19 research outputs found

    Modulation of Cellular Hsp72 Levels in Undifferentiated and Neuron-Like SH-SY5Y Cells Determines Resistance to Staurosporine-Induced Apoptosis

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    Increased expression of Hsp72 accompanies differentiation of human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells to neuron-like cells. By modulating cellular levels of Hsp72, we demonstrate here its anti-apoptotic activity both in undifferentiated and neuron-like cells. Thermal preconditioning (43°C for 30 min) induced Hsp72, leading to cellular protection against apoptosis induced by a subsequent treatment with staurosporine. Preconditioned staurosporine-treated cells displayed decreased Bax recruitment to mitochondria and subsequent activation, as well as reduced cytochrome c redistribution from mitochondria. The data are consistent with Hsp72 blocking apoptosis upstream of Bax recruitment to mitochondria. Neuron-like cells (with elevated Hsp72) were more resistant to staurosporine by all measured indices of apoptotic signaling. Use of stable transfectants ectopically expressing moderately elevated levels of Hsp72 revealed that such cells in the undifferentiated state showed enhanced resistance to staurosporine-induced apoptosis, which was even more robust after differentiation to neuron-like cells. Overall, the protective effects of differentiation, thermal preconditioning and ectopic Hsp72 expression were additive. The strong inverse correlation between cellular Hsp72 levels and susceptibility to apoptosis support the notion that Hsp72 acts as a significant neuroprotective factor, enabling post-mitotic neurons to withstand potentially lethal stress that induces apoptosis

    Activation of mGlu3 Receptors Stimulates the Production of GDNF in Striatal Neurons

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    Metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors have been considered potential targets for the therapy of experimental parkinsonism. One hypothetical advantage associated with the use of mGlu receptor ligands is the lack of the adverse effects typically induced by ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists, such as sedation, ataxia, and severe learning impairment. Low doses of the mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, LY379268 (0.25–3 mg/kg, i.p.) increased glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) mRNA and protein levels in the mouse brain, as assessed by in situ hybridization, real-time PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. This increase was prominent in the striatum, but was also observed in the cerebral cortex. GDNF mRNA levels peaked at 3 h and declined afterwards, whereas GDNF protein levels progressively increased from 24 to 72 h following LY379268 injection. The action of LY379268 was abrogated by the mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist, LY341495 (1 mg/kg, i.p.), and was lost in mGlu3 receptor knockout mice, but not in mGlu2 receptor knockout mice. In pure cultures of striatal neurons, the increase in GDNF induced by LY379268 required the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways, as shown by the use of specific inhibitors of the two pathways. Both in vivo and in vitro studies led to the conclusion that neurons were the only source of GDNF in response to mGlu3 receptor activation. Remarkably, acute or repeated injections of LY379268 at doses that enhanced striatal GDNF levels (0.25 or 3 mg/kg, i.p.) were highly protective against nigro-striatal damage induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in mice, as assessed by stereological counting of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. We speculate that selective mGlu3 receptor agonists or enhancers are potential candidates as neuroprotective agents in Parkinson's disease, and their use might circumvent the limitations associated with the administration of exogenous GDNF

    Polyglutamine tracts regulate beclin 1-dependent autophagy

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    Nine neurodegenerative diseases are caused by expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts in different proteins, such as huntingtin in Huntington's disease and ataxin 3 in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). Age at onset of disease decreases with increasing polyglutamine length in these proteins and the normal length also varies. PolyQ expansions drive pathogenesis in these diseases, as isolated polyQ tracts are toxic, and an N-terminal huntingtin fragment comprising exon 1, which occurs in vivo\textit{in vivo} as a result of alternative splicing, causes toxicity. Although such mutant proteins are prone to aggregation, toxicity is also associated with soluble forms of the proteins. The function of the polyQ tracts in many normal cytoplasmic proteins is unclear. One such protein is the deubiquitinating enzyme ataxin 3 (refs 7, 8), which is widely expressed in the brain. Here we show that the polyQ domain enables wild-type ataxin 3 to interact with beclin 1, a key initiator of autophagy. This interaction allows the deubiquitinase activity of ataxin 3 to protect beclin 1 from proteasome-mediated degradation and thereby enables autophagy. Starvation-induced autophagy, which is regulated by beclin 1, was particularly inhibited in ataxin-3-depleted human cell lines and mouse primary neurons, and in vivo\textit{in vivo} in mice. This activity of ataxin 3 and its polyQ-mediated interaction with beclin 1 was competed for by other soluble proteins with polyQ tracts in a length-dependent fashion. This competition resulted in impairment of starvation-induced autophagy in cells expressing mutant huntingtin exon 1, and this impairment was recapitulated in the brains of a mouse model of Huntington's disease and in cells from patients. A similar phenomenon was also seen with other polyQ disease proteins, including mutant ataxin 3 itself. Our data thus describe a specific function for a wild-type polyQ tract that is abrogated by a competing longer polyQ mutation in a disease protein, and identify a deleterious function of such mutations distinct from their propensity to aggregate.We thank the Wellcome Trust (Principal Research Fellowship to D.C.R. (095317/Z/11/Z), Wellcome Trust Strategic Grant to Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (100140/Z/12/Z)), National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust and Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS Long-Term Fellowship to A.A.) for funding; R. Antrobus for mass spectrometry analysis; S. Luo for truncated HTT constructs; M. Jimenez-Sanchez and C. Karabiyik for assistance with the primary mouse cell cultures; and J. Lim and Z. Ignatova for reagents

    Do large femoral heads reduce the risks of impingement in total hip arthroplasty with optimal and non-optimal cup positioning?

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    The purpose of this study was to assess whether large femoral heads (36–38 mm) improve the range of motion in total hip arthroplasty compared to standard (28–32 mm) femoral heads in the presence of optimal and non-optimal cup positioning. A mathematical model of the hip joint was generated by using a laser scan of a dried cadaveric hip. The range of motion was assessed with a cup inclination and anteversion of reference and with non-optimal cup positions. Large femoral heads increased the range of motion, compared to the 28-mm femoral head, in the presence of a hip prosthesis correctly implanted and even more so in the presence of non-optimal cup positioning. However, with respect to the 32-mm femoral head, large femoral heads showed limited benefits both in the presence of optimal and non-optimal cup positioning