113 research outputs found

    Long-term trends in BMI: are contemporary childhood BMI growth references appropriate when looking at historical datasets?

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    Background Body mass index (BMI) is the most widely used surrogate measure of adiposity, and BMI z-scores are often calculated when comparing childhood BMI between populations and population sub-groups. Several growth references are currently used as the basis for calculation of such z-scores, for both contemporary cohorts as well as cohorts born decades ago. Due to the widely acknowledged increases in childhood obesity over recent years it is generally assumed that older birth cohorts would have lower BMIs relative to the current standards. However, this reasonable assumption has not been formally tested.   Methods Two growth references (1990 UK and 2000 CDC) are used to calculate BMI z-scores in three historical British national birth cohorts (National Survey of Health and Development (1958), National Child Development Study (1958) and British Cohort Study (1970)). BMI z-scores are obtained for each child at each follow-up age using the lambda-mu-sigma (LMS) method, and their distributions examined.   Results Across all three cohorts, median BMI z-score at each follow-up age is observed to be positive in early childhood. This is contrary to what might have been expected given the assumed temporal increase in childhood BMI. However, z-scores then decrease and become negative during adolescence, before increasing once more.   Conclusions The differences in BMI distribution between the historical cohorts and the contemporary growth references appear systematic and similar across the cohorts. This might be explained by contemporary reference data describing a faster tempo of weight increase relative to height than observed in older birth cohorts. Comparisons using z-scores over extended periods of time should therefore be interpreted with caution

    The formal approach to quantitative causal inference in epidemiology: misguided or misrepresented?

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    Two recent articles, one by Vandenbroucke, Broadbent and Pearce (henceforth VBP) and the other by Krieger and Davey Smith (henceforth KDS), criticize what these two sets of authors characterize as the mainstream of the modern ‘causal inference’ school in epidemiology. The criticisms made by these authors are severe; VBP label the field both ‘wrong in theory’ and ‘wrong in practice’, and KDS—at least in some settings—feel that the field not only ‘bark[s] up the wrong tree’ but ‘miss[es] the forest entirely’. More specifically, the school of thought, and the concepts and methods within it, are painted as being applicable only to a very narrow range of investigations, to the exclusion of most of the important questions and study designs in modern epidemiology, such as the effects of genetic variants, the study of ethnic and gender disparities and the use of study designs that do not closely mirror randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Furthermore, the concepts and methods are painted as being potentially highly misleading even within this narrow range in which they are deemed applicable. We believe that most of VBP’s and KDS’s criticisms stem from a series of misconceptions about the approach they criticize. In this response, therefore, we aim first to paint a more accurate picture of the formal causal inference approach, and then to outline the key misconceptions underlying VBP’s and KDS’s critiques. KDS in particular criticize directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), using three examples to do so. Their discussion highlights further misconceptions concerning the role of DAGs in causal inference, and so we devote the third section of the paper to addressing these. In our Discussion we present further objections we have to the arguments in the two papers, before concluding that the clarity gained from adopting a rigorous framework is an asset, not an obstacle, to answering more reliably a very wide range of causal questions using data from observational studies of many different designs

    An Assessment and Extension of the Mechanism-Based Approach to the Identification of Age-Period-Cohort Models.

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    : Many methods have been proposed to solve the age-period-cohort (APC) linear identification problem, but most are not theoretically informed and may lead to biased estimators of APC effects. One exception is the mechanism-based approach recently proposed and based on Pearl's front-door criterion; this approach ensures consistent APC effect estimators in the presence of a complete set of intermediate variables between one of age, period, cohort, and the outcome of interest, as long as the assumed parametric models for all the relevant causal pathways are correct. Through a simulation study mimicking APC data on cardiovascular mortality, we demonstrate possible pitfalls that users of the mechanism-based approach may encounter under realistic conditions: namely, when (1) the set of available intermediate variables is incomplete, (2) intermediate variables are affected by two or more of the APC variables (while this feature is not acknowledged in the analysis), and (3) unaccounted confounding is present between intermediate variables and the outcome. Furthermore, we show how the mechanism-based approach can be extended beyond the originally proposed linear and probit regression models to incorporate all generalized linear models, as well as nonlinearities in the predictors, using Monte Carlo simulation. Based on the observed biases resulting from departures from underlying assumptions, we formulate guidelines for the application of the mechanism-based approach (extended or not).<br/

