73 research outputs found

    Binarne amorfne slitine visokotemperaturnih prijelaznih metala s metalima visoke električne vodljivosti

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    The amorphous alloys of refractory transition metals (Nb, Mo, Ta, W) and good electric conducting metals (Al, Cu, Ag, Au) are studied. The expected glass forming ability and range of amorphous phase formation in such binary systems is examined and compared to the range of actually formed amorphous alloys so far. Data on thermal stability are reviewed. Finally, a set of promising binary combinations is selected for technological application.Razmatraju se amorfne binarne slitine visokotemperaturnih prijelaznih metala (Nb, Mo, Ta, W) s metalima visoke električne vodljivosti (Al, Cu, Ag, Au). Procijenjena je izglednost stvaranja amorfne faze i istražen raspon sastava u kojem se ona realizira. Načinjena je usporedba s rasponima sastava amorfnih slitina pripravljenim raznim postupcima. Prikupljeni su dostupni podaci o toplinskoj stabilnosti razmatranih amorfnih slitina. Konačno, izdvojen je skup binarnih kombinacija razmatranih metala s očekivanim osobinama koje su prikladne za primjenu u visokotemperaturnoj mikroelektronici i antikorozivnoj zaŔtiti

    Remedies against the Croatian Football Associationā€™s Arbitration Court ruling with applicable case law

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    U radu se odgovara na pitanje koja su pravna sredstva dopuÅ”tena protiv pravorijeka Arbitražnog suda Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza. Također, ukazuje se na recentnu praksu Županijskog suda u Zagrebu te Vrhovnog suda RH u postupcima povodom tužbi za poniÅ”taj pravorijeka Arbitražnog suda HNS-a. Koautori radom analiziraju i dopustivost ustavne tužbe pred Ustavnim sudom RH u postupcima koji su zavrÅ”eni pred Arbitražnim sudom HNS-a sa sudskom praksom Ustavnog suda RH.This paper answers the question of what the admissible legal means against the Croatian Football Federation arbitration court rulings are. Furthermore, it points out the recent practice of the Zagreb County Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia in proceedings arising from lawsuits to annul CFF Arbitration Court rulings. Further analysed is the admissibility of Constitutional lawsuits in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia in completed proceedings before the CFF Arbitration Court with court practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia

    Croatian football association federationā€™s Arbitration court with particular reference to the Rulebook of the work of CFFā€™s (HNS) Arbitration court

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    U zadnjih dvadesetak godina nogomet kao sport evoluirao je ne samo na terenu već i ā€izvan terenaā€. Bezbroj je primjera toga no jedan od najznačajnijih primjera u Republici Hrvatskoj zasigurno su nogometni arbitražni sporovi i njihovo rjeÅ”avanje. Nogometni sporovi u pogledu statusnih pitanja igrača, klubova, trenera, kao i onih pitanja u svezi s naknadom za treniranje i razvoj igrača te naknadom na ime mehanizma solidarnosti između klubova i drugih udruga koji pripadaju Hrvatskom nogometnom savezu te vezano uz to i imovinskih sporova koji nastaju između pojedinih subjekata HNS-a (klub-klub, igrač-klub, trener-klub, klub-županijski nogometni savez) rjeÅ”avaju se pred Arbitražnim sudom HNS-a. Koautori ovim radom objaÅ”njavaju način vođenja i rjeÅ”avanja sporova pred Arbitražnim sudom HNS-a, kao i organizacijske i postupovne odredbe Pravilnika o radu Arbitražnog suda HNS-a.Over the last twenty or so years, football as a sport has evolved not only on the field, but also \u27off\u27 the field\u27. There are countless examples, but one of the most significant ones in the Republic of Croatia is certainly football arbitration disputes and their resolution. These are football disputes in the case of issues of players, clubs, coaches, as well as issues related to fees for the coaching and development of players and the fees for mechanisms of solidarity among clubs and of the associations belonging to the Croatian Football Federation. Also related to this, are also the property disputes arising between individual subjects of CFF (HNS) e.g. club-club, player-club, coach-club, club-county football federation) which are resolved before the Arbitration Court of the CFF (HNS). The co-authors in this paper explain the way disputes are led and resolved before the CFF (HNS) Court, as well as the organizational and procedural provisions of the Rulebook on the work of the CFF (HNS) Arbitration Court

