379 research outputs found

    Multimedia information technology and the annotation of video

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    The state of the art in multimedia information technology has not progressed to the point where a single solution is available to meet all reasonable needs of documentalists and users of video archives. In general, we do not have an optimistic view of the usability of new technology in this domain, but digitization and digital power can be expected to cause a small revolution in the area of video archiving. The volume of data leads to two views of the future: on the pessimistic side, overload of data will cause lack of annotation capacity, and on the optimistic side, there will be enough data from which to learn selected concepts that can be deployed to support automatic annotation. At the threshold of this interesting era, we make an attempt to describe the state of the art in technology. We sample the progress in text, sound, and image processing, as well as in machine learning

    Dynamic Steerable Blocks in Deep Residual Networks

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    Filters in convolutional networks are typically parameterized in a pixel basis, that does not take prior knowledge about the visual world into account. We investigate the generalized notion of frames designed with image properties in mind, as alternatives to this parametrization. We show that frame-based ResNets and Densenets can improve performance on Cifar-10+ consistently, while having additional pleasant properties like steerability. By exploiting these transformation properties explicitly, we arrive at dynamic steerable blocks. They are an extension of residual blocks, that are able to seamlessly transform filters under pre-defined transformations, conditioned on the input at training and inference time. Dynamic steerable blocks learn the degree of invariance from data and locally adapt filters, allowing them to apply a different geometrical variant of the same filter to each location of the feature map. When evaluated on the Berkeley Segmentation contour detection dataset, our approach outperforms all competing approaches that do not utilize pre-training. Our results highlight the benefits of image-based regularization to deep networks

    Analisi della struttura spaziale e pianificazione del paesaggio agro-forestale: prospettive d’integrazione

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    L’ecologia del paesaggio offre un ampio spettro di tecniche d’analisi applicabili a cartografie di uso e copertura del suolo per derivare informazioni quantitative su una varietà di aspetti della configurazione spaziale del mosaico paesistico; tra gli altri, misure relative alla estensione, forma, e livello di frammentazione spaziale delle superfici forestali (o di altre categorie di habitat naturali e seminaturali) sono ritenute utili a rispondere a requisiti informativi tipicamente formulati nel contesto di politiche di conservazione della biodiversità. Analisi della struttura del paesaggio possono anche supportare l’individuazione di ambiti territoriali omogenei per valore paesaggistico da individuare nel piano paesaggistico regionale, rispetto ai quali pianificare obiettivi di qualità paesaggistica e prescrizioni per la tutela e l'uso del territorio (vd. D. Lgs. 42/2004, Codice Urbani). Le metodologie di analisi e il monitoraggio della struttura spaziale del paesaggio agro-forestale sono ormai numerose e consolidate; tuttavia, solo di recente i risultati di questi studi hanno cominciato a supportare e orientare politiche di pianificazione del territorio per la formulazione di strategie di sviluppo territoriale differenziate in rapporto alle esigenze di conservazione degli habitat e della biodiversità e di salvaguardia del paesaggio calibrate in base alle specificità dei singoli territori. In particolare, il tema delle reti ecologiche, è divenuto oggetto specifico di pianificazione all’interno degli strumenti di area vasta. In questa prospettiva il presente contributo intende delineare alcune riflessioni su come raccordare le conoscenze dell’ecologia del paesaggio alla formulazione di obiettivi di salvaguardia e valorizzazione del paesaggio, tenendo conto della configurazione attuale del sistema delle pianificazioni aventi competenza in materia di governo del paesaggio. Focalizzando l’attenzione su le problematiche di governo del paesaggio più tipiche del paesaggio agro-forestale, vengono inoltre prospettate alcune considerazioni sul possibile ruolo della gestione forestale come strumento d’attuazione delle previsioni inerenti la tutela e la riqualificazione del paesaggio espresse dagli strumenti di pianificazione di area vasta

    Robust photometric invariant features from the color tensor

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    International audienceLuminance-based features are widely used as low-level input for computer vision applications, even when color data is available. The extension of feature detection to the color domain prevents information loss due to isoluminance and allows us to exploit the photometric information. To fully exploit the extra information in the color data, the vector nature of color data has to be taken into account and a sound framework is needed to combine feature and photometric invariance theory. In this paper, we focus on the structure tensor, or color tensor, which adequately handles the vector nature of color images. Further, we combine the features based on the color tensor with photometric invariant derivatives to arrive at photometric invariant features. We circumvent the drawback of unstable photometric invariants by deriving an uncertainty measure to accompany the photometric invariant derivatives. The uncertainty is incorporated in the color tensor, hereby allowing the computation of robust photometric invariant features. The combination of the photometric invariance theory and tensor-based features allows for detection of a variety of features such as photometric invariant edges, corners, optical flow, and curvature. The proposed features are tested for noise characteristics and robustness to photometric changes. Experiments show that the proposed features are robust to scene incidental events and that the proposed uncertainty measure improves the applicability of full invariants

    Effects of knee joint angle on global and local strains within human triceps surae muscle: MRI analysis indicating in vivo myofascial force transmission between synergistic muscles

