6 research outputs found

    Two Novel Variants of the v-srcOncogene Isolated from Low and High Metastatic RSV-Transformed Hamster Cells

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    AbstractFour different transformed cell lines were isolated as a result of independent infection of primary hamster fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV SR-D stocks). These lines differ by the level of their spontaneous metastatic activity: HET-SR-1, HET-SR-8, and HET-SR-10 cell lines induced 70–200 metastatic nodules in the lung and/or lymph nodes of inoculated animals (high metastatic lines, HM). Metastatic activity was not identified after injection of HET-SR cells (low metastatic line, LM). All cell lines contained one copy of integrated and expressed intact RSV provirus. The difference in the amount of v-srcprotein in cell lines was not correlated with their metastatic potentialin vivo.Complete v-srcHM and v-srcLM genes were cloned from corresponding gene libraries and sequenced. In the unique region of both v-srcisoforms a GC-rich insert of 60 nucleotides (20 a.a.) was found. The presence of this insert explains the unusual apparent molecular weight of protein encoded by v-srcHM and v-srcLM: 62 kDa. Both genes had 10 identical amino acid changes when compared to the known RSV SR-D v-srcsequence. v-srcHM and v-srcLM differ by several amino acid changes. Most of them are localized in the unique domain and the extreme carboxy-terminal region of the oncoprotein. Both v-srcvariants and chimeric v-srcwith mutually substituted parts were subcloned in a retroviral vector and introduced into avian neuroretina cells. Significant differences in the morphology of transformed neuroretina cells were associated with the mutations in the carboxy-terminal region of the v-srconcogene. Low metastatic HET-SR cells transfected with v-srcHM and the chimeric gene v-src-LH remarkably increased their metastatic potential. In contrast, this effect was not observed when the same cells were transfected with v-srcLM and the chimeric v-srcHL gene. Specific changes in the distribution of fibronectin matrix typical for high metastatic cells were found in the lines transfected with v-srcHM

    Small deletion in v-src SH3 domain of a transformation defective mutant of rous sarcoma virus restores wild type transforming properties

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    International audienceRSV mutant virus PA101T was obtained while assaying the tumorigenicity of parental PA101 virus in chickens. PA101 is a transformation defective mutant of RSV which has a low src kinase activity. However, PA101 retained a temperature-sensitive ability to induce sustained proliferation of neuroretina cells. PA101T appeared as a wild-type phenotype revertant of PA101. Molecular cloning and sequencing of PA101T showed that this reversion is due to additional mutations in PA101 src gene. These mutations are a deletion eliminating three amino acids in the N-terminal region of SH3 domain and mutation of Ala 426 to Val. Analysis of the properties of chimeric src genes associating either half of PA101T with the complementary regions of PA101 or wild-type virus showed that the N-terminal moiety of PA101T src, which contains the deletion, confers wild-type transforming properties, whereas its C-terminal moiety, which contains single amino acid mutation, confers a partially temperature-sensitive phenotype. These results are consistent with other reports showing that mutations or deletions in this region of SH3 activate the transforming potential of c-src. They support the hypothesis that the N-terminal region of SH3 interacts with a cellular negative regulator of src activity

    N-terminal deletion in the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus results in synthesis of a 45,000-Mr protein with mitogenic activity.

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    International audienceExpression of the v-src gene of Rous sarcoma virus in avian embryo neuroretina cells results in transformation and sustained proliferation of these normally resting cells. Transformed neuroretina cells are also tumorigenic upon inoculation into immunodeficient hosts. We have previously described conditional mutants of Rous sarcoma virus encoding p60v-src proteins which induce proliferation of neuroretina cells in the absence of transformation and tumorigenicity. These results suggest that p60v-src is composed of functionally distinct domains which may interact with multiple cellular targets. In this study, we describe a spontaneous variant of Rous sarcoma virus, subgroup E, which carries a deletion of 278 base pairs in the 5' portion of the v-src gene but which has retained the ability to induce proliferation of quail neuroretina cells. The deleted v-src gene encodes a 45,000-molecular-weight phosphoprotein which contains both phosphoserine and phosphotyrosine, is myristylated, and possesses tyrosine kinase activity indistinguishable from that of wild-type p60v-src. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the mutant v-src gene have shown that this deletion extends from amino acid 33 to 126 of the wild-type p60v-src. Therefore, this portion of the v-src protein is dispensable for the mitogenic activity of Rous sarcoma virus in neuroretina cells

    Transformation-defective mutants with 5′ deletions of the src gene are frequently generated during replication of rous sarcoma virus in established quail fibroblasts

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    International audienceReplication of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) in avian fibroblasts leads to the generation of replication-competent variants that are defective for cell transformation (td virus). These td variants contain deletions affecting various portions of the v-src gene. We compared the rate of td virus production in Q3B cells, a quail cell line established by mutagen treatment, and in normal quail fibroblasts. Twenty-five days after infection with an RSV stock containing only transforming virions, Q3B cells harbor similar amounts of v-src-containing and v-src-deleted proviruses. However, these cells synthesize very low levels of p60v-src and generate large excess of td variants, as determined by biological assays. Unlike Q3B cells, normal quail fibroblasts infected with the same virus stock produce td variants only after multiple passages of undiluted virus on fresh cells. Restriction analysis showed that the td virus produced by Q3B cells is composed of two types of genomes: one lacking the entire v-src gene and the other carrying partial deletions of this gene predominantly located in the amino-terminal portion of the coding region of v-src. To study the mechanisms of these partial deletions, we molecularly cloned and sequenced the v-src genes of several td proviruses. We show that these mutants carry single or multiple v-src deletions of limited size, presumably generated by multiple mechanisms. Two deletions of 170 and 112 bp located in the 5' portion of v-src are frequently generated during RSV replication in Q3B cells and may represent preferential sites for v-src deletion in these cells