    The legal institute of changed circumstances in sports (on the occasion of COVID-19)

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    Ovaj tekst bavi se raskidom ili izmjenom ugovora radi promijenjenih okolnosti, ali sve u svezi sa sportom s jedne strane, a s druge u svezi s koronavirusom, s globalnom pandemijom koja je odlučno označila početak 21. stoljeća. Glede raskida i uopće promijenjenih okolnosti na primjeru sporta, situacija je prilično loÅ”a i postoji insuficijencija kako (posebno onih specijalnih) pravnih normi, tako i prakse, posebno sudske i arbitražne prakse s odlukama na ovu temu. Ovaj tekst ima ambiciju promijeniti sadaÅ”nje stanje na bolje, a prosudba je da je COVID-19 dovoljno snažan povod za poboljÅ”anje pravnog okvira na način da isti učinkovito djeluje ne samo glede nastalih situacija, nego i preventivno, Å”to je posebna kvaliteta dobrog pravnog okvira.This text deals with the termination or amendment of a contract due to changed circumstances, but all in connection on the one hand with sport, and on the other hand with coronavirus, a global pandemic that decisively marked the beginning of the 21st century. Regarding the termination and generally changed circumstances on the example of sports, the situation is quite bad and there is a insufficiency of (especially those special) legal norms, as well as practice and especially court and arbitration practice with decisions on this topic. This text has the ambition to change the current situation for the better, and it is judged that COVID 19 is a strong enough reason to improve the legal framework so that it works effectively not only in situations but also preventively, which is a special quality of a very good legal framework

    Termička stabilnost silicijā€“ugljik amorfnih legura nanesenih magnetronskim izvorima

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    Amorphous a-Si0.85C0.15:H and a-Si0.6C0.4:H alloys were deposited onto a non-heated substrate using a magnetron source. The samples were exposed to a sequential iso-chronal thermal annealing up to 1000 Ā° C in a vacuum chamber, and were investigated by the IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. The influence of the thermal treatment on structural ordering was monitored by the evolution of the intensity and shape of the spectral IR lines corresponding to the Si-H and Si-C bonds. At low temperatures, the most pronounced features were accompanied with hydrogen evolution which completes up to 400 Ā° C. Up to 800 Ā° C the Si-C absorption lines have gradually changed their shape, peak position and intensity. At 900 Ā° C, the abrupt changes occured, denoting final transition to crystalline state.Slojevi amorfnog aāˆ’Si0.85C0.15:H i aāˆ’Si0.6C0.4:H su formirani magnetronskim izvorom, na nezagrijanoj podlozi. Nakon depozicije, uzorci su postepeno grijani u vakuumu do 1000 ā—¦C. Između uzastopnih grijanja vrÅ”ena su mjerenja infraā€“crvenom spektroskopijom i difrakcijom X-zraka. Utjecaj ovakvog termalnog tretmana na strukturno uređenje uzoraka je praćeno razvojem intenziteta i oblika spektralnih linija koje odgovaraju Siāˆ’H i Siāˆ’C vezama. Na nižim temperaturama, najizrazitije promjene su vezane za desorpciju vodika, koja zavrÅ”ava do 400 ā—¦C. Daljnjim grijanjem do 800 ā—¦C, linije postepeno mijenjaju oblik, intenzitet i frekvenciju maksimuma. Grijanje na i iznad 900 ā—¦C uzrokuje nagle promjene, označavajući prijelaz u kristalinično stanje

    Analysis of selected case law of the Croatian Football Association\u27s Arbitration Court regarding termination of employment/playing contract

