1,590 research outputs found

    Multitemporal dendrogeomorphological analysis of slope instability in Upper Orcia Valley (Southern Tuscany, Italy)

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    The Upper Orcia Valley (Southern Tuscany, Italy) is a key site for the comprehension of denudation processes typically acting in Mediterranean badlands (calanchi) areas, thanks to the availability of long-lasting erosion monitoring datasets and the rapidity of erosion processes development. These features make the area suitable as an open air laboratory for the study of badlands dynamic and changes in geoheritage due to erosion (i.e. active geomorphosites). Decadal multitemporal investigations on the erosion rates and the geomorphological dynamics of the study area allowed to highlight a decrease in the average water erosion rates during the last 60 years. More in detail, a reduction of bare land and, consequently, of erosion processes effectiveness and a contemporary increasing frequency of mass wasting events were recorded. These trends can be partly related to the land cover changes occurred in the study area from the 1950s onwards, which consist of the significant increase of reforestation practices and important other forms of human impacts on slopes, mainly land levelling for agricultural exploitation. In order to better identify the most significant phases of geomorphological instability occurred in this area during the last decades, an integrated approach based on multitemporal geomorphological mapping and dendrogeomorphology analysis on specimen of Pinus nigra Arn. was used. In detail, trees colonizing a denudation slope located in the surrounding of the Radicofani town (Tuscany, Italy) and characterized by calanchi and shallow mass movements deposits, were analyzed for the 1985-2012 time period. The analysis of the growth anomaly indexes and of compression wood allowed to determine a spatio-temporal differentiation along the slope and respect to an undisturbed reference site. The negative anomaly index results to be more pronounced in the trees located on the investigated slope with respect to the ones sampled in a non-disturbed area. Compression wood characterizes trees on slope sectors mainly affected by runoff and/or mass movements with a different persistence. Erosion rates were finally calculated through dendrogeomorphological analysis on tree roots exposure (0.31-3 cm/y runoff prevailing; 5.86-27.5 cm/y, mass movements prevailing). Dendrogeomorphological results are in accordance with those obtained in the investigated areas with multitemporal photogrammetric and geomorphologic analyses

    Fluvial dynamics and watermills location in Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    Watermills (grain mills, waulk mills, olive mills, sawmills and threshing machines) operated in the Basilicata Region from the Roman Period until the early decades of the twentieth century, representing an important feature of waterways that is today almost totally forgotten. Using documentary sources, ancient maps and field survey it is possible to catalogue and identify the location of these ancient hydraulic structures. Watermills were usually placed far enough away from the river to avoid inundation during floods, and near natural knickpoints or artificial steps in the river long profile that were created by mill engineers. Mill construction often had significant impacts on a rivers morphology, because it was necessary to divert the river discharge towards the mill wheel, to drive the grain-grinding mechanism. Watermill typological variations have been examined in relation to variations in river pattern to assess the ways in which the hydrographic and hydrological settings of the Basilicata Region have affected mill siting and operation. Most Basilicata watermills were built with a horizontal water-wheel and a tower. The characteristics of the tower and the associated hydraulic structures varied according to the environmental setting. Finally, mill positions define also the locations on the river system that have already been used to exploit hydraulic power and thus could be useful for future use in the micro-hydroelectric secto

    The LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing) background simulations

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    The Large Observatory For X-ray Timing (LOFT) is an innovative medium-class mission selected for an assessment phase in the framework of the ESA M3 Cosmic Vision call. LOFT is intended to answer fundamental questions about the behaviour of matter in the very strong gravitational and magnetic fields around compact objects. With an effective area of ~10 m^2 LOFT will be able to measure very fast variability in the X-ray fluxes and spectra. A good knowledge of the in-orbit background environment is essential to assess the scientific performance of the mission and to optimize the instrument design. The two main contributions to the background are cosmic diffuse X-rays and high energy cosmic rays; also, albedo emission from the Earth is significant. These contributions to the background for both the Large Area Detector and the Wide Field Monitor are discussed, on the basis of extensive Geant-4 simulations of a simplified instrumental mass model.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8443, Paper No. 8443-209, 201

    The effect of the displacement damage on the Charge Collection Efficiency in Silicon Drift Detectors for the LOFT satellite

