle dysmorphia, in a sample of adolescent boys (N = 178) who provided selfreports along personality and body image concerns questionnaires. Results from regression analyses showed that Dynamism and low Constraint concurrently accounted for a significant variance proportion in Muscle Dysmorphia. Perfectionism, Obsessiveness, and Ineffectiveness predicted higher scores on Body Dissatisfaction. Results were controlled for age and BMI. A second data wave will be collected soon in order to explore personality antecedents of changes in body dissatisfaction and muscle dysmorphia. The results will help understand how personality self-views represent risk factors for dysfunctional body images and related eating disordered attitudes, in young males