884 research outputs found

    The finite element method applied to neutron diffusion problems

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    Originally presented as the first author's thesis (Nucl. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1973Includes bibliographical references (pages 99-100

    Dephasing of a superconducting flux qubit

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    In order to gain a better understanding of the origin of decoherence in superconducting flux qubits, we have measured the magnetic field dependence of the characteristic energy relaxation time (T1T_1) and echo phase relaxation time (T2echoT_2^{\rm echo}) near the optimal operating point of a flux qubit. We have measured T2echoT_2^{\rm echo} by means of the phase cycling method. At the optimal point, we found the relation T2echo2T1T_2^{\rm echo}\approx 2T_1. This means that the echo decay time is {\it limited by the energy relaxation} (T1T_1 process). Moving away from the optimal point, we observe a {\it linear} increase of the phase relaxation rate (1/T2echo1/T_{2}^{\rm echo}) with the applied external magnetic flux. This behavior can be well explained by the influence of magnetic flux noise with a 1/f1/f spectrum on the qubit

    Huge First-Order Metamagnetic Transition in the Paramagnetic Heavy-Fermion System CeTiGe

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    We report on the observation of large, step-like anomalies in the magnetization (ΔM=0.74\Delta M = 0.74\,μB\mu_{\rm B}/Ce), in the magnetostriction (Δl/l0=2.0103\Delta l/l_{0} = 2.0 \cdot 10^{-3}), and in the magnetoresistance in polycrystals of the paramagnetic heavy-fermion system CeTiGe at a critical magnetic field μ0Hc\mu_0 H_c \approx 12.5\,T at low temperatures. The size of these anomalies is much larger than those reported for the prototypical heavy-fermion metamagnet CeRu2_2Si2_2. Furthermore, hysteresis between increasing and decreasing field data indicate a real thermodynamic, first-order type of phase transition, in contrast to the crossover reported for CeRu2_2Si2_2. Analysis of the resistivity data shows a pronounced decrease of the electronic quasiparticle mass across HcH_c. These results establish CeTiGe as a new metamagnetic Kondo-lattice system, with an exceptionally large, metamagnetic transition of first-order type at a moderate field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Griffiths phase in CePd(1-x)Rh(x) with x ~ 0.8

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    The magnetic field dependence of the magnetisation (MM) and the temperature dependence of the ac susceptibility (χ=dM/dH\chi' = dM/dH) of CePd(1-x)Rh(x) single crystals with 0.80x0.860.80 \leq x \leq 0.86 are analysed within the frame of the quantum Griffiths phase scenario, which predicts MHλM \propto H^{\lambda} and χTλ1\chi' \propto T^{\lambda-1} with 0λ10 \leq \lambda \leq 1. All MM vs HH and χ\chi' vs TT data follow the predicted power-law behaviour. The parameter λ\lambda, extracted from χ(T)\chi'(T), is very sensitive to the Rh content xx and varies systematically with xx from -0.1 to 0.4. The value of λ\lambda, derived from M(H)M(H) measurements on a \cpr single crystal, seems to be rather constant, λ0.2\lambda \approx 0.2, in a broad range of temperatures between 0.05 and 2 K and fields up to about 10 T. All observed signatures and the λ\lambda values are thus compatible with the quantum Griffiths scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dephasing of a superconducting flux qubit

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    In order to gain a better understanding of the origin of decoherence in superconducting flux qubits, we have measured the magnetic field dependence of the characteristic energy relaxation time (T1T_1) and echo phase relaxation time (T2echoT_2^{\rm echo}) near the optimal operating point of a flux qubit. We have measured T2echoT_2^{\rm echo} by means of the phase cycling method. At the optimal point, we found the relation T2echo2T1T_2^{\rm echo}\approx 2T_1. This means that the echo decay time is {\it limited by the energy relaxation} (T1T_1 process). Moving away from the optimal point, we observe a {\it linear} increase of the phase relaxation rate (1/T2echo1/T_{2}^{\rm echo}) with the applied external magnetic flux. This behavior can be well explained by the influence of magnetic flux noise with a 1/f1/f spectrum on the qubit

    Non-Fermi liquid states in the pressurized CeCu2(Si1xGex)2CeCu_2(Si_{1-x}Ge_x)_2 system: two critical points

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    In the archetypal strongly correlated electron superconductor CeCu2_2Si2_2 and its Ge-substituted alloys CeCu2_2(Si1x_{1-x}Gex_{x})2_2 two quantum phase transitions -- one magnetic and one of so far unknown origin -- can be crossed as a function of pressure \cite{Yuan 2003a}. We examine the associated anomalous normal state by detailed measurements of the low temperature resistivity (ρ\rho) power law exponent α\alpha. At the lower critical point (at pc1p_{c1}, 1α1.51\leq\alpha\leq 1.5) α\alpha depends strongly on Ge concentration xx and thereby on disorder level, consistent with a Hlubina-Rice-Rosch scenario of critical scattering off antiferromagnetic fluctuations. By contrast, α\alpha is independent of xx at the upper quantum phase transition (at pc2p_{c2}, α1\alpha\simeq 1), suggesting critical scattering from local or Q=0 modes, in agreement with a density/valence fluctuation approach.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures. New results added. Significant changes on the text and Fig.