3,454 research outputs found

    Sociokulturni činitelji rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskim obiteljima

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    U radu se prezentiraju rezultati istraživanja provedenog u sklopu znanstvenog projekta Mladi i europski integracijski procesi Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu (voditeljica: dr.sc. Vlasta Ilišin). Istraživanje je usmjereno utvrđivanju sociokulturnih činitelja rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskim obiteljima, radi spoznavanja sociokulturnih okolnosti koje mogu pridonijeti postizanju više razine rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskom društvu. Uzorak istraživanja se sastoji od 3000 reprezentativno izabranih hrvatskih građanki i građana u dobi od 15 i više godina. Podaci su prikupljeni početkom 2004. godine. Rezultati ukazuju da većina ispitanika izražava stavove kojima podržavaju tradicionalnu ulogu žene. Ti stavovi statistički značajno ovise o sociokulturnim obilježjima ispitanika. Rodnu ravnopravnost izrazitije zastupaju djevojke/žene mlađe dobi, višeg stupnja obrazovanja, zaposlene osobe urbanog rezidencijalnog statusa i manje religiozni ispitanici koji ne žive u bračnoj zajednici. Autorica rezultate ovog istraživanja uspoređuje s drugim srodnim istraživanjima (primjerice, Vrijednosni sustav mladih i društvene promjene u Hrvatskoj Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu i Planiranje obitelji i uloga žene u obitelji Centra za istraživanje tržišta) te zaključuje da je znatnije promjene u stavovima o rodnoj ravnopravnosti moguće očekivati tek kada se značajno promjene brojni društveni uvjeti koji danas više ili manje posredno podržavaju neravnopravnost. Posebno se zalaže za osiguravanje kvalitetnije mogućnosti usaglašavanja poslovnih i obiteljskih obveza muškaraca i žena i to putem otvaranja raznovrsnih uslužnih centara za skrb o djeci i obitelji, te poticanjem očeva da značajnije participiraju u korištenju roditeljskog dopusta. (IN ENGLISH: This paper presents results of research which has been within the scope of the scientific project Youth and the European Integration Process, carried out by the Institute for Social Researches in Zagreb (manager: Vlasta Ilišin, Ph.D.). The aim of this research is to identify sociocultural factors of the gender equality in Croatian families in order to realize sociocultural circumstances which can contribute towards achieving of the higher level of the gender equality in the Croatian society. The sample of research consists of 3000 representatively chosen Croatian citizens, 15 and more years old. The data were gathered in early 2004. Results have indicated that the majority of examinees express attitudes which support the traditional role of women. These gender equality attitudes statistically significantly depend on the sociocultural characteristics of examinees. The gender equality is more distinctively represented by the younger girls/women which have highest level of the education, by the employed persons with the urban residential status and by the examinees who are less religious and who are not married. The author compares results of research with the other similar researches (for example: The Value System of Youth and Social Changes in Croatia, carried out by the Institute for Social Researches in Zagreb and Family Planning And Role of The Woman In The Family carried out by the Center for Market Research). She concludes that more extensive changes in the gender equality attitudes are possible to expect only when the numerous of social circumstances, which more or less indirectly support the inequality, are changed. She specially advocates for creating better possibilities for the conciliation of professional and family responsibilities of women and men, by opening of various child and family care centers and by the encouraging fathers to take part in the using of parental leave to the greater extent.

