655 research outputs found

    Cloud water chemistry in Sequoia National Park

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    Interception of cloudwater by forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains may contribute significantly to acidic deposition in the region. Cloudwater sampled in Sequoia National Park had pH values ranging from 4.4 to 5.7. The advance of cold fronts into the Park appears to lead to higher aerosol and gas phase concentrations than are seen under normal mountain-valley circulations, producing higher cloud-water concentrations than might otherwise be expected. Estimates of annual deposition rates of NO_3^−, SO_4^(2−), NH_4^+ and H^+ due to cloudwater impaction are comparable to those measured in precipitation

    Exposure assessment of foodborne pathogens in pork in Belgium

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    The aim of this study was to assess the exposure of the most incident foodborne pathogens in the Belgian meat production chain. The prevalence of Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria monocytogenes were evaluated in carcasses (swabs), retail cuts, minced meat and meat products of pork. The investigation was made each year since 1997, using official methods from the Ministry of Public Health for Salmonella and Campylobacter and the Vidas Listeria monocytogenes method. More than 10 % of each matrix were contaminated with Salmonella. For minced meat and meat products, the contamination rate were respectively round 20 % and 3 – 6 % for Listeria monocytogenes. Under 5 % of minced meat samples were positive for Campylobacter. For minced meat, the contamination has also been assessed according to the location of sampling (agreed, low capacity establishments or retail level). The characterisation of bacterial species allows the comparison between meat and human isolates

    Airborne observations of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the Sacramento Valley of California

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    Airborne measurements of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were taken over the rice growing region of California's Sacramento Valley in the late spring of 2010 and 2011. From these and ancillary measurements, we show that CH4 mixing ratios were higher in the planetary boundary layer above the Sacramento Valley during the rice growing season than they were before it, which we attribute to emissions from rice paddies. We derive daytime emission fluxes of CH4 between 0.6 and 2.0% of the CO2 taken up by photosynthesis on a per carbon, or mole to mole, basis. We also use a mixing model to determine an average CH 4/CO2 flux ratio of -0.6% for one day early in the growing season of 2010. We conclude the CH4/CO2 flux ratio estimates from a single rice field in a previous study are representative of rice fields in the Sacramento Valley. If generally true, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) greenhouse gas inventory emission rate of 2.7×1010g CH4/yr is approximately three times lower than the range of probable CH4 emissions (7.8-9.3×10 10g CH4/yr) from rice cultivation derived in this study. We attribute this difference to decreased burning of the residual rice crop since 1991, which leads to an increase in CH4 emissions from rice paddies in succeeding years, but which is not accounted for in the CARB inventory. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved
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