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    Pred Arbitražnim sudom Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza već se viÅ”e od dvadeset godina vode brojni arbitražni postupci između igrača i trenera te nogometnih klubova. Pritom su zasigurno jedni od najvažnijih i najznačajnijih postupaka oni koji se vode radi otkazivanja ili raskida ugovora, budući da u tim postupcima u slučaju uspjeha u sporu igrač dobiva status tzv. slobodnog igrača te može nesmetano promijeniti klub bez bilo kakvog plaćanja svojem prijaÅ”njem klubu. Za razumijevanje ove problematike važni su poznavanje prakse Arbitražnog suda HNS-a u postupcima otkazivanja ugovora o radu (ugovora o profesionalnom igranju), kao i povezana praksa Sportskog arbitražnog suda u Laussani, te odluke Suda pravde Europske unije. U ovom radu autori će analizirati relevantnu praksu navedenih sudbenih tijela, s naglaskom na komentar u odnosu na najznačajnije dosadaÅ”nje odluke Arbitražnog suda HNS-a u postupcima radi otkazivanja ugovora o radu, ugovora o profesionalnom igranju/treniranju ili ugovora o stipendijskom igranju, a sve to u sportsko-radnim sporovima između klubova i igrača.Numerous arbitration proceedings between players, coaches and football clubs have been conducted before the Court of Arbitration of the Croatian Football Association (HNS) for more than twenty years. At the same time, certainly the most important procedures are exactly those conducted for the purpose of canceling or terminating contracts, since in these procedures, in case of success in the dispute, the player gets the status of the so-called ā€˜ free playerā€™ and can freely change clubs without any payment to his/her former club. In order to understand this issue, it is important to know the practice of the HNS Arbitration Court in disputes regarding canceling of employment contracts (professional playing contracts), as well as the related practice of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne and relevant decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. In this paper, the authors analyze relevant case law of the aforementioned bodies, with an emphasis on the commentary in relation to the most significant decisions of the HNS Arbitration Court in procedures for cancellation of employment contracts, professional playing/coaching contracts or scholarship playing contracts, all of which in sports and labor disputes between clubs and players

    Responsibility for Damages in two cases of Contractual Football Sport Law

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    Koautori u radu iznose dva zanimljiva slučaja ugovornog nogometnog prava, u kojima su UEFA (Curtois case) i Komisija za ovjeru registracija klubova i igrača HNS (Muric case) očito prekoračili svoje ovlasti i osnovna pravila domaćeg i stranog ugovornog prava. Uslijed takvog postupanja nastala je velika Å”teta, posebno u slučaju koji je nazvan Curtois case. Koautori u radu analiziraju je li doÅ”lo do odÅ”tetne odgovornosti u navedenim slučajevima, koji spadaju u klasične ugovorne odnose između klubova i igrača.The co-authors in this paper highlight two interesting cases of contractual football law in which the UEFA (Curtois case) and the Commission for certifying registration of clubs and players HNS (Muric case) obviously overstepped their powers and the fundamental rules of domestic and foreign contractual law. Following such action, considerable damages occurred particularly in the Curtois case. The co-authors analyse whether liability for damages occurred in these two cases which belong to classic contractual relations between clubs and players

    Clinical Utility of Red Cell Distribution Width in Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis

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    Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a measure of the variation of red blood cell width that is reported as a part of standard complete blood count. Red blood cell distribution width results are often used together with mean corpuscular volume (MCV) results to figure out mixed anemia. The aim of our study was to compare the values of RDW in alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis and to determine if RDW follows the severity of disease according to Child-Pugh score. We retrospectively analyzed 241 patients (176 men and 65 women) with liver cirrhosis and anemia, defined as a hemoglobin value <130 g/L in men and <120 g/L in women, which were hospitalized in our Division in a period between 2006 and 2008. Patients were divided in two groups; in first were patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, and in second with non-alcoholic cirrhosis. Severity of disease was determined according to Child-Pugh score. Red blood cells distribution width Normal reference range is 11ā€“15%. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis had 204 patients (85%) while non-alcoholic cirrhosis had 37 patients (15%). In group of alcoholic cirrhosis the average RDW was 16.8%. In relation to severity of disease the average RDW for Child-Pugh A was 16.80%, for Child-Pugh B was 16.92%, for Child-Pugh C was 17.10%. In the group of non-alcoholic cirrhosis the average RDW was 16.73% and in relation to severity of disease for Child-Pugh A was 16.25%, for Child-Pugh B 17.01% and for Child-Pugh C was 16.87%. We didnā€™t find statistically significant difference of RDW between alcoholic and non alcoholic cirrhosis (p>0.05) and we didnā€™t proved any statistically significant increase of RDW in relation to severity of disease in group of alcoholic cirrhosis (p=0.915) nor in group of patients with non-alcoholic cirrhosis (p=0.697). Our study showed that RDW had not any clinical value in differentiation of anemia neither in alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis nor in severity of liver disease