    Slobodno vrijeme zagrebačkih studenata: prilika za hedonizam ili samoostvarenje

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    Ciljevi segmenta istraživanja koji je prikazan u ovom radu odnose se na stjecanje uvida u specifičnosti slobodnoga vremena studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, na spoznavanje njihova odnosa prema konzumiranju sredstava ovisnosti i na analizu moguće povezanosti slobodnoga vremena i konzumiranja sredstava ovisnosti. Utvrđeno je da studenti uz slobodno vrijeme pretežno povezuju zabavne i opuštajuće aktivnosti, da u pravilu žele više slobodnoga vremena, da su razmjerno tolerantni prema legalnim sredstvima ovisnosti, te da konzumaciju sredstava ovisnosti uglavnom povezuju uz razonodu i “ uljepšavanje” stvarnosti. Određene razlike u poimanju slobodnoga vremena ustanovljene su s obzirom na spol i područje znanosti kojega studenti studiraju, a u odnosu na doživljaj konzumiranja sredstava ovisnosti s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja oca i područje znanosti kojeg studiraju. Visoki udio ispitanika konzumiranje sredstava ovisnosti povezuje s opuštanjem, zabavom i relaksacijom (što su ujedno i najčešće zastupljeni obrasci provođenja slobodnoga vremena), što govori o uskoj povezanosti tih dvaju segmenata socijalnoga profila zagrebačkih studenata. Budući da se pokazalo kako bi u slobodno vrijeme širenju vlastitih spoznaja, kulturi i nekim hobijima više vremena posvetio izrazito mali udio ispitanika, u radu se ukazuje na potrebu detaljnijega istraživanja individualnih i socijalnih odrednica životnih stilova intelektualne elite mladih. (IN ENGLISH: The segment of research presented in this paper looks at the characteristics of free time of students at the University of Zagreb, their attitude to alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption and the possible connection between the two. It has been established that students associate free time with fun and relaxing activities, they generally want more free time, they show relative tolerance for legal addiction which they mostly connect with having a good time and “brightening up” reality. Certain differences regarding the perception of free time have been observed in relation to gender and the branch of study; regarding alcohol, tobacco or drug consumption, differences have been noted in relation to father’s education and the branch of study. A large number of respondents associate alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption with relaxation, fun and amusement (which are the most common ways of spending leisure time), thus showing a close connection between these two segments of the social profile of students in Zagreb. Seeing that a very small number of respondents would like to work on their self-awareness, ideas, hobbies or culture in their free time, the paper points to the need for further research into individual and social determination of the young intellectual elite’s lifestyle.

    Serbian and Canadian water quality index of Danube river in Serbia in 2010

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    This paper aims to assess water quality of Danube River in Serbia for 2010. Two methodologies were applied for this purpose: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI) and Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI). WQI value is dimensionless, single number ranging from 0 to 100 (best quality) derived from numerous physical, chemical, biological and microbiological parameters. SWQI was mainly good and very good. This methodology includes parameters for assessment of organic loading, but does not involve parameters of heavy metals concentration. For that purpose CWQI was used. Besides overall, CWQI was calculated for following uses: aquatic habitat, drinking, recreation, irrigation and livestock. Overall CWQI was marginal and fair, which was equivalent with poor and good SWQI. CWQI methodology showed increased concentration of copper in all cases which affected overall water quality and aquatic habitat while increased turbidity in many cases had negative influence on drinking water. Differences between SWQI and CWQI resulted from different methodology: different methods of calculation and parameters. In order to get more comparable results it is necessary to develop unique WQI methodology. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

    Combined Use of Systems Methodologies in Creative Managing the Problem Situations: Key Features, Benefits and Challenges

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    Management problems in contemporary enterprises should be, according to their increasing complexity and diversity, observed and explored as the management problem situations, that is the systems of problems. Creative dealing with these complex, dynamic and ambiguous problem situations implied the development of a great variety of systems approaches to problem solving, i.e. systems methodologies for problem situations structuring. Since no methodology is able to explore all aspects of the complex problem situations in enterprises, the topic of the paper is combined use of systems methodologies in creative managing the problem situations. The goal of this paper is to highlight the key features, benefits and challenges of combining the systems methodologies in creative managing the problem situations in enterprises. Therefore, research in the paper is relied on Critical Systems Thinking as a conceptual framework for combined use of systems methodologies. Despite the limitations of combining the systems methodologies, methodologically appropriate combined use of systems methodologies enables improvement of managing the problem situations in contemporary enterprises. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Temporality of the Impossible:exploring the multifaceted process of preparation of complex pieces from the late 20th and 21st centuries

