117 research outputs found

    Merleau-Ponty's contribution to the theory of recognition

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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty was an important twentieth century contributor to the theory of recognition, even though he made literal reference to the concept only sparingly. He emphasized the importance of recognition, not only at the level of inter-personal relations and in the individual’s inclusion in the social, but also in terms of the capacity of human beings to communicate across cultures and across historical distances. The shift towards ontology in his later work provided a renewed grounding for his interest in intersubjectivity and cross-cultural communication. Such continuity might be traced to lasting Hegelian and Marxian legacies in his thinking, which inflected his political interpretation of recognition

    Recognition in Feuerbach

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    Ludwig Feuerbach is famous for his critical hermeneutics of religion. At the heart of it lie arguments of philosophical anthropology that directly anticipate contemporary developments in the theory of recognition. He counts amongst the great philosophers who, immediately following Kant, emphasised the constitutive importance for human beings of interpersonal and social relations. Indeed, his theory of intersubjectivity contains features that are highly original, notably the link between individual and community, and between recognition and recollection

    La reconnaissance hégélienne et ses enjeux pour la philosophie sociale et politique contemporaine

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    De récentes lectures de Hegel par d’importants philosophes américains ont insisté avant tout sur le lien entre reconnaissance et rationalité, et défini l’autonomie comme capacité à donner les raisons de ses actions. Prenant une distance critique envers ces lectures d’inspiration kantienne, l’article s’inspire de lectures allemandes de Hegel, culminant dans l’éthique de la reconnaissance d’Axel Honneth, qui insistent davantage sur la dimension génétique de la reconnaissance. Un tel changement de perspective permet de prendre la reconnaissance en un sens plus roboratif et d’affiner son potentiel critique, notamment d’identifier de manière plus précise les obstacles sociaux et culturels à la réalisation de l’autonomie.Recent readings of Hegel by significant American philosophers have insisted on the link between recognition and rationality. In these readings, autonomy is defined as the capacity to give the reasons behind one’s actions. This paper takes a critical distance towards these Kantian interpretations and returns to earlier German readings of Hegel, culminating in Axel Honneth’s ethics of recognition, which placed stronger emphasis on the genetic dimension of recognition. The paper argues that this shift in perspective allows us to take recognition in a more substantive sense and make fuller use of the concept’s critical potential. In particular, it allows us to use recognition as a diagnostic tool to identify more precisely the social and cultural obstacles to the realisation of autonomy

    Negative Dialectic in Othello

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    A teoria crítica entre Marx e Honneth = Critical theory between Marx and Honneth = Teoría crítica entre Marx y Honneth

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    Neste artigo considerarei as principais objeções marxistas ao modelo de Honneth para uma Teoria Crítica da sociedade e também as objeções centrais de Honneth aos modelos inspirados em Marx. Depois tentarei esboçar uma reaproximação entre ambas posições ao mostrar como o conceito normativo de reconhecimento de Honneth não é oposto a argumentos funcionalistas, e sim que ele contém uma dimensão socioteórica: a ideia de que a reprodução social e a evolução social revolvem ao redor de lutas pela interpretação de normas sociais centrais. Ao iluminar o lado socioteórico do reconhecimento, é possível esboçar um modelo de Teoria Crítica da sociedade que, de fato, corresponda às características descritivas e normativa delineadas pelo próprio Marx. No entanto, o preço desta reaproximação para a Teoria Crítica de Honneth é uma ênfase maior na divisão do trabalho como o mecanismo central da reprodução socia

    Desubstantializing the Critique of Forms of Life: Relationality, Subjectivity, Morality

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    Abstract: Rahel Jaeggi’s Critique of Forms of Life represents a welcome new development in critical social thought. It aims to overcome the ‘liberal abstinence’, which forbids criticizing the ethical fabric of social life, and proposes to connect normative evaluation with a serious social-ontological model of ‘forms of life’. In this article we argue, however, that Jaeggi’s ontological characterization of the concept of form of life is problematic in ways that introduce a number of adverse consequences for social critique. In section 1, we lay out the main components of Jaeggi’s account. In section 2, we present four interconnected problems that beset Jaeggi’s substantializing conception of forms of life. In section 3, we present an alternative construal of the idea of forms of life, one which does not utilize the concept for grasping substantial unities, but rather focuses on the ‘forms’ that specifically human life takes, and which grasps social practices as concrete collaborative activities involving expectations of recognition. We thereby bring together the recognition-theoretical strand of critical social thought with Jaeggi’s welcome new gambit. In section 4 we briefly put forth three mutually complementary ways to conceive of recognitive expectations immanent in social life understood as a collaborative endeavor

    Lost paradigm : the fate of work in post-war French philosophy

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    For a brief period, between the years immediately preceding the Second World War and for about a decade thereafter, the most important authors in French philosophy (Weil, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre) conducted their reflections within a "work paradigm", that is, within theoretical frameworks in which the concept of work played the central, organising role. The first three sections of the paper identify the different meanings of work, which, brought together under the umbrella concept of "praxis", underpinned this paradigm. The central claim advanced by the paper in section 4 is that the rise of a new paradigm in the following generation of French philosophy (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze), around the concepts of structure, text and discourse, was explicitly directed against work. In the final section I identify a "return to work" in French philosophy (notably via Rancière), brought about, I argue, by the problematic severing of theory and practice that is inherent in structuralist methods.21 page(s

    Repressed materiality : retrieving the materialism in Axel Honneth's theory of recognition

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    The origins of Axel Honneth's theory of recognition lie in his earlier project to correct the conceptual confusions and empirical shortcomings of historical materialism for the purpose of an adequate post-Habermasian critical social theory. Honneth proposed to accomplish this project, most strikingly, by reconnecting critical social theory with one of its repressed philosophical sources, namely anthropological materialism. In its mature shape, however, recognition theory operates on a narrow concept of interaction, which seems to lose sight of the material mediations with which intersubjective relations are imbricated. The paper argues that a circumspect return to this twofold materialist heritage could substantively correct and enrich contemporary critical theory. The paper provides an illustration of this with the paradigmatic example of work.28 page(s
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