417 research outputs found

    Prasville – Rougemont

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    L’occupation la plus ancienne du site de Rougemont remonte au Chalcolithique, entre l’extrême fin du troisième millénaire et le début du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère. Elle est liée à la culture campaniforme, représentée sur le site par deux lots céramiques distants de 120 m, dont la particularité réside dans l’unicité des décors ongulés, déclinés sous toutes ses composantes connues. La nature de l’occupation n’a pas pu être déterminée, faute de structures visibles. Après un abandon du ..

    Mainvilliers – La Mare Corbonne

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    L’existence d’un établissement antique au lieu-dit La Mare Corbonne à Mainvilliers était connue depuis 1985 par une prospection aérienne de R. Dodin (Dodin 1985). L’opération de diagnostic préalable au projet d’enfouissement d’un ouvrage de transfert des eaux usées depuis l’agglomération de Chartres jusqu’à la nouvelle station d’épuration de Mainvilliers (Gay 2015) et la fouille qui a suivi ont permis d’en dévoiler une partie. La fouille a permis de détecter dans ce secteur quelques installat..

    Châtillon-Coligny – Rue de la Distillerie, rue Eugène-Lemaire

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    Le diagnostic à Châtillon-Coligny (Loiret) concerne l’intérieur de l’établissement scolaire et ses abords, rue de la Distillerie et rue Eugène-Lemaire. Son emprise se situe au nord-ouest du bourg médiéval et moderne de la ville, à moins de 300 m de l’ancien château du Duc de Coligny. L’intervention concernant un espace fortement urbanisé, sept tranchées ont été implantées dans des endroits accessibles, a priori, sans réseau. En dehors de la découverte de trois murs datés de l’époque contempor..

    Roadmap for daily practice of CBCT in cleft lip palate paediatric patients: a pictorial review.

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    Objective: to present and to illustrate a new methodology for daily practice in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) interpretation and reporting in cleft lip palate (CLP) non syndromic paediatric patients. The proposed protocol is based on clinical experience and on systematic search of the literature. Material and methods: We performed two types of systematic search of articles: 1) articles related to the use of CBCT in CLP patients, and 2) articles related to the reporting and interpretation of the CBCT images by radiologists. We used two databases PubMed and Google scholar. Results: For indications of CBCT in CLP patients we found in PubMed 378 articles and 48 articles were selected for the review; in Google scholar we found 463 articles, and 9 articles were selected for the review. 2) For reporting in CBCT we found 956 articles in PubMed, and 9 articles were selected for the review. Conclusions: We presented the 6-steps system for interpretation and reporting information from CBCT of CLP paediatric patients: 1) Step 1 (axial view): presence or absence of bone bridge remnants of alveolar bone graft; Step 2 (3D dental tissue reconstruction): description of dental arch tooth by tooth, search for agenesis and supernumerary teeth, description of variation in the position of the tooth explaining the type of existing translation and rotation; Step 3 (coronal view): cleft palate pathway and its extension; anomaly in maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses if existing; Step 4 (sagittal and coronal view): checking of the opening (calcification sites) of the sphenooccipital synchondrosis, and checking of anomalies of the occipital bone; Step 5 (3D bone tissue reconstruction): C1-C2 vertebra anomalies; Step 6 (3D soft tissue reconstruction): external ear anomalies. We illustrated our methodology with 46 figures from 5 CBCT of CLP patients.Objective: to present and to illustrate a new methodology for daily practice in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) interpretation and reporting in cleft lip palate (CLP) non syndromic paediatric patients. The proposed protocol is based on clinical experience and on systematic search of the literature. Material and methods: We performed two types of systematic search of articles: 1) articles related to the use of CBCT in CLP patients, and 2) articles related to the reporting and interpretation of the CBCT images by radiologists. We used two databases PubMed and Google scholar. Results: For indications of CBCT in CLP patients we found in PubMed 378 articles and 48 articles were selected for the review; in Google scholar we found 463 articles, and 9 articles were selected for the review. 2) For reporting in CBCT we found 956 articles in PubMed, and 9 articles were selected for the review. Conclusions: We presented the 6-steps system for interpretation and reporting information from CBCT of CLP paediatric patients: 1) Step 1 (axial view): presence or absence of bone bridge remnants of alveolar bone graft; Step 2 (3D dental tissue reconstruction): description of dental arch tooth y tooth, search for agenesis and supernumerary teeth, description of variation in the position of the tooth explaining the type of existing translation and rotation; Step 3 (coronal view): cleft palate pathway and its extension; anomaly in maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses if existing; Step 4 (sagittal and coronal view): checking of the opening (calcification sites) of the sphenooccipital synchondrosis, and checking of anomalies of the occipital bone; Step 5 (3D bone tissue reconstruction): C1-C2 vertebra anomalies; Step 6 (3D soft tissue reconstruction): external ear anomalies. We illustrated our methodology with 46 figures from 5 CBCT of CLP patients