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    ​​Temporality of the Impossible is a research project about my artistic practice on performing late 20th- and 21st-century solo violin repertoire with multi-dimensional difficulties. Within this repertoire, I focused on pieces that, despite minute-detailed annotations in the score, intentionally escape the extreme fixity that they at first glance seem to be designed to achieve. As such, they impose a novel approach to the interface between performer, instrument, notation, movement, and sound, and thus demand redefining of performance practice and practicing. The challenges begin from the notation and range over destabilased sonic identity of the instrument, extreme combinations and successions of techniques, challenging meanings of physical actions and gestures, and going as far as using the non-linear passing of time and using performance space as part of the musical material. With these kinds of challenges as a starting point, the sounding outcome of each of these pieces can greatly vary from one performance to another. The following thesis is an account of the process, in which my explorations aimed to reexamine, deconstruct, and reconfigure understandings and approaches to the interpretation and performance practice of a classically trained violinist in relation to this chosen repertoire. Through the process of deconstructing and unlearning, I had to develop methodologies that facilitated learning how to retain, navigate, and channel surplus amounts of information which was often contradictory. My main aim was to establish ways that would allow for embodiment of potentials of all the material of the piece individually, rather than fixing one interpretation during the preparation process and thus imposing undesired hierarchy between the material. In this way, the material could continue to evolve and organically build the interpretation always anew in the moment of the performance, according to the design of the pieces. Accepting this continuous process as the necessary tool of the performative vocabulary in the pieces and its protean nature was a significant part of the research. The research outcomes presented here include recordings of performances alongside a detailed account of the process leading to performance. Both the performances and the methodology can feed into current thought on performance practice, and the methodologies could be adopted by other violinists dealing with works from late 20th- and 21st-century solo violin repertoire.


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    The paper’s aim is to use the successful example of the newly industrialized Asian countries, as well as the countries of the East Asian region in general, to prove the need to implement industrial policy in many countries, both those lagging behind in industrial development and those that have reached the technological frontier. The paper describes the evolution of industrial policy in these countries and what distinguishes them from other developing countries that were unsuccessful in its implementation: the developmental state, which recognized timely the turning point from the strategy of import substitution to the strategy of export promotion, implemented both strategies simultaneously, picked winners, provided support to infant industries through selective interventions, but also disciplined the recipients of its support, tracked its own comparative advantages and anticipated their changes, with a strong synergy between the state and private sectors, and looking at Japan as a model of industrial development, i.e. the lead goose. Industrial policy is one of the most controversial issues in economics. There has been a long debate between two schools of thought - orthodoxy and heterodoxy - as to whether there is a need for industrial policy in general, as well as the role of the state in the process of its creation and implementation, as opposed to the free market model of development in which there is no place for industrial policy, and if it appears it can be only of a general nature, and by no means in the form of selective interventions. Over the last 10 to 15 years, there has been a revision both at the academic level and in the real world that has made industrial policy more acceptable, and thus the debate about it has become less ideologically colored and more pragmatic and nuanced. At the theoretical level, the market fundamentalist view of little theoretical justification for industrial policy has lost its dominance. Despite maintaining neoliberal orthodoxy as the advice of international financial institutions in the process of creating economic policy in developing countries, industrial policy remained important for the promotion of industrial development, especially the infant industries. It is accepted that there are many types of market failures that must be addressed through industrial policy. It is increasingly recognized that industrial policy is not just a highly idiosyncratic practice associated only with the miracle economies of East Asia, but what most of today’s developed countries used when they were in the position of the catching-up countries. As a conclusion, the paper discusses the possibility of transferring the East Asian model to other countries, and sheds light on the determinants of industrial policy success and failure. The key conclusion is that there is room for successful industrial policy even in countries that have reached the technological frontier and want to push it further, as well as in countries lagging behind in industrial development, although the global context in which industrial policy is situated has changed over time. A special commentary is referred to the economic and industrial development of the former countries of Yugoslavia

