60 research outputs found

    Money, media and the anti-politics of terrorist finance

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    This article offers a critical analysis of the anti-politics of terrorist finance, understood as the particularly depoliticized governing practices enabled in its name. The article conceptualizes 'terrorist finance' not as an unproblematic reality which has elicited a state response, but as a practice of government that works through a number of political or discursive moves. The article begins with an examination of the media battles over the names, numbers and definitions of terrorism finance. It then argues that the 'war on terrorist finance' is not so much about regulating global money flows as it is about governing practices of mediation and social affiliation

    Financial security

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    This essay was originally published in The Routledge Handbook of New Security Studies (Burgess, 2010), and has since become a key reference point in debates on the finance-security nexus. It is reproduced here as a starting point for the present forum, which aims to further advance efforts to conceptualise the relations between finance and security

    Escândalos, marolas e finanças: para uma sociologia da transformação do ambiente econômico

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    European Security Culture : Preemption and Precaution in European Security

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    Ondanks de huidige turbulentie in het Europese integratieproces, worden er door de EU belangrijke stappen genomen op het gebied van veiligheidspolitiek en in de naam van terrorismebestrijding. Een centraal element in de Europese 'veiligheidscultuur' die hier ontstaat, is de nadruk op voorzorg en het aanpakken van dreiging in een zo vroeg mogelijk stadium. Het verbindend element tussen de EU Counterterrrorism Strategy, het nieuwe plan voor een Europees Terrorism Financing Tracking Programme, en de Atalanta-missie tegen piraterij is de nadruk op preventie en het anticiperen op mogelijke toekomstige dreiging. Dergelijke programma's hebben echter implicaties voor transparantie en burgerrechten die op gespannen voet staan met de Europese normatieve ambities