    Lutte contre la pauvreté et accès aux soins : un exemple de Fonds de Solidarité à Port-au-Prince

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    Now that universal health care is recognized as a priority, particular attention is being paid to different types of welfare systems. This paper presents a solidarity fund initiative set up in Haut Martissant (Port-au-Prince). Origin and definition: The system was put in place thanks to a partnership between ATD Quart Monde and the Service Œcuménique d’Entraide. It is based on a fund that enables very poor families to have access to primary and secondary health care. At the end of 2012, 707 families had signed up for the system, for a total of 2,932 people, including 577 children under five. An evaluation confirmed the precarious living conditions of the population concerned. Most of the families are forced to depend on the informal economy for their day-to-day survival. A comparison between a sample of families who benefit from the system and a control sample showed that the first group had better access to care, and was less likely to be deterred from seeking treatment by financial considerations. The system limits catastrophic health expenditure. An annual payment of US14perpersoncoveredisrequiredtomaintainthefund.Comments:Thesystemrequiressubstantialhumanandfinancialresources.Ifitisassocaitedwithotherinitiativespursuingthesameobjectives,itcouldactasasteppingstonetowarduniversalhealthcarecoverage.Certainaspectscallfordeeperstudy,notablythesystemsimpactonthequalityofcareandonthestateofhealthofthecoveredpopulation.Aunmomentouˋlacouvertureuniverselledesanteˊestuneprioriteˊreconnue,uneattentionparticulieˋreestaccordeˊeauxdiffeˊrentssysteˋmesdeprotectionsociale.LarticlepreˊsenteuneexpeˊriencedeFondsdesolidariteˊmiseenplaceaˋHautMartissant(PortauPrince).Origineetdeˊfinition:Cesysteˋmeaeˊteˊmisenplacegra^ceaˋunpartenariatentreATDQuartMondeetleServiceŒcumeˊniquedEntraide.Ilreposesurunfondsquipermetaˋdesfamillestreˋsdeˊmuniesdavoiracceˋsaˋuncircuitdesoins(1eet2elignes).Fin2012,707familleseˊtaientabonneˊesausysteˋme,repreˊsentant2932personnes,dont577enfantsdemoinsde5ans.Uneeˊvaluationaconfirmeˊlapreˊcariteˊdesconditionsdeviedelapopulationtoucheˊe.Laplupartdesfamillessurviventaujourlejourgra^ceaˋdesactiviteˊsquireleˋventdeleˊconomieinformelle.Unecomparaisonentreuneˊchantillondefamillesbeˊneˊficiairesdusysteˋmeetuneˊchantillonteˊmoinamontreˊquelepremiergroupeavaitunmeilleuracceˋsauxsoins,renonc\cantmoinssouventaˋsesoignerpourdesraisonsfinancieˋres.Lesysteˋmepermetdelimiterlesdeˊpensescatastrophiquesdesanteˊ.Laconstitutiondufondsexige14US 14 per person covered is required to maintain the fund. Comments: The system requires substantial human and financial resources. If it is assocaited with other initiatives pursuing the same objectives, it could act as a stepping-stone toward universal health care coverage. Certain aspects call for deeper study, notably the system’s impact on the quality of care and on the state of health of the covered population.A un moment où la couverture universelle de santé est une priorité reconnue, une attention particulière est accordée aux différents systèmes de protection sociale. L’article présente une expérience de Fonds de solidarité mise en place à Haut Martissant (Port-au-Prince). Origine et définition : Ce système a été mis en place grâce à un partenariat entre ATD Quart Monde et le Service Œcuménique d’Entraide. Il repose sur un fonds qui permet à des familles très démunies d’avoir accès à un circuit de soins (1e et 2e lignes). Fin 2012, 707 familles étaient abonnées au système, représentant 2932 personnes, dont 577 enfants de moins de 5 ans. Une évaluation a confirmé la précarité des conditions de vie de la population touchée. La plupart des familles survivent au jour le jour grâce à des activités qui relèvent de l’économie informelle. Une comparaison entre un échantillon de familles bénéficiaires du système et un échantillon témoin a montré que le premier groupe avait un meilleur accès aux soins, renonçant moins souvent à se soigner pour des raisons financières. Le système permet de limiter les dépenses catastrophiques de santé. La constitution du fonds exige 14 US par personne couverte et par an. Commentaires : Ce système demande des moyens humains et financiers importants. Il pourrait constituer une étape vers la couverture universelle de santé s’il rejoint d’autres initiatives poursuivant les mêmes objectifs. Certains aspects devraient être approfondis, notamment l’impact du système sur la qualité des soins et sur l’état de santé de la population couverte.Teniendo en cuenta que la cobertura universal sanitaria es una prioridad reconocida, se está prestando una atención particular a los distintos sistemas de protección social. El presente artículo presenta una experiencia de Fondo de solidaridad puesta en marcha en Haut Martissant (Puerto Príncipe). Origen y definición: Este sistema ha sido puesto en marcha gracias a una colaboración entre ATD Quart Monde y el Servicio Œcuménique d’Entraide. Se basa en un fondo que permite a familias muy desfavorecidas tener acceso a una serie de cuidados sanitarios (1.ª línea y 2.ª línea). A finales de 2012, 707 familias habían sido expulsadas del sistema, lo que representaba a 2932 personas, 577 de ellas niños de menos de 5 años. Un examen ha confirmado la precariedad de las condiciones de vida de la población afectada. La mayor parte de las familias sobreviven día a día gracias a actividades que dependen de la economía informal. Una comparación entre una muestra de familias beneficiarias del sistema y una muestra testigo ha demostrado que el primer grupo tenía un mejor acceso a los tratamientos y renunciaba con menor frecuencia a tratarse, por razones económicas. El sistema permite limitar los gastos catastróficos de salud (aquellos gastos sanitarios que ponen en situación de catástrofe a una familia, no pudiendo subvenir a otras necesidades). La constitución del fondo requiere 14 USD por persona beneficiaria y año. Comentarios: Este sistema exige importantes medios humanos y financieros. Podría constituir una etapa hacia la cobertura universal sanitaria si se suman otras iniciativas que persigan los mismos objetivos. Habría que profundizar en algunos aspectos, en particular, el impacto del sistema en la calidad de los cuidados y en el estado de salud de la población beneficiaria

