13 research outputs found

    Peripheral Blood Signatures of Lead Exposure

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    BACKGROUND: Current evidence indicates that even low-level lead (Pb) exposure can have detrimental effects, especially in children. We tested the hypothesis that Pb exposure alters gene expression patterns in peripheral blood cells and that these changes reflect dose-specific alterations in the activity of particular pathways. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: Using Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays, we examined gene expression changes in the peripheral blood of female Balb/c mice following exposure to per os lead acetate trihydrate or plain drinking water for two weeks and after a two-week recovery period. Data sets were RMA-normalized and dose-specific signatures were generated using established methods of supervised classification and binary regression. Pathway activity was analyzed using the ScoreSignatures module from GenePattern. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The low-level Pb signature was 93% sensitive and 100% specific in classifying samples a leave-one-out crossvalidation. The high-level Pb signature demonstrated 100% sensitivity and specificity in the leave-one-out crossvalidation. These two signatures exhibited dose-specificity in their ability to predict Pb exposure and had little overlap in terms of constituent genes. The signatures also seemed to reflect current levels of Pb exposure rather than past exposure. Finally, the two doses showed differential activation of cellular pathways. Low-level Pb exposure increased activity of the interferon-gamma pathway, whereas high-level Pb exposure increased activity of the E2F1 pathway

    Antioxidantes da dieta como inibidores da nefrotoxicidade induzida pelo antitumoral cisplatina Dietary antioxidants as inhibitors of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity

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    A cisplatina é uma droga antineoplásica altamente efetiva contra vários tipos de cânceres humanos, tais como tumores do testículo e ovário, câncer da cabeça e pescoço e câncer do pulmão. Entretanto, a nefrotoxicidade é um dos principais efeitos colaterais da terapia com a cisplatina. A gravidade da nefrotoxicidade induzida pela cisplatina está relacionada com a concentração de platina nos rins. As evidências mostram que a nefrotoxicidade induzida pela cisplatina é atribuída ao dano oxidativo resultante da geração de radicais livres, e que a administração de antioxidantes é eficiente na inibição destes efeitos colaterais. Uma abordagem alternativa para proteger os roedores dos efeitos colaterais da cisplatina é o uso de conhecidos antioxidantes da dieta. Alguns estudos têm sido realizados para diminuir a peroxidação lipídica e os efeitos citotóxicos induzidos pela cisplatina, com o emprego de antioxidantes da dieta, tais como, selenito de sódio, vitaminas C e E, curcumina e o carotenóide bixina. Nós sugerimos que aqueles antioxidantes da dieta têm efeito nefroprotetor, e que os mecanismos antioxidantes destes compostos deveriam ser explorados durante a quimioterapia com a cisplatina.<br>Cisplatin is a highly effective antineoplastic drug used against several types of human cancers, such as testicular and ovarian tumors; head and neck; and lung cancer. However, nephrotoxicity is one of the most important side-effects of cisplatin therapy. The severity of cisplatin nephrotoxicity is related to platinum concentration in the kidneys. There is a growing amount of evidence that cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity is ascribed to oxidative damage resulting from free radical generation and that the administration of antioxidants is efficient in inhibiting these side effects. An alternative approach aiming to protect rodents against cisplatin side-effects is the introduction of known dietary antioxidants. Some studies have been conducted to decrease cisplatin-induced lipid peroxidation and cytotoxic effects by using such dietary antioxidants, including sodium selenite; vitamins C and E; curcumin and the carotenoid bixin. We suggest that these dietary antioxidants have a nephroprotective effect, and that their antioxidant mechanisms should be further explored during cisplatin chemotherapy