74 research outputs found

    Separazione di isomeri configurazionali di leganti organici per formazione di complessi

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    The new ligand (CH3)2As−C6H4−As(CH3)−C6H4−As(CH3)−C6H4−As(CH3)2(CH_3)_2As-C_6H_4-As(CH_3)-C_6H_4-As(CH_3)-C_6H_4-As(CH_3)_2 has been sinthesized. Meso and racemate forms of the ligand have been separated by moy of the Palladium(II) complexes. The isomeric forms isolated react mantaining the configuration at the arsenic atom

    Il sistema UO_2^2^+ -tropolone-nota II. Costanti relative di stabilità di addotti con leganti neutri in benzene

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    The relative stability constants for the equilibrium (UO_2T_2)_2 + 2L \rightlefthapoons \ 2UO_2T_2L have been determined in benzene at 25°C (HT = tropolone; L = Ph3AsOPh_3AsO, Ph3POPh_3PO, PyNO, DMSO, Py and cyclopentanone. The sequence of values obtained can be regarded as an index of the ability of the neutral lingads to coordinate at the common substrate

    Studio delle reazioni tra alogeno derivati ciclopentadienilici dell'uranio (IV) e sodio boroidruro

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    The reaction between Cp2UCl2Cp_2UCl_2 and NaBH4NaBH_4 has been studied, The U^I^I^I complex obtained has been characterized by in and n.m.r spectroscopy, and elemental analysis

    Reazione dello ione uranile con leganti anionici polidentati. Un rapido metodo gravimetrico per la determinazione dell'uranio

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    In a previously published note I1I^1 anionic complexes of the type [UO2L2]2[UO_2L_2]^2 (LH2=2,6(LH_2 = 2,6 -dipicolinic acid) have been described. We report now data on the solubility of salts derived from the previous anionic complexes. The salt [U02L2][U0_2L_2] (Ph4As)2(Ph_4As)_2. 2H2O2H_2O is particulariy suitable br rapid gravimetric determination of uranium
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