7 research outputs found

    Endothelial function of conduit arteries in patients with ulcerative colitis and metabolic syndrome.

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    Although ulcerative colitis (UC) is characterized by chronic inflammation and elevated circulating plasma levels of C reactive protein and TNF-alpha, well recognized cardiovascular risk factors, several studies have suggested that patients with UC do not bear an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. However, recent reports have shown that UC is associated with increased intima-media thickness and impaired endothelial function. On the other hand, endothelial dysfunction is strictly related to premature atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases in different populations. In addition, metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with impairment of endothelial function in the general population, while the impact of MS on endothelial function in UC patients is unknown. Aim of this study was firstly to clarify, in a large group of patients, whether endothelial function of conduit arteries is affected by UC. Secondly, to investigate whether MS in patients with UC has an impact on the endothelial function. Among the patients with UC, twenty-three were also affected by MS, whereas twenty-two patients with MS were present in the control group. FMD was similar in patients with UC and controls (11.8±0.9% and 12.2±0.8, respectively, p=NS). While the presence of MS in the control group was associated with impairment of endothelial function (13.6±0.8% in healthy controls and 10.2±0.6 in patients with MS, p=0.003), patients with MS and UC did not show any worsening of their endothelial function (11.4±1.0% in patients with UC and SM and 12.1±1.3 in patients with UC without MS; p=0.35). NMD was similar in all the groups

    Enhancement of vascular endothelial function by recombinant human thyrotropin

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    The cardiovascular consequences of thyroid diseases are attributed to the altered secretion of thyroid hormones. The possibility that TSH also affects the cardiovascular system has been poorly explored. Endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells possess TSH receptors

    Vascular reactivity of conduit arteries is not altered in patients with ulcerative colitis and metabolic syndrome.

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    Aim of this study was firstly to clarify, in a large group of patients, whether endothelial function of conduit arteries is affected by UC. Secondly, to investigate whether MS in patients with UC has an impact on the endothelial function. Among the patients with UC, twenty-three were also affected by MS, whereas twenty-two patients with MS were present in the control group. FMD was similar in patients with UC and controls (11.8±0.9% and 12.2±0.8, respectively, p=NS). While the presence of MS in the control group was associated with impairment of endothelial function (13.6±0.8% in healthy controls and 10.2±0.6 in patients with MS, p=0.003), patients with MS and UC did not show any worsening of their endothelial function (11.4±1.0% in patients with UC and SM and 12.1±1.3 in patients with UC without MS; p=0.35). NMD was similar in all the groups

    Le acque e gli acquedotti nel territorio Ostiense e Portuense : ritrovamenti e ricerche recenti

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    Il dossier raccoglie i contributi discussi nel corso di una giornata di lavoro dedicata alla rete idrica Ostiense e Portuense. I singoli resoconti fanno parte di un’unica ricerca finalizzata a riassumere i risultati delle scoperte nel territorio, moltiplicatesi negli ultimi anni, e a fornire un primo strumento di lavoro sui problemi tecnici relativi all’approvvigionamento idrico di Ostia, Porto e dei siti del litorale. La raccolta della ricca documentazione grafica, fotografica e antiquaria esistente, confrontata con i ritrovamenti avvenuti sia recentemente che nel secolo scorso, consente l’individuazione di tre grandi linee di trasporto idrico e di posizionarle su planimetria. Mentre gli acquedotti diretti a Porto e al territorio Laurentino, in particolare al Vicus Augustanus Laurentium, presentano un andamento chiaro e regolare, l’acquedotto Ostiense si configura molto più complesso e forse costituito da varie canalizzazioni che nel tempo avrebbero contribuito all’alimentazione idrico di Ostia. Di questo, che al momento si può definire un sistema di acquedotti, vi sono testimonianze già a più di 13 km da Ostia e oltre, fino a giungere alle porte ed all’interno della città antica, ove ricerche recentissime ne hanno messo in luce i collegamenti con il grande Castellum aquae sito presso Porta Romana. Una prima analisi delle caratteristiche idrogeologiche del territorio, consente di avanzare ipotesi sulle opere di captazione che si situano, per Ostia, nella parte alta della valle percorsa dal fosso di Malafede e, per Porto, lungo il fosso della Magliana. Per le zone della costa poste a sud di Ostia si è invece più inclini a pensare ad un sistema di convogliamento, in unico canale, di più cunicoli drenanti, data la presenza di varie sorgenti, ma di piccola portata. Ai resoconti di scavi e scoperte si aggiungono contributi di carattere epigrafico, di cultura materiale e di cartografia storica, con cui si intende riassumere ad oggi lo stato delle ricerche e degli studi, da cui partire per nuovi, successivi approfondimenti.Bedello Tata Margherita, Bukowiecki Evelyne, Ricciardi Maria Antonietta, Lombardi Leonardo, Carbonara Andrea, Vittori Maria-Cristina, Vori Paola, Falzone Stella, Fogagnolo Stefania, Olivanti Paola, Tella Franco, Pellegrino Angelo, Ricci Maria-Cristina, Romoli Veronica, Dessales Hélène, Dubouloz Julien, Lauro Maria Giuseppina, De Sena Eric C., Rivello Enrica, Marinucci Alfredo. Le acque e gli acquedotti nel territorio Ostiense e Portuense : ritrovamenti e ricerche recenti. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 118, n°2. 2006. Antiquité. pp. 463-526

    [Surgical treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: analysis of long-term results. Retrospective clinical study in 51 patients operated in the Campania region from 1991 to 2003]

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    An higher incidence rate of iatrogenic bile duct injuries is reported in cholecystectomy performed with the laparoscopy than with the laparotomy approach. The aim of this study was to provide a multicentre report on surgical treatment and the outcome of biliary complications during and following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A questionnaire was mailed to all surgeons with experience in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Campania region. Data were collected from January 1991 to December 2003. Each patient was requested to indicate age, gender, associated diseases, site and type of lesion, surgical experience, diagnosis, treatment and complications. Twenty-six surgeons answered the questionnaire. Fifty-one patients (36 F/15 M; mean age: 42.5 +/- 11.9, range 13-91 years) with bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy were reported. The most frequent lesions were main bile duct partial or total transection. The intraoperative mortality rate was 1/51 (1.9%) due to a complex biliary and vascular injury. The postoperative mortality rate of revision surgery was 5/50 (10%). T-tube positioning (n = 20) and Roux-en-Y hepato-jejunostomy (n = 20) were the procedures most frequently performed. The complication rate in patients treated with the T-tube was significantly higher than in those treated with hepatico-jejunostomy. Surgical treatment of biliary injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy was characterized by unusually high mortality and morbidity for a non-neoplastic disease. Roux-en-Y hepato-jejunostomy remains the procedure of choice for these injuries