    The Absence of C-5 DNA Methylation in Leishmania donovani Allows DNA Enrichment from Complex Samples.

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    Cytosine C5 methylation is an important epigenetic control mechanism in a wide array of eukaryotic organisms and generally carried out by proteins of the C-5 DNA methyltransferase family (DNMTs). In several protozoans, the status of this mechanism remains elusive, such as in Leishmania, the causative agent of the disease leishmaniasis in humans and a wide array of vertebrate animals. In this work, we showed that the Leishmania donovani genome contains a C-5 DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) from the DNMT6 subfamily, whose function is still unclear, and verified its expression at the RNA level. We created viable overexpressor and knock-out lines of this enzyme and characterized their genome-wide methylation patterns using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, together with promastigote and amastigote control lines. Interestingly, despite the DNMT6 presence, we found that methylation levels were equal to or lower than 0.0003% at CpG sites, 0.0005% at CHG sites, and 0.0126% at CHH sites at the genomic scale. As none of the methylated sites were retained after manual verification, we conclude that there is no evidence for DNA methylation in this species. We demonstrated that this difference in DNA methylation between the parasite (no detectable DNA methylation) and the vertebrate host (DNA methylation) allowed enrichment of parasite vs. host DNA using methyl-CpG-binding domain columns, readily available in commercial kits. As such, we depleted methylated DNA from mixes of Leishmania promastigote and amastigote DNA with human DNA, resulting in average Leishmania:human enrichments from 62× up to 263×. These results open a promising avenue for unmethylated DNA enrichment as a pre-enrichment step before sequencing Leishmania clinical samples

    Os vazios institucionais, saneamento e déficit de água e os primeiros números covid-19 no Brasil

