7,124 research outputs found

    Interaction and Expressivity in Video Games: Harnessing the Rhetoric of Film

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    The film-maker uses the camera and editing creatively, not simply to present the action of the film but also to set up a particular relation between the action and the viewer. In 3D video games with action controlled by the player, the pseudo camera is usually less creatively controlled and has less effect on the player’s appreciation of and engagement with the game. This paper discusses methods of controlling games by easy and intuitive interfaces and use of an automated virtual camera to increase the appeal of games for users

    Flares in Open Clusters with K2. I. M45 (Pleiades), M44 (Praesepe) and M67

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    The presence and strength of a stellar magnetic field and activity is rooted in a star's fundamental parameters such as mass and age. Can flares serve as an accurate stellar "clock"? To explore if we can quantify an activity-age relation in the form of a flaring-age relation, we measured trends in the flaring rates and energies for stars with different masses and ages. We investigated the time-domain photometry provided by Kepler's follow-up mission K2 and searched for flares in three solar metallicity open clusters with well-known ages, M45 (0.125 Gyr), M44 (0.63 Gyr), and M67 (4.3 Gyr). We updated and employed the automated flare finding and analysis pipeline Appaloosa, originally designed for Kepler. We introduced a synthetic flare injection and recovery subroutine to ascribe detection and energy recovery rates for flares in a broad energy range for each light curve. We collected a sample of 1 761 stars, mostly late-K to mid-M dwarfs and found 751 flare candidates with energies ranging from 4⋅10324\cdot10^{32} erg to 6⋅10346\cdot10^{34} erg, of which 596 belong to M45, 155 to M44, and none to M67. We find that flaring activity depends both on TeffT_\mathrm{eff}, and age. But all flare frequency distributions have similar slopes with α≈2.0−2.4\alpha \approx2.0-2.4, supporting a universal flare generation process. We discuss implications for the physical conditions under which flares occur, and how the sample's metallicity and multiplicity affect our results.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, appendix. Accepted to A&

    A nullstellensatz for sequences over F_p

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    Let p be a prime and let A=(a_1,...,a_l) be a sequence of nonzero elements in F_p. In this paper, we study the set of all 0-1 solutions to the equation a_1 x_1 + ... + a_l x_l = 0. We prove that whenever l >= p, this set actually characterizes A up to a nonzero multiplicative constant, which is no longer true for l < p. The critical case l=p is of particular interest. In this context, we prove that whenever l=p and A is nonconstant, the above equation has at least p-1 minimal 0-1 solutions, thus refining a theorem of Olson. The subcritical case l=p-1 is studied in detail also. Our approach is algebraic in nature and relies on the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz as well as on a Vosper type theorem.Comment: 23 page

    Phase separation and electron pairing in repulsive Hubbard clusters

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    Exact thermal studies of small (4-site, 5-site and 8-site) Hubbard clusters with local electron repulsion yield intriguing insight into phase separation, charge-spin separation, pseudogaps, condensation, in particular, pairing fluctuations away from half filling (near optimal doping). These exact calculations, carried out in canonical (i.e. for fixed electron number N) and grand canonical (i.e. fixed chemical potential μ\mu) ensembles, monitoring variations in temperature T and magnetic field h, show rich phase diagrams in a T-μ\mu space consisting of pairing fluctuations and signatures of condensation. These electron pairing instabilities are seen when the onsite Coulomb interaction U is smaller than a critical value Uc_c(T) and they point to a possible electron pairing mechanism. The specific heat, magnetization, charge pairing and spin pairing provide strong support for the existence of competing (paired and unpaired) phases near optimal doping in these clusters as observed in recent experiments in doped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4+y_{4+y} high Tc_c superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spinful Composite Fermions in a Negative Effective Field

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    In this paper we study fractional quantum Hall composite fermion wavefunctions at filling fractions \nu = 2/3, 3/5, and 4/7. At each of these filling fractions, there are several possible wavefunctions with different spin polarizations, depending on how many spin-up or spin-down composite fermion Landau levels are occupied. We calculate the energy of the possible composite fermion wavefunctions and we predict transitions between ground states of different spin polarizations as the ratio of Zeeman energy to Coulomb energy is varied. Previously, several experiments have observed such transitions between states of differing spin polarization and we make direct comparison of our predictions to these experiments. For more detailed comparison between theory and experiment, we also include finite-thickness effects in our calculations. We find reasonable qualitative agreement between the experiments and composite fermion theory. Finally, we consider composite fermion states at filling factors \nu = 2+2/3, 2+3/5, and 2+4/7. The latter two cases we predict to be spin polarized even at zero Zeeman energy.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. (revision: incorporated referee suggestions, note added, updated references

    Storing Flaxseed in Farm-type Bins in South Texas.

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    12 p

    The role of the mentor in professional knowledge development across four professions

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    Purpose - Against a British policy backdrop, which places an ever-increasing emphasis on workplace learning in pre-service professional programmes, this paper investigates the contribution of the mentor to professional knowledge development in nursing, paramedicine, social work and teaching. Approach - Taking the form of a literature review, it explores the influence of policy, professional and theoretical conceptualisations of the mentor role and structural factors influencing the mentor’s contribution to professional knowledge. Findings - Where there are clearly delineated policy obligations for the mentor to ‘teach’ mentees, mentors are more likely to make connections between theoretical and practical knowledge. When this responsibility is absent or informal, they are inclined to attend to the development of contextual knowledge with a consequent disconnect between theory and practice. In all four professions, mentors face significant challenges, especially with regard to the conflict between supporting and assessor roles and the need to attend to heavy contractual workloads, performance targets and mentoring roles in tandem. Practical implications - The authors argue first for the need for more attention to the pedagogy of mentoring and second, for structural changes to workload allocations, career progression and mentoring education. In order to develop more coherent and interconnected professional knowledge between different domains, and the reconciliation of different perspectives, it would be useful to underpin mentoring pedagogy with Bhabha’s notion of ‘third space’. Originality - The paper contributes to the field since it considers new obligations incumbent on mentors to assist mentees in reconciling theoretical and practical knowledge by consequence of policy and takes a multi-professional perspective

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