3 research outputs found

    Il Disegno della Storia

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    The team is actually working in Visoko\u2019s area, a city of the central Bosnia I Herzegovina, approximately 30 km far from Sarajevo. The research aims to locate, to list and to broadcast the ste\u107ak, burial-ritual objects about the medieval era, as a requirement for to conserve and re-design in an innovative way the urban shape and the natural landscape. The survey and the graphic description of the ste\u107ak will introduce to a dynamic data processing archives, that is very helpful for to understand the history of the place, the typological and morphological frame of the settlement and itslandscape, the connections between content and form. At the same time, the research will focus on similar stone handmade discovered in the Nord-West Sardinia, especially on the Tomba della scacchiera, a Neolithic burial-ritual sites at the Necropolis of Sa Pala Larga. On account of the shape and decorations on them, it could be possible to find out new information about the ancient European and local history

    Effects of intravenous infusion of E.coli lipopolysaccharide in early pregnant cows

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    The objective was to characterize effects of Escherichia coli LPS (given iv) on corpus luteum (CL) and embryonic viability in early pregnant cattle. Eight non-lactating German Holstein cows were given 0.5 µg/kg LPS on 35 ± 3 d (mean ± SEM) of pregnancy, whereas seven heifers, 41 ± 6 d pregnant, were given 10 ml saline (Control group). Transrectal B-mode examinations of the CL were done at -1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h relative to treatment. Blood samples were collected at -1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. At 12 and 48 h, the CL was biopsied. None of the cows still in the experiment 10 d after LPS (n=7) had embryonic loss. In LPS-treated cows, luteal area decreased (from 4.1 to 3.1 cm2; P≤0.05) within 6 h and until 48 h. Luteal blood flow decreased by 39% (P≤0.05) within the first 6 h after LPS, but returned to pre-treatment values by 48 h. Plasma P4 decreased by 62% (P≤0.05), reached a nadir (2.7±0.6 ng/mL) at 12 h after LPS and was not restored to pre-treatment (P≤0.05). In luteal tissue, mRNAs for StAR and for FGF1 were lower (P≤0.05) in LPS- than in saline-treated cattle at 12 h, with no difference between groups at 48 h. Levels of mRNAs for Casp3 and FGF2 were not different between groups (P>0.05) at 12 or 48 h after treatment. In conclusion, LPS transiently suppressed CL function, but did not induce embryonic mortality

    Práticas de saúde em Enfermagem e Comunicação: um estudo de revisão da literatura Healthcare practices in Nursing and Communication: a review of the literature

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    As mudanças na prática de saúde do enfermeiro em programas emergentes como o Programa Saúde da Família nos levaram a estudar os processos comunicacionais que se colocam a esta prática. Mediante estudo de revisão bibliográfica de janeiro de 1994 até dezembro de 2004, investigamos 26 artigos de periódicos nacionais e internacionais, quatro dissertações, três teses e quatro livros nas bases de dados da BIREME (LILACS e SCIELO-Br) a partir dos unitermos "comunicação", "Programa Saúde da Família" e "enfermagem". Foram identificadas 373 citações com "comunicação" e "enfermagem", 12 citações usando "programa saúde da família" e "comunicação" (LILACS) e 18 citações com "comunicação" e "enfermagem" e zero citações com "programa saúde da família" e "comunicação" (SCIELO-Br). Para analisar as publicações, buscamos agrupá-las em quatro tendências acerca da relação comunicação e práticas na enfermagem: comunicação nas equipes do PSF, comunicação na prática profissional do enfermeiro, comunicação como instrumento de liderança do enfermeiro, comunicação no contexto do ensino da enfermagem. O estudo permitiu observar que, apesar do modelo hegemônico nas práticas de saúde ser o unilinear, já é nítido um movimento no sentido de uma prática comunicacional mais dialógica que aparece como um desafio na prática do enfermeiro no PSF.<br>Changes in nurse healthcare practices, especially for projects such as Brazil's Family Health Program, prompted us to study the related communication processes. A review of the literature from January 1994 through to December 2004 examined 26 papers in Brazilian and international periodicals, four dissertations, three theses and four books in the BIREME data-bases (LILACS and SCIELO-Br). Using 'Communication', 'Family Health Program' and 'Nursing' as key words, 373 mentions were found for 'Communication' and 'Nursing', twelve mentions for 'Family Health Program' and 'Communication' (LILACS); eighteen mentions for 'Communication' and 'Nursing'; and no mentions for 'Family Health Program' and 'Communication' (SCIELO-Br). In order to analyze these findings, the publications located through this search were grouped under four trends in the links between Communication and Nursing practices: Communication within the Family Health Program teams; Communication in professional Nursing practice; Communication as a leadership tool for Nurses; and Communication in Nursing education. This study showed that although the most usual communication model for healthcare practices is still unilinear, there is already a clear trend towards more dialogue, which poses a challenge for nursing practices in the Family Health Program