209 research outputs found

    Quantum back-reaction in a universe with positive cosmological constant

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    Semiclassical techniques have proven to be a very powerful method to extract physical effects from different quantum theories. Therefore, it is expected that in the near future they will play a very prominent role in the context of quantum gravity. In this work we develop systematic tools to derive semiclassical approximations for any quantum theory with one degree of freedom. In our approach, the wave function is decomposed in terms of an infinite set of moments, which encode the complete quantum information of the system. Semiclassical regimes can then be properly described by truncation of this infinite system. The use of efficient computer algebra tools allows us to compute the equations of motion up to a very high order. In this way, we can study very precisely the quantum back reaction of the system as well as the convergence of the method with the considered order. Finally, these tools are applied to the particular case of a homogeneous universe filled with a massless scalar field and positive cosmological constant, which provide interesting physical results.Comment: 4 pages. Proceedings of the Loops'11 conference. Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Statistical moments for classical and quantum dynamics: formalism and generalized uncertainty relations

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    The classical and quantum evolution of a generic probability distribution is analyzed. To that end, a formalism based on the decomposition of the distribution in terms of its statistical moments is used, which makes explicit the differences between the classical and quantum dynamics. In particular, there are two different sources of quantum effects. Distributional effects, which are also present in the classical evolution of an extended distribution, are due to the fact that all moments can not be vanishing because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In addition, the non-commutativity of the basic quantum operators add some terms to the quantum equations of motion that explicitly depend on the Planck constant and are not present in the classical setting. These are thus purely-quantum effects. Some particular Hamiltonians are analyzed that have very special properties regarding the evolution they generate in the classical and quantum sector. In addition, a large class of inequalities obeyed by high-order statistical moments, and in particular uncertainty relations that bound the information that is possible to obtain from a quantum system, are derived.Comment: 14 pages. Minor change

    Quantum-gravitational effects on gauge-invariant scalar and tensor perturbations during inflation: The de Sitter case

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    We present detailed calculations for quantum-gravitational corrections to the power spectra of gauge-invariant scalar and tensor perturbations during inflation. This is done by performing a semiclassical Born-Oppenheimer type of approximation to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, from which we obtain a Schroedinger equation with quantum-gravitational correction terms. As a first step, we perform our calculation for a de Sitter universe and find that the correction terms lead to an enhancement of power on the largest scales.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, clarifications and references added, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Classical and quantum behavior of the harmonic and the quartic oscillators

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    In a previous paper a formalism to analyze the dynamical evolution of classical and quantum probability distributions in terms of their moments was presented. Here the application of this formalism to the system of a particle moving on a potential is considered in order to derive physical implications about the classical limit of a quantum system. The complete set of harmonic potentials is considered, which includes the particle under a uniform force, as well as the harmonic and the inverse harmonic oscillators. In addition, as an example of anharmonic system, the pure quartic oscillator is analyzed. Classical and quantum moments corresponding to stationary states of these systems are analytically obtained without solving any differential equation. Finally, dynamical states are also considered in order to study the differences between their classical and quantum evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 2 columns, 4 figures. Minor change

    Effective dynamics of the hybrid quantization of the Gowdy T^3 universe

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    The quantum dynamics of the linearly polarized Gowdy T^3 model (compact inhomogeneous universes admitting linearly polarized gravitational waves) is analyzed within Loop Quantum Cosmology by means of an effective dynamics. The analysis, performed via analytical and numerical methods, proves that the behavior found in the evolution of vacuum (homogeneous) Bianchi I universes is preserved qualitatively also in the presence of inhomogeneities. More precisely, the initial singularity is replaced by a big bounce which joins deterministically two large classical universes. In addition, we show that the size of the universe at the bounce is at least of the same order of magnitude (roughly speaking) as the size of the corresponding homogeneous universe obtained in the absence of gravitational waves. In particular, a precise lower bound for the ratio of these two sizes is found. Finally, the comparison of the amplitudes of the gravitational wave modes in the distant future and past shows that, statistically (i.e., for large samples of universes), the difference in amplitude is enhanced for nearly homogeneous universes, whereas this difference vanishes in inhomogeneity dominated cases. The presented analysis constitutes the first systematic effective study of an inhomogeneous system within Loop Quantum Cosmology, and it proves the robustness of the results obtained for homogeneous cosmologies in this context.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, RevTex4-1 + BibTe