    Cardiac implantable electronic devices and lead removal, single center experience

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    Introduction: Over the past couple of decades, the use of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) has increased significantly. Because of that and because of increased life expectancy of patients, this has led to an increase in the number of the device and lead complications. Consequently, there is a growing need to perform lead removal. Today, lead removal is a specialized procedure with well-defined indications. Indication for lead removal can be infection (infective endocarditis, pocket infection, pocket erosion, bacteremia), lead-related (fracture, insulation defect, dislocation-if the lead cannot be repositioned, dysfunction-for reasons other than lead fracture and insulation defect, CIED upgrade/ need for additional lead(s), perforation) and chronic pain due to a periosteal reaction1. Lead removal can be explantation (removal of leads with a dwell time of less than 1 year and using simple traction), extraction (removal of leads with a dwell time of more than 1 year or with the use of specialized equipment (locking stylets, snares, cutting tools, telescoping and laser sheats) regardless of implant time) and cardiothoracic surgical procedure. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the characteristics, types of devices, and indications for lead removal in 70 patients at University Hospital Centre Zagreb between January 2014 and July 2019. Results: Average patient age was 67.6 years and most patients were male (74.3%). 78.6% of patients were on anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy, and 50% had chronic renal failure or diabetes mellitus. Two most common indications for lead removal were lead dislocation (28 patients) and pocket infection/ erosion (20 patients). Average lead dwelling time was 27.4 months. 38 explantations, 30 extractions, and 2 surgical removals were performed. Total of 99 leads was removed, 1.28 per procedure. Conclusion: The procedure was successful in all patients. There was no recurrence of infection after infected device extraction. Besides 2 cases of pericardial effusion (which were not hemodynamically significant), no other major complication (cardiac tamponade, cardiac avulsion, SVC tear, death) were observed. LITE RATURE 1. Bongiorni MG, Burri H, Deharo JC, Starck C, Kennergren C, Saghy L, et al; ESC Scientific Document Group.2018 EHRA expert consensus statement on lead extraction: recommendations on definitions, endpoints, research trial design, and data collection requirements for clinical scientific studies and registries: endorsed by APHRS/HRS/LAHRS. Europace. 2018 Jul 1;20(7):1217. https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/euy050 Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology Extended Abstrac

    Pleomorphic liposarcoma

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    Pleomorfni liposarkom je najrjeđi i najagresivniji tip liposarkoma koji najčeŔće zahvaća proksimalne dijelove ekstremiteta. Rijedak je u općoj populaciji, s većom incidencijom u starijoj dobi. Prikazujemo slučaj pacijenta starog 65 godina s tumorskom promjenom lokaliziranom u medijalnom proksimalnom dijelu lijevog femura. Nakon ekstirpacije tumora liječen je radioterapijom, a pojavom recidiva terapijskom protokolu dodana je kemoterapija. Terapijske mogućnosti prilagođuju se svakom pacijentu individualno, najčeŔće uključuju kirurÅ”ku ekstirpaciju i radioterapiju, a u pojedinim slučajevima je neizostavna i kemoterapija.Pleomorphic liposarcoma is the rarest and the most aggressive type of liposarcoma which most commonly arises in proximal extremities. It is rare in general population, with a higher incidence in older age. We present a case of a 65-year-old patient with a tumor-related change localized in the medial proximal area of the left femur. After extirpation, the tumor was treated with radiotherapy and subsequently due to recurrence chemotherapy was initiated. Therapeutic options are adapted to each patient individually and most frequently involve surgical extirpation and radiotherapy, while in certain cases chemotherapy is needed as well
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