    Structure and function of the mitochondrial TIM23 preprotein translocase

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    Effect of bed elevation discordance in the main river on the confluence hydrodynamics in 90o straight-channels’ confluences

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    A role of the difference in bed elevations in the main-river (ΔzMR) at its entrance to a 90º straight-channels' confluence is studied numerically using a 3D finite-volume model. Three characteristic hydrological scenarios with DR = {0.250, 0.583, 0.750} are analysed in four confluence layouts having ΔzMR / hd [0.0, 0.50] (where hd stands for the flow depth in the deeper canal at the confluence). It is found that: 1) a portion of the tribu-tary flow in the bottom layers is entrained by the bed-step, 2) the w- velocity has the same order of magnitude as Vxy for ΔzMR ≥ 0.25hd and DR > 0.5, 3) the opposite bank is endangered by erosion due to strong upward motion along this bank, 4) additional shear layer develops on the outer side of the distorted umax-core and 5) the presence of bed-step favours bed-load transport both in and far downstream of the confluence

    Aloha to Social Studies: an Integrated Curricular Unit

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    In recent years teachers have struggled to find the time to dedicate to teaching social studies concepts. However, social studies instruction is an integral part of a balanced educational program. In addition to imparting factual information, social studies curricula encourage critical thinking skills and help to prepare students to become responsible members of society. This research project was intended to provide educators with a model of how to integrate social studies with other academic areas to maximize instructional time and the amount of content covered. The unit was reviewed by master teachers to ensure that the project goals were attained. Limitations to the project and suggestions for further study were included in Chapter Five


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    In the last fifteen years in Croatia, as well as around the world, much research has been done dealing with the importance of cooperation between parents and school, and the obtained results show its importance for all the parties, and that partnership relation between school and parents produces numerous benefits. Besides customary ways of communication like individual talk and parent meetings, written messages, informal meetings, educational workshops, the involvement of parents in the educational process in the role of accessory etc., the most modern way of communicating with parents is via school websites, teacher’s websites, e-mails, and SMS messages. The goal of the research was to examine if Croatian schools’ websites had the content which would prompt the parents for frequent visits and enable pupils to acquire new knowledge. A long term goal was to persuade schools to a regular update of new materials which would result in quality cooperation between home and school, and persuade pupils to do research from their home and therefore increase the quality of learning. The research has randomly selected 25 elementary school websites from the county of Istria, and 25 websites from the county Split – Dalmatia. Collected data show that Croatia’s elementary school websites are not a model neither for increasing the cooperation with parents nor laying the foundation towards a new culture of learning, and that there is no statistically significant variation in content between the two counties.Posljednjih petnaestak godina u svjetskoj i hrvatskoj obrazovnoj praksi provedena su brojna istraživanja o važnosti suradnje roditelja sa školom a dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je ona iznimno važna za sve sudionike te da partnerski odnos škole i roditelja donosi svima višestruke koristi. Osim uobičajenih načina komuniciranja putem individualnih razgovora i roditeljskih sastanaka, pisanih poruka, neformalnih sastanaka, edukativnih radionica, uključivanjem roditelja u nastavni proces u ulozi pomagača i sl., najsuvremeniji načini komunikacije s roditeljima su web stranice škola, web mjesta učitelja, e-mail i SMS poruke. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati imaju li web stranice hrvatskih osnovnih škola sadržaje koji će potaknuti roditelje na česte posjete i omogućiti učenicima stjecanje novih znanja. Dugoročni je cilj potaknuti škole na redovito postavljanje novih sadržaja koji će rezultirati kvalitetnom suradnjom doma i škole te poticati učenike na istraživački rad iz svojih domova i time unaprjeđivati kvalitetu učenja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo po 25 web stranica osnovnih škola iz Istarske i Splitsko-dalmatinske županije odabranih slučajnim izborom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da web stranice hrvatskih osnovnih škola svojim sadržajima nisu model za intenziviranje suradnje s roditeljima te postavljanje temelja novoj kulturi učenja i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u sadržajima među dvjema županijama