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    Purpose: The problem of this research was: What correlation between the deficit of basic sanitation and treated water in Brazil with the incidence and number of deaths caused by covid-19 disease? The aim of this article was to analyze the correlation between the number of cases in COVID-19 with the statistics of basic sanitation and treated water supply and institutional voids. Methodology: The research is descriptive and uses techniques of correlation statistical analysis of secondary data. Findings: Statistical calculations show a strong correlation of the variables.  The incidence of the disease caused by the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV2, COVID-19 is associated with a lower percentage of the population served by sewage network and water network. It was also demonstrated that the mortality of the disease is strongly associated with a lower percentage of the population served by sewage and water networks, thus indicating a relationship with the theory of Institutional Voids (North, 1990; Douglass & North, 1991; Khanna, Palepu, & Sinha, 2005; Khanna & Palepu, 2010; Rodrigues, 2013). Originality: It was observed that, in general, the highest number of deaths due to the disease related to the states of the federation/macro-regions with the lowest percentages of care to the aforementioned networks, with some exceptions. Soon it was possible to use the theory of Institutional Voids in the analysis of Brazil in the face of basic sanitation indicators, thus indicating the absence of a social public policy appropriate to the well-being of the population.  Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a correlação entre o número de casos no COVID-19 com as estatísticas de saneamento básico e abastecimento de água tratada e vazios institucionais. Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva que utiliza técnicas de análise estatística de correlação de dados secundários. Resultados: Cálculos estatísticos mostram forte correlação das variáveis. A incidência da doença causada pelo novo Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 está associada a um menor percentual da população atendida pela rede de esgoto e rede de água. Também foi demonstrado que a mortalidade da doença está fortemente associada a um menor percentual da população atendida pelas redes de esgoto e água, indicando assim uma relação com a teoria dos Vazios Institucionais (North, 1990; Douglass & North, 1991; Khanna, Palepu, & Sinha, 2005; Khanna & Palepu, 2010; Rodrigues, 2013). Originalidade: Observou-se que, em geral, o maior número de óbitos por doença relacionada aos estados da federação/macrorregiões com os menores percentuais de atenção às redes supracitadas, com algumas exceções. Logo foi possível, a partir de estudo empírico, confirmar a teoria dos Vazios Institucionais no Brasil, diante dos indicadores de saneamento básico, confirmando a ausência de uma política pública social adequada ao bem-estar da população e os primeiros números do COVID-19

    Incorporating managed preferences in the evaluation of public organizations efficiency: a DEA approach

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    Classical Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models have often been used to evaluate the public organizations effectiveness. However, such models, by ignoring the managers preferences, can classify as efficient organizations that, in fact, are not. Based on this motivation, the objective of this paper was to evaluate, through a DEA model that incorporates managerial preferences, the efficiency of the 25 superintendencies of the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM), an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. For this purpose, the number of servers in the middle and end areas and, as outputs, the number of mining titles granted in 2016 was considered as input. Manager preferences regarding outputs were incorporated into classical DEA models using the assurance region method. The results showed that when management preferences were incorporated into classic DEA models, the DNPM superintendencies number that showed maximum operational efficiency was reduced from eight to five. For superintendencies classified as inefficient, the benchmarks and performance targets were identified, which is useful, since they can support the action planning aimed at reducing the high liabilities pending processes for analysis by the municipality. This would reduce DNPM's slowness in granting mining bonds, which would stimulate investments in the mineral sector, which is of paramount importance to the Brazilian economy. It should be emphasized that the methods used in this research can be applied in the evaluation of the organizations efficiency whose managers have different preferences on inputs and outputs


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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise do o perfil do professor da educação a distância (EAD) frente à sua competência para lidar com as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (eCompetência) e avaliar o ambiente tecnológico onde o docente atua. Neste intento foram utilizados dois modelos: o modelo proposto por Mendonça e colaboradores (2012) que descreve as e-competências na modalidade EAD para professores do ensino superior; e o modelo de Ajuste entre a Tarefa e a Tecnologia de Goodhue e Thompson (1995), que auxilia descrever em que grau a tecnologia ampara um indivíduo na realização de tarefas. Da combinação dos dois modelos foi desenvolvido um instrumento de mensuração das eCompetência e aceitação de ambiente tecnológico, que foi então testado e analisado quantitativamente dando origem a um novo modelo de análise de perfil docente e discente frente à eCompetência e ambiente tecnológico. Este modelo envolve agrupamento diferente dos originais e novos olhares para a questão