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    Purpose Mechanical interactions between muscles have been shown for in situ conditions. In vivo data for humans is unavailable. Global and local length changes of calf muscles were studied to test the hypothesis that local strains may occur also within muscle for which global strain equals zero. Methods For determination of globally induced strain in m. gastrocnemius in dissected human cadavers several knee joint angles were imposed, while keeping ankle joint angle constant and measuring its muscle-tendon complex length changes. In vivo local strains in both gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were calculated using MRI techniques in healthy human volunteers comparing images taken at static knee angles of 173° and 150°. Results Imposed global strains on gastrocnemius were much smaller than local strains. High distributions of strains were encountered, e.g. overall lengthened muscle contains locally lengthened, as well as shortened areas within it. Substantial strains were not limited to gastrocnemius, but were found also in synergistic soleus muscle, despite the latter muscle-tendon complex length remaining isometric (constant ankle angle: i.e. global strain = 0), as it does not cross the knee. Based on results of animal experiments this effect is ascribed to myofascial connections between these synergistic muscles. The most likely pathway is the neurovascular tract within the anterior crural compartment (i.e. the collagen reinforcements of blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves). However, direct intermuscular transmission of force may also occur via the perimysium shared between the two muscles. Conclusions Global strains imposed on muscle (joint movement) are not good estimators of in vivo local strains within it: differing in magnitude, as well as direction of length change. Substantial mechanical interaction occurs between calf muscles, which is mediated by myofascial force transmission between these synergistic muscles. This confirms conclusions of previous in situ studies in experimental animals and human patients, for in vivo conditions in healthy human subjects. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Fast anisotropic Gauss filtering

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    Abstract. We derive the decomposition of the anisotropic Gaussian in a one dimensional Gauss filter in the x-direction followed by a one dimensional filter in a non-orthogonal direction ϕ. So also the anisotropic Gaussian can be decomposed by dimension. This appears to be extremely efficient from a computing perspective. An implementation scheme for normal convolution and for recursive filtering is proposed. Also directed derivative filters are demonstrated. For the recursive implementation, filtering an 512 × 512 image is performed within 65 msec, independent of the standard deviations and orientation of the filter. Accuracy of the filters is still reasonable when compared to truncation error or recursive approximation error. The anisotropic Gaussian filtering method allows fast calculation of edge and ridge maps, with high spatial and angular accuracy. For tracking applications, the normal anisotropic convolution scheme is more advantageous, with applications in the detection of dashed lines in engineering drawings. The recursive implementation is more attractive in feature detection applications, for instance in affine invariant edge and ridge detection in computer vision. The proposed computational filtering method enables the practical applicability of orientation scale-space analysis

    Hydrothermal saline promoted grafting of periodic mesoporous organic sulfonic acid silicas for sustainable FAME production

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    Hydrothermal saline promoted grafting of sulfonic acid groups onto SBA-15 and periodic mesoporous organic silica analogues affords solid acid catalysts with high acid site loadings (>2.5 mmol g-1 H+), ordered mesoporosity and tunable hydrophobicity. The resulting catalysts show excellent activity for fatty acid esterification and tripalmitin transesterification to methyl palmitate, with framework phenyl groups promoting fatty acid methyl esters production. (Chemical Equation Presented

    A Resource Aware MapReduce Based Parallel SVM for Large Scale Image Classifications

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    Machine learning techniques have facilitated image retrieval by automatically classifying and annotating images with keywords. Among them support vector machines (SVMs) are used extensively due to their generalization properties. However, SVM training is notably a computationally intensive process especially when the training dataset is large. This paper presents RASMO, a resource aware MapReduce based parallel SVM algorithm for large scale image classifications which partitions the training data set into smaller subsets and optimizes SVM training in parallel using a cluster of computers. A genetic algorithm based load balancing scheme is designed to optimize the performance of RASMO in heterogeneous computing environments. RASMO is evaluated in both experimental and simulation environments. The results show that the parallel SVM algorithm reduces the training time significantly compared with the sequential SMO algorithm while maintaining a high level of accuracy in classifications.National Basic Research Program (973) of China under Grant 2014CB34040

    Usefulness and acceptability of a standardised orientation and mobility training for partially-sighted older adults using an identification cane

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orientation and mobility (O&M) training in using an identification (ID) cane is provided to partially-sighted older adults to facilitate independent functioning and participation in the community. Recently, a protocolised standardised O&M-training in the use of the ID cane was developed in The Netherlands. The purpose of this study is to assess the usefulness and acceptability of both the standardised training and the regular training for participants and O&M-trainers in a randomised controlled trial (NCT00946062).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The standardised O&M-training consists of two structured face-to-face sessions and one telephone follow-up, in which, in addition to the regular training, self-management and behavioural change techniques are applied. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data on the training’s usefulness, e.g. the population reached, self-reported benefits or achievements, and acceptability, e.g. the performance of the intervention according to protocol and participants’ exposure to and engagement in the training.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data was collected from 29 O&M-trainers and 68 participants. Regarding the self-reported benefits, outcomes were comparable for the standardised training and the regular training according the trainers and participants e.g., about 85% of the participants in both groups experienced benefits of the cane and about 70% gained confidence in their capabilities. Participants were actively involved in the standardised training. Nearly 40% of the participants in the standardised training group was not exposed to the training according to protocol regarding the number of sessions scheduled and several intervention elements, such as action planning and contracting.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The standardised and regular O&M-training showed to be useful and mostly acceptable for the partially-sighted older adults and trainers. Yet, a concern is the deviation from the protocol of the standardised O&M-training by the O&M-trainers regarding distinguishing elements such as action planning. Overall, participants appreciated both trainings and reported benefit.</p

    Experimental Observation of Differences in the Dynamic Response of Newtonian and Viscoelastic Fluids

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    In this paper we present an experimental study of the dynamic responses of a Newtonian fluid and a Maxwellian fluid under an oscillating pressure gradient. We use laser Doppler anemometry in order to determine the velocity of each fluid inside a cylindrical tube. In the case of the Newtonian fluid, the dissipative nature is observed and the response obeys the Zhou and Sheng universality (PRB 39, 12027 (1989)). In the dynamic response of the Maxwellian fluid an enhancement at the frequencies predicted by the corresponding theory (PRE 58, 6323 (1998)) is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 Figures, paper to be published in Phys. Rev.