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    The technology of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) has been selected for the two instruments aboard the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing (LOFT) space mission. LOFT underwent a three year long assessment phase as candidate for the M3 launch opportunity within the "Cosmic Vision 2015 -- 2025" long-term science plan of the European Space Agency. During the LOFT assessment phase, we studied the displacement damage produced in the SDDs by the protons trapped in the Earth's magnetosphere. In a previous paper we discussed the effects of the Non Ionising Energy Losses from protons on the SDD leakage current. In this paper we report the measurement of the variation of Charge Collection Efficiency produced by displacement damage caused by protons and the comparison with the expected damage in orbit.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication by Journal of Instrumentatio

    Anthropogenic modifications to the drainage network of Rome (Italy). The case study of the Aqua Mariana

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    Rome is characterized by millennia of urbanization. Long lasting geomorphological investigations have allowed the geomorphological description of the city centre and the valorisation of its geomorphological heritage. In this paper the spatial change of the hydrographic network in historical times is illustrated, with some examples showing how deep has been, and still it is, the link between the historical-cultural development and the natural geomorphological and hydrological characteristics of the Roman territory. In particular, the most relevant human interventions on the drainage network, in the southern area of the city centre, have been investigated. Before the land-use modifications of Roman-age, this area was drained by the most important left tributary of the Tiber River within the city walls, the Nodicus River, more recently known as Aqua Mariana. This stream has undergone many anthropogenic modifications and diversions during the centuries, and its original path is known only downstream of the San Giovanni Basilica. According to geomorphological, archaeological and geological evidences, it is possible to hypothesize that the dimension of the pre-urbanization drainage basin, as known and reconstructed in the available literature, should have been until now underestimated

    Dendrochronological and geomorphological investigations to assess water erosion and mass wasting processes in the Apennines of Southern Tuscany (Italy)

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    The Tyrrhenian side of the Central Apennines is located in a lively geological context, in which uplift/denudation dynamics played a key role in landscape evolution. Intense water erosion and gravitational processes led to the development of spectacular badlands on the widespread clayey hillslopes. The Crete d'Arbia badlands (as part of the Crete Senesi of Southern Tuscany) represent one of the most beautiful examples of these landforms developed on Pliocene clays. On the other hand, these rapidly evolving landforms endanger the artistic heritage of the area, as with the Monte Oliveto Maggiore Abbey that was constructed on the top of a badland hillslope and confers additional value to the landscape.In the perspective of monitoring and reconstructing some significant phases of the relief evolution of this area an integrated approach has been used, which is based on dendrogeomorphology and geomorphological monitoring techniques. In particular, the correspondence between the data from dendrogeomorphological indicators and the measured denudation rates on badland hillslopes was tested. The sampling for dendrogeomorphological analysis has been performed in two stages on 45 trees of the Pinus pinea L. species, on hillslopes affected by soil creep and shallow landslides, in order to identify annual ring growth anomalies, compression wood and roots exposure. Trees' local behaviour is not homogeneous but some common trends have been detected on the basis of the anomaly index and compression wood. Since 1993 several monitoring stations at badland denudation "hot spots" have been equipped with erosion pins; quantitative data from monitoring stations, compared to pluviometric series, indicated critical phases of denudation that were supported by dendrochronological data. The integrated approach between dendrogeomorphology and geomorphological monitoring techniques allowed calibration of both tools in order to extend the analysis in the period preceding the field measurements. This kind of approach, capable of implementation in many contexts, could be particularly helpful in order to forecast the relief evolutionary trend

    Interleukin-2 inhalation therapy in renal cell cancer: a case report and review of the literature

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common malignancy of the kidney. One third of RCC presents metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, usually leading to a fatal outcome. Small response rates were seen with most cytotoxic agents including gemcitabine and vinorelbine, whereas systemic therapy with high doses of interleukin 2 (IL-2) has been shown to provide durable complete remissions. However, in consideration of its severe toxicity, IL-2 immunotherapy is restricted to selected patients. Aerosol IL-2 has been introduced as an alternative therapy in cancer patients. However, only very few data are available on its use in patients with pulmonary metastatic RCC. This paper briefly summarizes current clinical experience with the use of inhaled IL-2 therapy, either as a single therapy or in combination with other treatments. In addition, we report on a male patient with pulmonary metastasized RCC who achieved a durable complete response to combined gemcitabine/vinorelbine and interleukin-2 inhalation therapy
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