37 research outputs found

    A novel function for spumaretrovirus integrase: an early requirement for integrase-mediated cleavage of 2 LTR circles

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    Retroviral integration is central to viral persistence and pathogenesis, cancer as well as host genome evolution. However, it is unclear why integration appears essential for retrovirus production, especially given the abundance and transcriptional potential of non-integrated viral genomes. The involvement of retroviral endonuclease, also called integrase (IN), in replication steps apart from integration has been proposed, but is usually considered to be accessory. We observe here that integration of a retrovirus from the spumavirus family depends mainly on the quantity of viral DNA produced. Moreover, we found that IN directly participates to linear DNA production from 2-LTR circles by specifically cleaving the conserved palindromic sequence found at LTR-LTR junctions. These results challenge the prevailing view that integrase essential function is to catalyze retroviral DNA integration. Integrase activity upstream of this step, by controlling linear DNA production, is sufficient to explain the absolute requirement for this enzyme. The novel role of IN over 2-LTR circle junctions accounts for the pleiotropic effects observed in cells infected with IN mutants. It may explain why 1) 2-LTR circles accumulate in vivo in mutants carrying a defective IN while their linear and integrated DNA pools decrease; 2) why both LTRs are processed in a concerted manner. It also resolves the original puzzle concerning the integration of spumaretroviruses. More generally, it suggests to reassess 2-LTR circles as functional intermediates in the retrovirus cycle and to reconsider the idea that formation of the integrated provirus is an essential step of retrovirus production

    Stéréotypes de l’étudiant en situation de handicap physique. Regards des étudiants valides sur deux situations de handicap : le handicap moteur et la surdité

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    Cette étude vise à analyser les stéréotypes de l’étudiant en situation de handicap physique. À partir d’une liste de traits, 150 étudiants valides ont évalué trois cibles : un étudiant en fauteuil roulant, un étudiant sourd ou un étudiant valide. Trois dimensions sont générées pour décrire ces cibles : agréabilité, mauvaise adaptabilité sociale et détermination. Quelle que soit la nature de sa déficience, l’étudiant en situation de handicap est perçu plus déterminé que l’étudiant valide. Les implications de ces stéréotypes dans l’enseignement supérieur et l’orientation professionnelle sont discutées.This study aims to examine stereotypes of students with physical disabilities. We assessed the degree to which students without disability (N = 150) differentiate among two particular disability subgroups (a student in a wheelchair and a deaf student) on scales reflecting personality traits. Results revealed that social judgment centers on three distinguishable factors: agreeableness, poor social adaptability, and determination. Students with physical disabilities are perceived as more determined than students without disabilities. Implications of these stereotypes in higher education and vocational guidance are discussed

    Comment des parents d’élèves et des enseignants spécialisés voient la réussite et la difficulté scolaires

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer la manière dont des acteurs du système scolaire profanes (parents d’élèves) ou experts (enseignants spécialisés) se représentent l’élève en réussite scolaire et l’élève en difficulté scolaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons interrogé 29 parents d’élèves et 33 enseignants spécialisés. Les résultats indiquent que la représentation de la difficulté se décompose en trois catégories (environnement, caractéristiques personnelles et culture), alors que celle de la réussite se compose de deux catégories (environnement et caractéristiques personnelles). Les autres résultats montrent que la représentation d’un élève en difficulté scolaire n’est pas l’inverse de celle d’un élève en réussite, et que les causes évoquées pour expliquer ces statuts ne sont pas non plus opposées. Enfin la représentation des parents et des enseignants spécialisés diffèrent globalement, avec notamment une homogénéité et un consensus plus grands dans la représentation de ces derniers.The purpose of this study is to look closely at the way people within the school system–uninitiated (parents) or expert (special education teachers)–see successful students and those having learning difficulties. To do so we have questioned 29 parents and 33 special education teachers. The results show that in those people’s minds, difficulties are sorted out into three categories: backgrounds, personal and cultural features whereas success is divided into two categories: backgrounds, and personal features. Other results show that the mental representation that people have of a child with learning difficulties is not the opposite of that of a successful one, and the reasons given to explain these phenomena are not opposed either. Finally the parents’ and teachers’ mental representations are on the whole rather different, with, for instance, better homogeneity and wider consensus in teachers.El objetivo de este estudio estriba en explorar cómo actores profanos del sistema escolar (padres de alumnos) o expertos (docentes especializados) se representan al alumno en situación de éxito escolar y al alumno con dificultades escolares. Para ello, interrogamos a 29 padres de alumnos y a 33 docentes especializados. Los resultados indican que la representación de las dificultades se descompone en tres categorías (entorno, características personales y cultura), mientras el éxito se compone de dos categorías (entorno y características personales). Los otros resultados muestran que la representación de un alumno con dificultades escolares no es inversa a la de un alumno que conoce el éxito escolar, y que los motivos mencionados para explicar esos estatus tampoco se oponen. Por fin, la representación de los padres y de los docentes especializados difiere globalmente, en particular con una homogeneidad y un consenso más importantes en la representación de los docentes.Das Ziel dieser Studie ist, die Art und Weise zu beobachten, wie Laien (Eltern) oder Profis (Sonderschullehrer) im Schulsystem sich den erfolgreichen Schüler und den Schüler mit Schwierigkeiten vorstellen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir 29 Eltern und 33 Sonderschullehrer befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Vorstellung der Schwierigkeit sich in drei Kategorien gliedert (Umfeld, persönliche Merkmale und Kultur), während der Erfolg aus zwei Kategorien besteht (Umfeld und persönliche Merkmale). Die übrigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Vorstellung eines Schülers mit Schwierigkeiten nicht das genaue Gegenteil von der eines erfolgreichen Schülers ist, und dass die Gründe, die diese beiden Status erklären können auch nicht entgegengesetzt sind. Zum Schluss unterscheiden sich insgesamt die Vorstellungen der Eltern und die der Sonderschullehrer, insbesondere mit größerer Homogenität und größerem Konsens in den Vorstellungen der Lehrer