    Commentary: Incorporating concepts and methods from causal inference into life course epidemiology

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    The review by Ben-Shlomo et al.1 highlights how life course epidemiology is evolving and adapting to accommodate increasing access to data on novel dimensions and over extended periods. This enriched framework raises ever greater methodological challenges, leaving statisticians like us daunted by the task of translating life course enquiries into suitable analyses of the data at hand. Take for example Figure 4 of Ben-Shlomo et al..1 This is very useful for gaining a ‘big picture’ understanding of a complex area such as ageing, and for establishing which processes may benefit from a more detailed investigation. However, the leap from such a diagram to a specific data analysis should not be (and is not typically) made without greater thought. We will argue in this commentary that some recent developments from the field of modern causal inference may be helpful in this regard. First, in order to state unambiguously the question (or questions) of interest, the potential outcomes framework, a cornerstone of modern causal inference thinking, is invaluable. Then, the conceptual framework should be refined to a causal directed acyclic graph (DAG) relevant to the question, and the causal DAG should be formally interrogated to see if the question can be addressed, and if so how. Indeed, depending on the question, the causal DAG and the data available, we may find that standard statistical methods traditionally used in epidemiology are sufficient; in other settings we may find that more novel techniques are needed. We will discuss each of these points next, mentioning also the issues of missing data and measurement error, as well as highlighting concerns about the difference between the processes which are the focus of investigations and their manifestations in observed data

    Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators.

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    In diverse fields of empirical research-including many in the biological sciences-attempts are made to decompose the effect of an exposure on an outcome into its effects via a number of different pathways. For example, we may wish to separate the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on systolic blood pressure (SBP) into effects via body mass index (BMI), via gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), and via other pathways. Much progress has been made, mainly due to contributions from the field of causal inference, in understanding the precise nature of statistical estimands that capture such intuitive effects, the assumptions under which they can be identified, and statistical methods for doing so. These contributions have focused almost entirely on settings with a single mediator, or a set of mediators considered en bloc; in many applications, however, researchers attempt a much more ambitious decomposition into numerous path-specific effects through many mediators. In this article, we give counterfactual definitions of such path-specific estimands in settings with multiple mediators, when earlier mediators may affect later ones, showing that there are many ways in which decomposition can be done. We discuss the strong assumptions under which the effects are identified, suggesting a sensitivity analysis approach when a particular subset of the assumptions cannot be justified. These ideas are illustrated using data on alcohol consumption, SBP, BMI, and GGT from the Izhevsk Family Study. We aim to bridge the gap from "single mediator theory" to "multiple mediator practice," highlighting the ambitious nature of this endeavor and giving practical suggestions on how to proceed

    Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators

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    In diverse fields of empirical research - including many in the biological sciences - attempts are made to decompose the effect of an exposure on an outcome into its effects via a number of different pathways. For example, we may wish to separate the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on systolic blood pressure (SBP) into effects via body mass index (BMI), via gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), and via other pathways. Much progress has been made, mainly due to contributions from the field of causal inference, in understanding the precise nature of statistical estimands that capture such intuitive effects, the assumptions under which they can be identified, and statistical methods for doing so. These contributions have focused almost entirely on settings with a single mediator, or a set of mediators considered en bloc; in many applications, however, researchers attempt a much more ambitious decomposition into numerous path-specific effects through many mediators. In this article, we give counterfactual definitions of such path-specific estimands in settings with multiple mediators, when earlier mediators may affect later ones, showing that there are many ways in which decomposition can be done. We discuss the strong assumptions under which the effects are identified, suggesting a sensitivity analysis approach when a particular subset of the assumptions cannot be justified. These ideas are illustrated using data on alcohol consumption, SBP, BMI, and GGT from the Izhevsk Family Study. We aim to bridge the gap from single mediator theory to multiple mediator practice, highlighting the ambitious nature of this endeavor and giving practical suggestions on how to proceed

    Detecting bias arising from delayed recording of time

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    Sometimes in studies of the dependence of survival time on explanatory variables the natural time origin for defining entry into study cannot be observed and a delayed time origin is used instead. For example, diagnosis of disease may in some patients be made only at death. The effect of such delays is investigated both theoretically and in the context of the England and Wales National Cancer Register
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