    Stéréotypes de la difficulté scolaire : un outil de recueil

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    Les recherches actuelles dans le domaine de l’éducation attestent de l’influence des stéréotypes sociaux sur les résultats académiques des élèves. Afin de connaître les stéréotypes liés aux « élèves en difficulté scolaire » au cycle 3, nous avons construit un outil auprès de psychologues scolaires, d’étudiants, de parents d’élèves, d’élèves de cycle 3, d’enseignants spécialisés et de stagiaires professeurs des écoles (PE2). L’analyse a permis d’obtenir quarante-neuf traits généraux mais aussi spécifiques aux groupes interrogés. Différentes méthodologies permettant de mesurer les stéréotypes avec cet outil sont présentées en discussion.Current research in the field of education shows the effects of social stereotypes on students’ academic performances. To determine the stereotypes of “5th grade students having learning disabilities”, we built an instrument with a sample of educational psychologists, undergraduate students, 5th grade students’ parents, 5th grade students, specialised teachers, and student teachers. Forty-nine traits that are general and sometimes specific to the respondent groups were obtained. The discussion section presents different ways to measure these stereotypes using this instrument

    Efficient and Specific Internal Cleavage of a Retroviral Palindromic DNA Sequence by Tetrameric HIV-1 Integrase

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    BACKGROUND: HIV-1 integrase (IN) catalyses the retroviral integration process, removing two nucleotides from each long terminal repeat and inserting the processed viral DNA into the target DNA. It is widely assumed that the strand transfer step has no sequence specificity. However, recently, it has been reported by several groups that integration sites display a preference for palindromic sequences, suggesting that a symmetry in the target DNA may stabilise the tetrameric organisation of IN in the synaptic complex. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We assessed the ability of several palindrome-containing sequences to organise tetrameric IN and investigated the ability of IN to catalyse DNA cleavage at internal positions. Only one palindromic sequence was successfully cleaved by IN. Interestingly, this symmetrical sequence corresponded to the 2-LTR junction of retroviral DNA circles-a palindrome similar but not identical to the consensus sequence found at integration sites. This reaction depended strictly on the cognate retroviral sequence of IN and required a full-length wild-type IN. Furthermore, the oligomeric state of IN responsible for this cleavage differed from that involved in the 3'-processing reaction. Palindromic cleavage strictly required the tetrameric form, whereas 3'-processing was efficiently catalysed by a dimer. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings suggest that the restriction-like cleavage of palindromic sequences may be a general physiological activity of retroviral INs and that IN tetramerisation is strongly favoured by DNA symmetry, either at the target site for the concerted integration or when the DNA contains the 2-LTR junction in the case of the palindromic internal cleavage

    Evaluation des pratiques professionnelles sur la prise en charge des suspicions de méningite bactérienne aiguë communautaire aux urgences adultes de Poitiers

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    Objective : To assess the appropriateness of practices to the 2008 SPILF s guidelines in the adult emergency department (ED) of the University Hospital (CHU) of Poitiers. To identify and assess factors associated with delay in healthcare. Methods : Observational monocentric retrospective study (2010 - 2011) taking place in the ED of the university hospital of Poitiers in patients with suspected acute bacterial meningitis, as part of a professional practice evaluation. The study of variables influencing delays were analyzed with simple linear regression. Results : Ninety five patients were included in the cohort. Thirty six patients (37,9%) received an antibiotherapy for meningitis. A computed tomography of the head was inappropriately done before lumbar puncture in 26,3% of cases. The median (min-max) delay of lumbar puncture (LP) was 5h51 (1h09-26h20) and the median (min-max) delay of administration of antibiotherapy 6h31 (1h04-17h48). Suspicion of meningitis diagnosis by the nurse at admission (p = 0,019) and the presence of nuchal rigidity (p = 0,007) were significantly associated with earlier LP whereas performing of brain imaging before LP was significantly associated with delayed LP (p = 0,003). Conclusions : This work has raised the need to implement a care bundle in order to improve diagnosis and treatment in patients with suspected acute bacterial meningitis in our ward to improve the appropriateness of our practices to the guidelines. A new comparative study should be considered to measure the impact of a bundle of care on our practice.POITIERS-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Approches environnementale et médicale du handicap: le cas des étudiants français.

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    This study aims at measuring the implication of medical and environmental approaches in the way disabled university students are perceived. Forty students, 20 physically disabled and 20 without a disability, were thus asked to freely describe in writing (1) students in general, (2) disabled students, and (3) disabled students as they are perceived by the majority of people. Results show that the medical approach is more used and is more valued than the environmental approach in the descriptions of handicapped students. They furthermore raise the question of the content of disability prevention and/or information programs.Cette étude a pour objectif de mesurer l’importance de l'approche médicale et de l'approche environnementale dans la description des étudiants en situation de handicap. Vingt étudiants en situation de handicap et 20 étudiants en situation de participation sociale ont ainsi reçu pour consigne de décrire librement (1) les étudiants en général, (2) les étudiants en situation de handicap et (3) les étudiants en situation de handicap tels qu'ils sont perçus par la majorité des gens. L'analyse révèle que l'approche médicale est davantage utilisée et valorisée pour caractériser l'étudiant en situation de handicap au détriment de l'approche environnementale. Ce résultat pose alors la question de la construction des dispositifs de prévention et d'information sur le handicap